The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 813: Promise Of Revenge [Third Update]

Making this decision seemed to consume all Nitocris' courage.

So, after she finished speaking, she simply closed her eyes and stood there straight, her whole body stiff, like a zombie.

However, Ye Ting had no response to his speech.

He just sat by the bathtub, saying nothing, looking at her with admiration.

Nitocris waited for a long time, but couldn't get an answer from the other party, and finally couldn't help but open her eyes.

Then she saw Ye Ting's playful expression.

"Do you... do you... agree?"

The female pharaoh asked with a hint of expectation.

"No," Ye Ting's answer made her feel cold. "I didn't say that I traded with you for your body. Who do you think I am?"

"Then...then what are you doing now?!" Nitocris gritted her teeth.

""Seven Sixty", who told you to move so fast?" Ye Ting said as if it had nothing to do with him, "It's all in vain."

"You bastard!" The endless grievance, shyness, humiliation and anger made the female pharaoh finally explode. She completely ignored her current state and just threw herself on Ye Ting.

The small fist hit his chest quickly.

"You bastard, you bastard, you bastard! You actually bully me like this! You annoying bastard!"

Although Nitocris is a demigod and possesses powerful rune spells, in terms of physical strength, she is only slightly stronger than ordinary people and much weaker than Ye Ting.

To Ye Ting, this "little fist punch on your chest" is like coquettishness.

Just as Ye Ting was about to stab her, he suddenly found that the corners of Nitocris's eyes were filled with tears at that moment.

That's right, although I saw her wearing sexy clothes outside before, this was just Egyptian dressing style.

As a female pharaoh, Nitocris is probably more traditional and conservative than anyone else in some aspects. You know, although she was once the queen of Egypt, in fact, she was just an inexperienced girl.

Ye Ting's joke just now was indeed a bit too much for her.

If it weren't for revenge, the young female pharaoh wouldn't have endured it until this moment before bursting out.

After all, a strange man suddenly appeared in her bathroom and looked at her naked, and his original ability was so powerful that she couldn't deal with it.

No matter what kind of girl this kind of thing happens to, the reaction will only be more exciting than hers.

Nitocris reacts like this now because, as a pharaoh, her character is firm and mature enough.

Thinking of this, Ye Ting couldn't help but feel pity for the girl in his arms.

He ignored the girl's venting movements and impulsively hugged her tightly into his arms.

"Don't worry, Nito," he said in the girl's ear, "Don't worry, it was just a joke. As long as I'm here, your hatred will be avenged, don't worry.

Perhaps because she believed Ye Ting's promise, or perhaps she was aware of her own powerlessness, the girl finally gave up beating Ye Ting's chest and began to cry instead.

" bully shameless person, bastard, idiot...big liar!"

"Okay, okay, I'm a big liar," Ye Ting patted her smooth back as if coaxing a child, "Don't worry, no matter what your enemies are, the big liar will kill them for you."

Ye Ting's words seemed to arouse the sadness in her heart, making her cry even harder.

It's hard for this girl. She has to hold a high position at a young age, and she has to compromise with a group of scheming guys, burying her hatred in her heart. In this case, there should be those powerful officials in the entire palace, and she is alone in this place. What kind of pain is it to live in a deep palace without even one person you trust?

Perhaps for her, she can only relax a little when she takes a shower alone.

The appearance of the stranger Ye Ting finally brought a glimmer of light to her who was trapped in darkness, so she could cry loudly and express all her inner grievances in front of him.

Because she knew that although this stranger was dangerous and powerful, he could never be one of those powerful officials - they were not yet qualified to command such an extraordinary being.

In order to prevent his cries from being heard by the palace maid outside the door, Ye Ting set up a soundproof barrier.

After crying for a while, Nitocris finally stopped crying slightly.


With a hint of crying, she looked up at Ye Ting and asked.


"I mean, is the revenge thing true? You just promised me." Nitocris said quickly as if she was afraid that Ye Ting would regret it.

"It's definitely true," Ye Ting replied without hesitation, "I will never go back on what I said."

"Who said that?" The girl snorted, "You just lied to me like that, you big liar..."

...That was just a joke," Ye Ting said a little embarrassed, "Because Nito is too cute, so I wanted to tease you. "

"You rude fellow, are you fooling me as a pharaoh?" Ye Ting's words made Nitocris a little angry, "Cute and so on... When you say that to me, you have no idea at all. You take the majesty of this Pharaoh seriously!"

Seeing Nitocris's "I'm super fierce" expression, Ye Ting almost laughed out loud again.

"Obviously, he is still lying on me, but he still insists on saying that he is majestic. Nito is really cute.

"Ahhh, it's true!"

Ye Ting's teasing made Nitocris feel like she was electrocuted. She suddenly got up from Ye Ting, then returned to her clothes, and put on the dress in a hurry. Only then did she feel better. some.

"You are a rude person. You actually took advantage of me just now. If you can't avenge me properly, I will not forgive you."

Ye Ting nodded as he looked at the girl in front of him who was trying to regain his courage and pretending to be dignified.

"Definitely, since I promised you, your enemies are my enemies and I will not let them go.

Perhaps feeling that her unilateral request was a bit excessive, Nitocris then whispered.

"If...I mean if, if you can really avenge me, I can agree to you no matter what the conditions are...even...even the condition just now is no problem.

The conditions just mentioned naturally refer to physical conditions.

Looking at the arrogant and fearful girl 1.5, Ye Ting's voice couldn't help but become much gentler.

Although she put on such a tough look, in fact, she was still a little panicked inside.

It's no wonder that she doesn't have much leverage in front of the mysterious and powerful Ye Ting. As long as Ye Ting wants, he can do whatever he wants from her without paying any price. It's no wonder that she feels so insecure.

"I admit that His Highness the Pharaoh's beauty is very attractive," Ye Ting said warmly, "However, I will definitely not threaten His Highness the Pharaoh in this way. Don't worry, you must be able to accept my conditions in other aspects. of."

Surprised that Ye Ting was so easy to talk to, Nitocris looked into his eyes blankly.

Finally she smiled from the bottom of her heart.

"Well, we have an agreement."

"It's a deal."

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