The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 854 Education And Talent Selection [Fifth Update]

"So, there is nothing we can do against them?" After hearing Ye Ting describe the disadvantages of punishing these nobles, Nitocris pursed her lips unwillingly, "Obviously they said that about you... ....”

"No, in fact there is still a way," Ye Ting said with a malicious smile, "but this method will cost some money."

"It doesn't matter," Nitocris waved her hand and said boldly, "The wealth of the princes and nobles who confiscated their homes at the beginning has not been used up. In this wave of recovering the lost land, so many rebellious homes have been confiscated, so the money is not needed at all. over."

"I didn't expect Nito to be a little rich woman now," Ye Ting teased, and then said, "Actually, it's very simple to deal with these nobles, just start where they care most."

"What do they care about most?" Nitocris bit her lip and thought, looking particularly attractive, "Money? Territory? No, it's official position and power. Do you want to find someone to share their official position?"

"Smart!" Ye Ting patted the girl's little hand in praise, "If more civilians are promoted to share their official positions, will it make them feel a headache and unable to do anything?"

"That's for sure!"

Nitocris smiled happily, but then she became confused.

"But when it comes to the ability to be an official and handle affairs, how can civilians compare with these guys who have been in high positions for generations? We have punished most of the officials in Memphis before.

Most of the newly promoted officials who have performed better were born into nobles. Those officials born into common people often have problems of this kind. It’s not like you don’t know.

"Yes, I definitely remember," Ye Ting nodded, and then asked, "Then do you still remember how we solved this problem at that time?"

"It's definitely you who personally teaches them how to be officials,"

Speaking of this, Nitocris was extremely proud.

"Many officials are still calling you teacher now. We should really let those nobles understand this and see if they have any other reasons to treat you."~

"Yes, yes," Ye Ting smiled slightly, "If we follow the same pattern, won't they have a chance to see this?"

"You mean, you want to personally teach a group of officials who were born as civilians?"

Nitocris was looking forward to it, but also felt a little distressed.

"Don't you still have to teach those magic apprentices? In addition, you also have to spend time translating magic runes. Isn't this a little too busy?"

Nitocris didn't want to let Ye Ting increase his workload.

Ye Ting felt warm after being cared about so much by Nitocris, and comforted him: "It's definitely not that troublesome. In fact, we can write a special textbook to teach them how to be an official, and then let them learn it on their own. alright."

"This is a good idea," Nitocris's eyes lit up, "This way, we won't have to worry about the lack of talents in the future."

"Yes," Ye Ting smiled and nodded, "In the future, everyone, including those born in noble families, who want to be an official must pass a special examination. Only those who do well in the examination can be selected as officials. Those who do not do well in the examination can be selected as officials. , no matter how good his birth is, he cannot be allowed to harm the officialdom."

"Yeah, uh-huh."

Next, the situation becomes very strange.

As Ye Ting spoke, Nitocris nodded seriously while still sitting with notes in her hands.

With her intelligence, she couldn't tell that from Ye Ting's mouth, the entire set of relevant teaching materials, official selection exams, and methods of setting up schools to recruit civilian students was a complete and mature system.

With this system, she no longer needs to worry about the shortage of talents. Except for the theological part, most of the textbooks proposed by Ye Ting are quite useful knowledge. People who learn these can't be officials even , relying on the knowledge of mathematics, geography, organization and scheduling, etc., it can be used even as a businessman or joining the army.

Definitely, Nitocris also understood the theological parts quite well. This was the most critical part, ensuring the officials’ support and loyalty to the Pharaoh. Ye Ting even proposed that this part must be tested on the school officials’ rote memorization. Anyone who deeply understands and recites this theological knowledge will subconsciously respect the pharaoh who is the descendant of God.

Thinking of this, Nitocris looked at Ye Ting with affection in her eyes.

No matter who wants to come up with such an effective and unprecedented method of selecting officials, it will take a long time of thinking and deduction.

In other words, even if she didn't come to Ye Ting to complain, this man would have already started thinking about it for her.

When she discovered the problem and asked him for help, he immediately came up with a solution

Sure enough, it feels so good to have such a person by your side, as if you can rely on him in any difficulty.

After Ye Ting finished explaining the entire education and talent selection system, he suddenly realized that the girl in front of him looked at him with such charming eyes that he was almost dripping with charm.

Although Ye Ting was a little confused about this, he happily followed the hint in the girl's eyes and "comforted" her.

Afterwards, Ye Ting couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard the reasons he proposed.

The words "thinking for a long time" and "thinking about her in advance" are completely Nitocris's misunderstanding.

In fact, Ye Ting's so-called method was basically derived from the imperial examination system of later generations, and was used with slight changes.

As a foreigner in his previous life, he was basically familiar with education and examinations.

In fact, it was precisely through this system that ancient governments established a huge bureaucratic group and completely got rid of the feudal system (the original meaning of feudalism refers to the creation of feudal states, such as the enfeoffment of princes during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, or the enfeoffment of feudal states as in the West). Lords are the real feudalism. Compared with it, ancient times are not feudal at all.)

Now Ye Ting suggests that Nitocris adopt the (Wang Zhao) system, precisely because he wants to break the traditional system in ancient Egypt that is similar to the combination of the governorship and the feudal system.

Facts have proved that in ancient empires, only a strong centralization system could maintain a truly huge empire.

The consequence of Europe's feudal system is that there are many small countries. Even if an alliance is formed, the internal chaos and infighting are still irritating.

As for the governorship, the Roman Empire had this system. However, Rome expanded from a city-state republic to a huge Roman Empire that dominated the Mediterranean. Therefore, its system was inherently petty, and the central government did not concentrate enough power at all. All power lies in the hands of governors everywhere, so the only outcome is rebellion.

Since Ye Ting chose to assist Nitocris, he naturally hopes that the pharaoh he assists can become the Thousand Ancient One Emperor of Egypt. And if he wants to do this, he will naturally use the tricks of his ancestors. .

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