The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 835: Destruction And Then Establishment [First Update]

The people's fanatical support for the Pharaoh and their hatred of corrupt officials once made the situation out of control.

But Nitocris soon found the rhythm of her speech.

"I'm very happy that everyone can trust me so much." Nitocris's voice silenced the voices of the people again, "I can really guarantee with my chest that I have no intention of harming this country, but the fact is, My inaction did allow those who abused their power to betray my trust and cause harm to this country."

"Fortunately, just a few days ago, these people suffered their retribution and fell into the abyss of death. Anubis will judge them for their crimes during their lifetime."

"Although I don't know who caused all this, whether it was a god or a righteous assassin, but as the worms of the country, they are indeed dead."

Having said this, Nitocris' tone softened slightly, and people's moods also calmed down a bit.

But the twist that followed captured people's hearts.

"So, is Egypt really ready to become glorious again?" Nitocris asked loudly.

Without waiting for anyone to answer, she gave the answer herself.

"No, no." She shouted460: "Although the chief culprits of Egypt's enemies are gone, I still want to say that Egypt today is still suffering from unprecedented disasters!"

Nitocris' words caused exclamations, and the officials had already noticed that there was something wrong with her words.

"People of Egypt, what I want to tell you now is that those dead officials are just a few of the larger worms in Egypt. They also have countless accomplices and subordinates. These enemies of Egypt are everywhere. Among the ministers, they are everywhere in the temples, and even more in the army and the palace! Although their leader has died, they can elect a new leader at any time, and now they are conspiring to push Egypt into the abyss!"

After hearing this, the ministers in the audience understood everything and Nitocris's plan.

The purpose of this gathering of the Egyptian female pharaoh was not at all to select candidates for vacant positions.

Her purpose is simply to bring them all together and eliminate the root causes.

And the people who surrounded them now were the source of strength that the Pharaoh relied on.

You know, although Nitocris can at least get the support of the Memphis City Guards and other garrison troops by relying on her reputation among the people, most of this support comes from the soldiers at the bottom.

However, for these officials, no matter how many soldiers supported the Pharaoh, it was enough as long as they could bribe the officers.

After all, although a large number of low-level soldiers are difficult to bribe, they can still seduce a few officers with money and status.

You know, even if the lower-level soldiers gather together to have huge power, they are just ordinary soldiers after all. Without the organization of the commander, they can't do anything at all.

This greatly limits what Nitocris can allow them to do.

At best, Nitocris's influence can only ensure that they don't rebel.

Therefore, in the minds of the officials, the only power of Nitocris that they feared was the strange assassination ability that seemed to come from the foreign visitor.

The grand ceremony of electing bureaucrats in public makes such assassination capabilities useless.

Is it still called assassination if it is an assassination in public?

And wanton massacre of government officials without trial is not something that should be done even for the law.

This is why these officials agreed and participated in this meeting.

Definitely, the fundamental reason is their fear of assassinating Ability - in their view, this meeting means that His Highness the Pharaoh is trying to use the residual power of the assassination to gain power. After that, such assassinations should not happen again. Appeared. After all, if such accidents occur again and again, even (bbej) Pharaoh will be despised.

Assassination is an act that violates the bottom line of mankind no matter which civilized society it is in.

Without this deterrent effect, these officials would let Nitocris taste their power and the feeling of being ignored again.

Politics is not something that an innocent little girl like you can afford.

However, now they realize that they were wrong.

The little girl in their eyes is actually a real ruler who is ruthless enough.

She never paid attention to their little schemes.

Because her plan from the beginning was to eliminate the roots.

They thought that His Highness the Pharaoh could do nothing to them in broad daylight, but in fact, Nitocris wanted to catch them all in one fell swoop.


They thought that without them, there would be no one to maintain the government institutions. They were indispensable for the complete operation of the Egyptian administrative organs, so Nitocris could not bypass them at all.

But they were wrong again. In fact, at the moment, Nitocris, under the guidance of Ye Ting, had completely made up her mind to break through and stand up again, and would never allow these corrupt factors to cause anything to the Egyptian dynasty again. Influence.

As for losing them, how will the government function?

Sorry, it's hard to find people who want to move bricks. There are as many people as there are who want to be officials.

However, even if they are aware of Nitocris' plan now, what can they do?

Outside the square, Egyptian people surrounded them on three levels inside and three outside. They had nowhere to escape.

Among the soldiers who maintained order, many officers were indeed bribed by them, but in this case, it was impossible for the officers to disobey the Pharaoh's orders face to face.

As for the Pharaoh herself, not only is she a strong person, she also has a suspected "master assassin" beside her. It is obviously not possible to solve the problem by controlling the Pharaoh.

As a result, now they can only sit tremblingly in place, waiting for death and praying at the same time. Nitocris's speech is just a talk.

At this time, Nitocris's speech was still continuing.

"People of Egypt, do you know? In the past, how much I wanted to change all this. I love this country, and she also loves you as Egyptian people! I want to abolish many unnecessary taxes, many I want to implement policies that are convenient for the people, I want to punish many people who have committed heinous crimes, and I want to do many things to make this country prosperous and strong again, so that you can be happy - but I couldn't do it in the past, why is this?"

"Because for a long time, my decrees could not even leave the palace. In other words - without the sudden death of these sinners, I would have been a puppet manipulated by the ministers."

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