Under the influence of this terrible legion spell, thousands of people lost their lives in an instant, and more people became blind.

The power of legion spells is evident.

Definitely, the magician regiment's legion spells alone cannot really defeat the entire army.

In fact, it is not an economical decision to directly put magicians into war and use spells to kill people.

It can even be said that the magician regiment's lethality in war is basically equivalent to that of archers.

For the entire army, these thousands of people are less than half of all of them. If the army is larger, these casualties will be even smaller for them.

This kind of killing is similar to thousands of archers firing at the enemy more than ten times.

For the archers, firing more than ten volleys basically exhausted all their strength.

And today's Magician group has been completely overloaded after casting such a powerful spell, and it is impossible to cast any more spells in a short period of time.

Judging from the difficulty of training magicians and archers, magicians not only have terrible intellectual requirements, but everyone who can become a magician is one in a million, and the cost of practicing magic is astronomical. Compared with the same lethality, The magician regiment or the archer army is easier to form.

However, even if there were such and such reasons, Nitocris and Ye Ting were still determined to let the Magician group go to the battlefield.

Because they cause the same damage, the effects of magic and bows and arrows are different.

For most people, killing people with bows and arrows is understandable, but magic is incomprehensible.

Compared with bows and arrows, magic killing either has gorgeous sound and light effects, or is weird and confusing. No matter what, while using magic to cause damage to the enemy, it will also cause huge amounts of psychological blow to the opponent.

Just like now...

"The sun god is angry!"

"Pharaoh has the power of Ra, we are no match for her!"

"God's retribution has arrived!"

Nitocris realized that the enemy in front of her was now in chaos under the attack of Yang Yan.

Especially people whose eyes are blinded by the scorching sun.

The light like the scorching sun was regarded by these ignorant mortals as divine punishment from the sun god Ra. Combined with the identity of the enemy leader Pharaoh, it is easy to imagine why such divine punishment appeared.

If the enemy is really the son of God and can really trigger divine punishment, can this battle still be fought?

How can man make war with God?

So they began to fall into confusion and began to retreat.

Even though only half of them were affected by the magic, the remaining people did not dare to stay any longer and retreated towards the city.

Simply defeated.

And what about Meribra, the only one who can lead them and stop this chaos?

It's a pity that because this leader was too far forward in the formation, he had long been turned into ashes in the light of "La's Sun Flame Explosion".

Seeing that the enemy was beginning to retreat, Nitocris finally gave the order to attack.

Then, the chariot formation in the formation began, and a loud "rumbling" sound was heard on the battlefield.

The war horses pulled the chariot and charged towards the enemy with thunderous momentum.

The chariot troops of the Heracleiopolis Army had long been wiped out by the explosion of sun flames, and most of the remaining people were infantry.

Although they wanted to escape, there was no way human legs could outrun horses and wheels.

Soon, Nitocris's chariot army tore a hole in the middle of the fleeing enemies. Except for those who ran at the front, the rest of the enemy troops fled to both sides for fear of being blocked by the chariot. was crushed to death on the road.

On the flanks, the light cavalry also quickly attacked the enemy. The riders of these cavalry were all skilled in equestrian skills. They held the reins in one hand and the curved-edged sword in the other, and rushed forward with a pinch on the horse's belly.

They continuously launched attacks on the enemy's flanks, shouting strangely while using their curved-edged swords to cut off the enemy's heads, smashing the enemy into pieces.

Behind them, the infantry formed a scattered and undisorganized line, and moved their troops to cover up the enemy.

Many enemy soldiers who had no time to escape were cut down to the ground, and many more knelt down and begged for surrender.

The outcome of this war is already determined.

On the golden chariot, Nitocris was lying lazily in Ye Ting's arms. The charming atmosphere was completely incompatible with the entire battlefield.

The female guard in charge of driving still looked at her nose and heart, driving the chariot wholeheartedly, pretending not to be aware of what was happening behind her.

Ye Ting hugged the female pharaoh and moved his hands irregularly on her body, while the girl let out a sweet moan in response to his movements.

Don't get me wrong, the reason why the two of them are like this is because the high-level magic that has just undergone multiple super-magic strengthening is quite a huge amount of consumption even for this magic queen. You know, such a spell consumes even more than some legendary spells. big.

…Please give me flowers…

Although Nitocris is powerful now, she is not as invincible as Ye Ting. Even with the help of the magician group, what really makes the spell effective is the magic power in the source. Now in her body The magic power is still drying up.

The drying up of the magic circuit made Nitocris feel uncomfortable for a while, so Ye Zhong had to find ways to replenish her ten times.

"It's a pity that you can't replenish magic directly on the battlefield."

Ye Ting angrily gave up the idea of ​​"car shock" and conveyed magic power to the female pharaoh with peace of mind.

With great difficulty, Nitocris finally came to her senses. She looked at the enemies in front of her who were fleeing towards Heracleiopolis and said with great interest.

"Let's hurry up, catch up with them, and then attack the city directly."


"No need."

Ye Ting shook his head.

"Why? Obviously as long as we pursue them in one breath, we can occupy this city."

Nitocris looked at the man next to her in confusion.

"This is for longer-term interests," Ye Ting explained patiently, "The Yang Yan Explosion you used this time has scared these people out of their courage. Everyone in these defeated troops regards you as the incarnation of La. This At this time, we should let them go, give them a chance to return to the city, and give them a chance to escape.

Nitocris continued to look at him with puzzled eyes.

"This is because we want them to spread your reputation further - you can't be satisfied just by occupying Heracleiopolis. If so, I can definitely catch up with them in one go and take advantage of the opportunity. Capture the city and capture them all, but if you want to recover more land in the shortest time, then these broken soldiers are your best helpers.

"After Melibula is defeated, Heracleiopolis is destined to be captured, but without your liquidation, these defeated troops will flee here and flee to other places, and in the process they will let you Your name, your power as the 'Incarnation of God' has spread throughout Egypt. With these achievements and various rumors, other rebels simply don't dare to fight you when they face you. Believe it or not, In future wars, many rebels will surrender when they encounter you."

"I see," Toklis looked at Ye Ting Qingguang, "As expected of you, I have learned a lesson from you again."

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