The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 825: Research On Divine Runes [Third Update]

Compared to Nitocris, Ye Ting's learning of Egyptian runes and spells was very smooth.

In fact, among the gods of Egypt, although the ruler on the surface is the sun god Ra, and the nine pillar gods he gave birth to.

But generally speaking, Shu, the air god, and Tefnut, the lake god, who are the second generation of the nine pillar gods, and Geb, the earth god, and Nut, the sky god, who are the third generation, generally do not have much sense of existence.

Although these four gods are in charge of important concepts in the world, they have always adhered to the tradition of the Heliopolis pantheon. Apart from maintaining basic stability, they have not been involved in worldly affairs for a long time.

Heraberry is the most active part of the pantheon, and the core part is centered on the sun and has concepts about life and death.

The god Ra sailed in the sky and the underworld in two solar ships named "Mandjet" (ship of ten thousand years) and "Mesektet" respectively during the day and night.

These ships carried him through the sky and the Duat, the underworld of ancient Egypt. Re, seated on the Mesektite ship, assumes the form of the ram god.

When the solar boat sails in the underground world, it has to pass through 12 passes and sections. Each pass is guarded by Ghosts and fire-breathing snakes. The most dangerous seventh pass is guarded by Apophis, the snake of Chaos (820). At dawn, Ra will pass through all the passes, walk out of the gate of the underground world, reappear in the sky, and the earth will usher in light.

Thus, night and day are forever alternating, and light and darkness are forever fighting. Another reason why the god Ra is respected is because he is related to the souls of death. The sun boat enters the waters of Hades from the Sunset Mountain. After the decedent soul is liberated from the body, it will wait for the sun boat in the valley, and Ra is the pilot of the sun boat.

For this reason, in the Heliopolis pantheon headed by the sun, the power of life and death is closely linked to the rising and setting of the sun.

With the further development of the pantheon, the authority of Ra was gradually divided.

In the Heliopolis pantheon, Osiris is the god of the underworld, a descendant of Ra, and the ruler of the generation before Horus.

However, in fact, Ye Ting did not know until now that Osiris and his child Horus represented more.

Osiris, Horus and Ra are actually a trinity of gods, but they were divided into three in order to maximize the use of the power of the priesthood.

In the Heliopolis pantheon, life and death always correspond to the sun at different times.

As the master of the underworld, Osiris, who is said to have been castrated, has lost important vitality, symbolizing the sunset in the evening.

And his son Horus, whose name means the rising sun, is exactly in contrast to Osiris, who symbolizes the setting sun.

In fact, Ra is regarded as the noon sun, the creator of all life, Osiris is the sun sinking into the sea, the god of the underworld in charge of death, and Horus is the reborn sun, the patron saint of his pharaohs. These three gods are actually one body, symbolizing the three forms of the sun. They are a complete cyclic system, expressing the concept of reincarnation and rebirth, and are also the core mysteries of the Heliopolis pantheon.

Definitely, although Ra is divided into three, in some cases, the three will be organically combined together.

For example, Horus, as the last master of the Heliopolis pantheon, merged with Ra and was called Horus-Ra. In this way, he ascended to the throne of the ruler of the pantheon.

As a pharaoh, Nitocris is regarded as the son of Horus and has a great connection with the Egyptian underworld. The magical arts she is good at are basically based on the core of Egypt, which is Horus-Ra- Osiris, the divine magic of the Trinity.

These magical arts, as the essence of the power of the Egyptian gods, gave Ye Ting great inspiration.

Ye Ting decomposed the Egyptian rune spells again and deduced the divine runes into magical runes. Compared with the divine runes that call upon the power of gods, magical runes are naturally more complex, and the power they can generate is directly related to the caster. , rather than gods, which results in the effect of magic runes generally being lower than that of divine runes. (bbeg)

However, magic runes have their own unique advantages, that is, even people who are not believers of gods can use spells after learning magic runes.

Even for Ye Ting, it is quite difficult to completely decompose the magical runes and create the corresponding magic runes.

As a test subject, the first batch of runes transformed by Ye Du were not many.

For example, the rune "Ka" representing the soul symbolizes the spirit and soul.

For example, the rune "Nebu" representing gold symbolizes the body of God, immortality and other meanings.

For Ye Ting, translating and creating magic runes is quite time-consuming, but having the magical runes first has saved him a lot of work.

After all, deducing magic directly from the power of the Gods is a huge project.

However, even if magic runes are created through divine runes, it is not an easy task to establish a complete system of Egyptian magic.

But Nitocris' revenge cannot be delayed for too long.

So Ye Ting's top priority was naturally to convert Medjed's power into magic.

It is not a simple matter to express Medjed's power into magical runes.

Although Medjed is not a powerful god, he is unique in the field of concealment.

It is not easy to hide Ye Ting's concealment method.

With the help of Nitocris, it took Ye Ting three or four days to create several new magical runes from Medjed's divine power. These runes were combined with some of the existing runes. , finally able to use divine magic to release the Egyptian magical version of the "ultimate invisibility technique".

But this is not enough, Ye Ting also needs to convert these new runes into magic runes one by one.

For Ye Ting, this step was a hard work.

After spending several more days, Ye Ting finally completed this step.

Next, just by learning these magic runes, Nitocris can release a spell that can be compared to the "ultimate invisibility" in arcane magic. With this spell, Nitocris can be invisible. She unknowingly sneaked into the homes of the ministers who killed her brother and exacted divine revenge on them one by one.

Facts have proved that Ye Ting's decision to spend all his efforts to decipher the magical runes and let Nitocris learn "Egyptian magic" was the right one.

Compared to the "Ultimate Invisibility Spell" that she couldn't learn after repeated studies in the past, this spell called "Mejed's Invisibility Spell" is much simpler for her.

It only took one day for Nitocris to master this magic skillfully with her ability of divine runes without much magic foundation.

Then, her revenge will begin. .

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