In order to participate in official appointments, senior officials from all of Memphis and Egypt are now concentrated in the square.

So now, one by one, they have no chance to escape or connect in private, and they have become Nitocris's "prisoners".

Most of these officials were in panic. After all, as those who hold power, it is common for them to use their power for their own benefit. In this circle, almost everyone is inevitably involved in it. This kind of thing can only be divided into File size.

Everyone has shit on their butts, so everyone is restless.

But soon, many of them calmed down.

Although Nitocris is now in control of the situation, the pharaoh seems to have made up his mind to subvert everything even if the country falls into unmanaged chaos. But the question is, what does she know? Woolen cloth?

In other words, how much did the Pharaoh know about the sins that none of them had committed?

You must know that trial is different from assassination. Assassination can take the life of the enemy indiscriminately.

But a trial requires evidence.

At least there has to be a crime, right?

But does Nitocris have these?

Don't be ridiculous, this female pharaoh had never had any power in her hands before today. She had only relied on herself.

Before this, she had no army to take orders from, no spies to collect intelligence for her, and not even a staff member who was completely loyal to her.

In this way, she can only see some crimes that can be seen on the surface.

Even if she knew what kind of corruption the country had suffered and what the crux was, how could she know what role everyone present played in this and how disgusting they had done?

Rely on the common people to expose?

This is not a trial of some evil forces or robbers and village tyrants.

Although compared with the complex politics of modern times, due to productivity reasons in the ancient Egyptian period, the country's governance was not very complicated and the government structure was relatively simple. But even so, participating in politics was a relatively professional job with a certain threshold.

In other words, ordinary people can see that the common people are cheating, ordinary people can see that the judge who collects black money is looking down on human life, and the tax officer must be able to see the cheating, but what about the others?

How can ordinary people see the financial misappropriation by financial officials?

How could an ordinary soldier find out that a general in an army was taking empty pay and embezzling credit?

Personnel officials are nepotistic and give and receive privately. How can the common people get in touch with them?

What's more, some officials and businessmen collude and accept bribes... Many officials corrupt the country and harm the public and private interests in ways that are completely unheard of and unseen by ordinary people. It is simply a dream to rely on ordinary people to expose and report.

Thinking this way, some officials felt a lot more relaxed.

Especially those middle-level officials.

Compared with high-level officials, whose every move is under the eyes of the Pharaoh, the Pharaoh should know their crimes; while low-level officials have direct contact with the common people, and any bad things they do will be reported on the spot.

But they are different. Their crimes may only be known to their colleagues, but as for others...

However, they underestimated the power of magic and the pharaoh's methods.

Nowadays, after experiencing that night of killing her enemy with her own hands, Nitocris is no longer the naive girl she used to be (in every sense of the word).

The person she is now is different from the person she was originally in Xingyue World.

Originally, after she completed her revenge, she committed suicide to avoid revenge, so even if she became a Heroic Spirit, she was just a girl with certain political abilities who had been a pharaoh for several years but never really held power.

But now, after experiencing the test of the soul, completely opening up her heart, and receiving guidance from Ye Ting, she is now a somewhat immature politician with sufficient means and determination.

She can use assassination to kill her enemies, and she will naturally use some special means to obtain charges and evidence.

The Egyptian officials are just mortals. In the face of magic, their ordinary will has no power to resist.

So, contrary to what the officials knew, although Nitocris did not have any capable subordinates or any intelligence sources, she could obtain any information she wanted with just the spell of Hypnotic Ability.

In fact, she made preparations before preparing for today's public trial.

So, as soon as she came up, she gave all the officials a slap in the face.

The first person to be tried was an official of the Minister of Finance.

The Minister of Finance is one of the few officials who holds the highest power in Egypt. The Minister of Finance lost his life due to the assassination of Nitocris some time ago. After that, this subordinate officer was the most powerful person in this position. One of the competitors.

Before today, he was still communicating with everyone, hoping that he could be appointed or dismissed as the new Minister of Finance at today's conference.

However, now he sadly discovered that not only was his dream shattered, but he had also become the subject of judgment.

At the moment, he was firmly controlled by two soldiers, and in front of him, a small clerk affiliated with the Egyptian Central Court was reading out his crime.

The clerk was originally born as a commoner, and he was lucky enough to get this position because of his intelligence. However, before today, the financial officer was sure that without any background, he would not have any chance to go further.

He had always looked down upon such a little person, but now, he had to bow his head in front of this little person.

And from the mouth of this court clerk, his crimes were narrated.

"Financial Officer Mike was charged with accepting a bribe of xxx amounting to xxx amounting to RMB 1.4 on x, month x, year x, and giving xxx the convenience of xxx, and on x, month x, year x, he was privately appointed to the official position of xxx... ..

In short, one by one, the real and specific crimes came out of his mouth, as if he...or the person who wrote the crimes had seen them with his own eyes.

At this time, the financial officer named Mike was dumbfounded.

How did that happen?

He originally thought that although he had done some evil things, made some decisions that harmed the country, and accepted some bribes, the evil deeds most likely to be known to the Pharaoh would be participating in the formulation of many exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. After all, that was all Pharaoh could understand at the time.

But how did these relatively trivial crimes such as bribery and nepotism become known to the Pharaoh?

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