The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 861 The Secrets Of The Gods [Second Update]

The Age of Gods, as the name suggests, is the "age of the gods."

There are gods in the sky, gods on the earth, and gods in the sea.

Love originates from God, hate originates from God, war and death also originate from God.

The so-called natural law is the power used by the gods. The world belongs to the gods, and the gods exist for this reason.

There are still various opinions on whether the legends and beliefs that have survived in modern society around the world, as well as the gods mentioned in religions, really come from the same source. But in the eyes of modern magicians, various legends are just an explanation for the actual existence of the Age of Gods. The gods do exist, but - when the age of mankind arrives, they also disappear without a trace.

The disappearance of the Age of Gods is divided into three stages: decline, farewell, and opportunity.

It is unknown where the decline phase of the Age of Gods began, but there is evidence that it ended in "297" around 12,000 BC.

In that era, large-scale disasters occurred on the earth, and from that time on, the primitive mythological civilization began to decline.

In fact, this disaster is the predator star approaching the earth, releasing the star soldier sefar02-or the giant god Altira on the moon, and beginning to invade the earth

At that time, sefar02 defeated the original military god who guarded the planet in the form of Sefar. In order to deal with this enemy, Gaea forged the legendary "Star-Made Holy Sword"

In the end, Xiangfalu was eliminated by the "Holy Sword User" holding a holy sword, and the ancient civilization was also destroyed.

The farewell of the Age of Gods means the beginning of the end of the Age of Gods, which is when the gods begin to disappear and say goodbye.

Regarding this point, the farewell moments of each pantheon are different, and it is not generally accepted that it began with the Mesopotamian pantheon—or the Babylonian civilization.

Because it was predicted that the true ether would eventually disappear and the gods would pass away, the Gods of Mesopotamia planned to use their own unique methods to continue the time that belonged to the gods.

But all the plans came to nothing because of a king.

That was their means of maintaining the age of the gods, and it was also their desperate move - a king who was made to closely connect humans and gods, a hybrid of humans and gods, a man who was regarded as the one from heaven and given expectations - a hero King Gilgamesh.

However, what he did was contrary to the mission given to him by the gods, that is, he was out of the control of the gods.

Because of Gilgamesh's resistance, the Mesopotamian gods' desperate attempt ultimately failed, and they began to gradually lose their power and then disappeared from the world.

For the era after the Age of Gods, there are no gods anymore. After completing their mission, they chose to leave this world and went to a higher-dimensional world, watching the world as illusory gods... The main gods After disappearing from the world, all that is left in the world is their attachment to the present world, which is almost gone after thousands of years, and is gradually replaced by "legends" in people's consciousness.

Finding ways to continue the age of the gods and continue their rule over the earth is not just the Mesopotamian gods, but other pantheons are also doing similar things.

The gods did not know why the Age of Gods disappeared, nor did they know when this day would come, but they still left enough backup for themselves.

However, they were all frightened by the scene where the Mesopotamian gods made a desperate move and then failed and disappeared. Therefore, compared to the Mesopotamian gods, none of the other gods could make up their minds to maintain their existence together. On two plans with uncertain success rates.

Compared with the gods of Mesopotamia, their methods are relatively mild.

Take the Heliopolis pantheon for example. Their plan is to maintain the existence of the gods through pharaohs who are descendants of the gods. This plan is actually the same as in Mesopotamia.

-The pharaohs of the past generations are their "wedge of heaven". As long as the rule of the pharaohs continues, even if the age of gods disappears one day, the gods of Egypt can still exist in the world.

Definitely, I have learned from the lessons of the Mesopotamian pantheon. The Egyptian gods have a completely different attitude towards their "Wedge of Heaven". The Mesopotamian gods have a completely different attitude towards the willfulness of mortals and towards the hero King Gil. Gamesh's control led the proud "Wedge of Heaven" to rebel against the gods, and both sides ended up losing.

Therefore, after several generations of gods personally led the Egyptians out of ignorance, the gods of Heliopolis who learned their lesson simply returned to heaven and handed over everything in the world to Pharaoh and mortals, although they would use divine magic to The method provides certain help to mortals, but they unanimously agree not to intervene in mortal disputes and leave all fate to mortals.

This is also the reason why they praise Nitocris so much - after all, the prosperous age and system created by Nitocris can be regarded as the "foundation of all eternity". For the Leopolis pantheon, To me, this is clearly my contribution to extending their lives.

However, after the exchange, Ye Ting discovered that compared to the other gods he knew, the gods of the Heliopolis pantheon were indeed quite strong and worthy of respect.

According to Ra's words: "As gods, we must abide by the responsibilities of the gods and maintain the dignity of the gods. If fate is doomed to our demise, then we will accept it without reservation and happily return our responsibilities to the world and make The farewell belongs to the gods, instead of being like dogs who are willing to harm the mortals who worship us just to survive - this is the true majesty of the gods."

In other words, if one day the pharaohs no longer serve as the sons of gods of their descendants, or Egypt no longer worships the gods of Heliopolis, leading to their disappearance, it is also a choice of fate, and they will accept it calmly.

Although they are a bunch of ancient antiques, they are unexpectedly worthy of admiration.

The gods that Ra mentioned were willing to harm the people who worshiped them just to survive were the Greek Olympus pantheon.

The way the Olympus pantheon chooses to extend its life also uses the God Bloodline, but unlike the Heliopolis pantheon, it is impossible for the Olympian gods with serious internal disputes to uniformly select a line that can unify Greece. , and a pharaoh-like existence that continues to rule - In this regard, just because of the question of whose descendants to choose 3.8, they will be fooled - so they simply stop doing it, and everyone is on the ground Sow seeds everywhere and use various methods to spread your faith.

Their plan is to use this to maintain their existence in the future era after the disappearance of the true ether——This is why they value faith so much that they even hesitate to recreate humans twice.

However, they also used blood and faith to maintain their existence, but the way they started was very wanton and reckless, completely treating human beings as tools, even more exaggerated than the gods of Mesopotamia.

But unlike their failed predecessors, they are even smarter: Greece is not unified, and even the city-states are divided, so even if some people are disgusted with their actions, in such troubled times, even the king cannot You have to pray for the blessings of the gods, which ensures that people have to believe in them forever.

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