The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 828: Sad Revenge [Sixth Update]

Before the assassination, Ye Ting also taught Nitocris a simple magic - the exorcism spell.

This spell exists in many worlds. The purpose is usually for the casters to drive away mortals and prevent them from discovering the secrets of magic. At the same time, they also prevent them from being affected by the mysterious world.

Before the assassination, Nitocris did not forget to use this magic, which also prevented outsiders from accidentally entering the "murder" scene and discovering that the minister had been assassinated.

As for those "inmates", except for the target, all of them were knocked unconscious by Nitocris.

However, Nitocris sent the dagger into the heart of the sleeping Chancellor.

There was no hesitation or regret.

When she actually kills, Nitocris is as calm as an old killer who has been there for many years, cold, decisive, and merciless.

Definitely, after the assassination, she immediately showed her timidity.

First there was the excitement and joy of getting revenge, and then there was the nausea after the murder.

People who have never killed anyone will not understand the fragility of life.

Even for such a big person, being deprived of life is no more difficult than crushing an ant.

Now Nitocris truly feels the fragility and insignificance of life, and also truly feels the existence she will have to master and face in the future.

Then, not surprisingly, Nitocris vomited.

First vomiting, then soft sobbing.

For such a kind-hearted female pharaoh who is dedicated to the people, killing and taking away a person's life with her own hands - even if this person is her enemy - is something that she cannot accept.

Looking at the pitiful Nitocris with red eyes, Ye Ting even had the urge to immediately emerge from his hiding place, hold this girl who shouldered the responsibility of a country at such a young age in his arms, and comfort her lovingly.

However, he did not do such a thing in the end.

Because he knew that all of this was a process that Nitocris had to go through and a responsibility that she had to bear.

If she can't even carry a few lives, how can she carry a country in the future?

Therefore, at the moment, Ye Ting could only watch Nitocris go through pain.

She can only get through this on her own.

Only if she can hold on and show her awareness of taking human lives, can she truly become an excellent pharaoh in the future.

Fortunately, Nitocris's qualifications and magnanimity were as extraordinary as Ye Ting imagined.

After just sobbing for a while, she slowly recovered.

Although her eyes were still red, her eyes recovered from the previous helplessness and confusion and became determined.

After carving several symbols on the bedside of the Chancellor of Finance, Nitocris finally regained her strength and left here.

She walked towards her next target's home.

That night, Nitocris did something that she could not imagine in the past.

Throughout the night, Nitocris traveled throughout Memphis and visited dozens of homes.

Among these dozens of people were Sivir of Upper and Lower Egypt, a chief judge, a minister of finance, several generals, priests of Re, Horus, and Osiris, etc.......

Without exception, these people were the masterminds behind the murder of her brother, Melaram II, and they were also the dozens of people who now held power in Egypt.

For Nitocris, this night's assassination was not only a technical job, but also a physical job.

After all, she was going to visit their houses all over Memphis.

And these people all hold huge power and wealth, have countless slaves under their command, and have guards working for them.

In order to ensure that there would be no accidents, the "unparalleled assassin" Nitocris naturally knocked out all the relatives and servants of these people. According to Ye Ting's calculations, throughout the night, Nitocris would Knocked out thousands of people.

With such a huge number, if Nitocris hadn't been a demigod and her physical strength was far superior to that of a mortal, she wouldn't have had the strength to knock out so many people even if her own muscles were weak.

In short, Nitocris did it all.

When he gave the last blow and killed Vi Hill of Upper Egypt who had been suffering from "mania" for several days and was also her biggest enemy.

When she returned to the palace tremblingly, in the imperial garden, she lifted her cloak in front of Ye Ting, who had been waiting for a long time.

This poor girl, troubled by hatred, was already in tears.

"I was pushed to the position of puppet pharaoh by those in power who despised the gods. In addition to the glory of God, my throne contained more

Woohoo, it must be stained red with blood.

But I must never forget my brothers who were killed one by one, nor the regret and unwillingness of the former kings, nor can I forgive those low-class people who dare to play with the throne of the glorious Pharaoh.

Finally, I can punish those who dare to disrespect the throne of Pharaoh, who is king and god, and punish those who dare to attack my beloved brothers.

Thank you, Thoth, thank you for giving me this opportunity. If it weren't for you, I might...have to use my own life as a sacrifice to avenge this great revenge. "

"That's not the case," Ye Ting shook his head, wiped the tears from the girl's face, and comforted, "This is all your own efforts and their retribution. In short, everything is over, isn't it?" 390

"Yes, everything is over." Nitocris burst into tears and smiled, "But no matter how you comfort me, I know that this opportunity for personal revenge was given to me by you, and I can't do it alone. at this point."

With that said, she took Ye Ting to the main hall of the palace.

Lifting up the carpet, a large cellar door appeared on the ground. Open the door and go down the stairs into a dark room of huge amounts.

The room was so huge and empty. After lighting the torch, Ye Ting saw that the overall decoration of the room was indeed very gorgeous, but there were still some parts that looked shabby because they had not been decorated. On the four walls of the room were the symbols of Horus. Eye pattern.

"Did you see it?" Pointing to the Eye of Horus on the four walls of the huge room, Nitocris introduced, "This is the underground palace I built for revenge, but it has not been completed yet. If it hadn't been As you say, I plan to bring the dignitaries here on the pretext of harvest celebration after the construction here is completed. There is a mechanism behind these Eyes of Horus, which is connected to the sluice of the Nile. When the time comes, I will close the palace door and open the sluice. , let these guilty persons drown in the blue waters of the Nile."

"Then what?" Ye Ting asked softly.

"Then?" Nitocris smiled a little sadly, "Naturally, they have to cut themselves off to avoid being retaliated by their henchmen."

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