The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 891: The Time Has Come To Say Goodbye, So Let’S Abandon The World [Second Update]

It seems that it is because he is not willing to be sealed in the ring and not willing to lose all traces of himself in this world.

Mephistas sealed in rings spread their power in the form of magic - or "magic".

Although traces of magic appeared in Greece and Egypt thousands of years ago due to Ye Ting's arrival, even so, these Mephistas can be regarded as the origin of Solomon's line of magic.

Because there are seventy-two Mephistas in total, they are called Solomon's seventy-two Mephistas.

Because of Israel's strength and prosperity, and because Israel has mastered the power of "magic" that originally existed only in Egypt, Israel became recognized by all countries as a powerful country, second only to Egypt.

In short, during the reign of Solomon, Israel's influence finally spread to all surrounding areas, and Jehovah's power reached its peak.

Even the Queen of Sheba, who was far away in the Kingdom of Sheba, personally visited "Nine Three Three", the legendary wise king - definitely, maybe because she heard about Israel's prosperous farming industry, and for economic benefits Just came from afar.

However, after the Queen of Sheba’s visit, “the queen once sought advice from the famous sage Solomon.

Visited Jerusalem with large tributes.

She asked Solomon three riddles, but the other party understood them one by one.

The Queen was also filled with admiration for Jerusalem's prosperity.

The queen and King Solomon exchanged gifts and then embarked on their return journey. " Such rumors began to spread, and Solomon's wisdom and virtuous name began to be praised by people from all over the world.

In addition to the Queen of Sheba, many people began to visit Israel from various countries to seek his wisdom because of Solomon's wisdom.

And for anyone's doubts and advice, Solomon was always ready to answer his questions.

After all, although he is known as the "wise man" and the "passionate king", these are also responses to the demands of the surroundings.

He didn't even have a will of his own for a second.

Even if he is given the power to know everything, he is prohibited from expressing opinions on these things.

Solomon is the name of a device made by God and man to make the kingdom develop better.

In fact, he was born and destined to be a king.

Unlike King David who went from shepherd to king. Solomon was a child who was dedicated to God as an even better king by King David, who was an excellent king.

Although he had inexhaustible divine and royal power, Solomon had almost no human sensibility.

Perhaps everyone, whether they were the people under Solomon or visitors from foreign countries, would praise Solomon, but they did not know how cruel life was to this man.

In this way, Solomon's reign as king continued, and Israel's prosperity continued.

Until one day, a man who claimed to be a magician from the east visited King Solomon.

His visit was quite short, and he left after just one afternoon.

But after that, people began to discover that there seemed to be something more in the king's eyes. Not only was there nothing but majesty and wisdom as in the past, but there was also a hint of joy and emotion.

People found that their king sometimes took a long time to sit on his throne and meditate - he never did this in the past, either dealing with official business or on the way to deal with official business.

During the process of contemplation, he would show various expressions - worry, joy, sadness, confusion - he would stare at the rings on his hands, take them off and put them on again+

Finally, one day, he died.

Before he died, no one knew that the magician from the East who had visited him came to him again.

Solomon gave one of the ten rings to the man.

He took off all the remaining rings and left them on his former throne.

"O God," the dying Solomon murmured, "I want to return the blessings you have given me. ... Omnipotence is too far away for humans, so my work is limited to the human realm. .”

In this way, he returned the ring to heaven by his own will.

It is like announcing that from now on, the destiny will not be handed over to Almighty God, but the era has come when human beings can live by their own will.

No, this is not just a declaration, but a true severance.

It's as if Gilgamesh, the hero-king of the Wedge of Heaven, gave up on the gods and sided with humans.

Although no one knew what the mysterious magician, whom King Solomon had only met twice in his life, said to him.

However, the final result was that this king, who had practiced the path given to him by Jehovah all his life, made a choice of his own will for the first and last time at the last moment of his life.

Jehovah, who was waiting for Solomon's soul to return to heaven, was shocked to find that as the only God of the Cross, the connection between him, his believers, and human faith was suddenly severed.

Solomon's giving up of the ring before his death was not just that he originally gave up his power.

He also cut off the connection between the God who shaped him and whom he believed in all his life, and humanity.

Jehovah does not know.

At the beginning, the three things Ye Ting gave him - "Genesis Eden", "Sealing Ring", and "Angel Reincarnation Pond" - seemed to have left nothing behind, but in fact they were all There are traps.

Let’s not mention the other two for now.

Although the sealing ring can help Jehovah seal the gods he defeats, and strip away the beliefs and appearances of the sealed people, allowing them to belong to Jehovah, but in fact "all the appearances and beliefs absorbed by Jehovah are all related to the creation of the seal."

In other words, the true ownership of these beliefs and appearances is not that the owner of the sealing ring is Jehovah, but the original owner of the sealing ring.

The function of the sealing ring is to seal the god and replace the concept of the god with the ring originally, so that the appearance and power of faith that originally belonged to the god can be attributed to the ring.

In this way, Yahweh was able to tap into the power of these beliefs and aspects of his gods.

However, this comes at a cost.

That is, even Hehua was originally connected to the ring.

The power and appearance he possesses are all expanded to this day by absorbing the power of faith and appearance of the gods sealed in the ring. Therefore, his original existence has become closely related to this ring.

From this point of view, Jehovah seems to be no different from the Mephistas who are sealed in the ring - the only difference is that they are on the "inside" and "outside" of the ring.

However, precisely because he relies on the ring, as long as the ring exists, he can always exist in the world as a god - at most, he will only deteriorate by 0.0 to an existence similar to Mephista, but it will never be due to the decline of the age of gods and the passage of true ether. die.

This can be considered a blessing in disguise.

If he keeps the ring on his hand, he might be able to continue to be the leader of the Cross Cult, and even if the Age of Gods dies or even disappears mysteriously, he can still maintain the present world.

Unfortunately, Jehovah himself did not know this, and he even foolishly gave the ring to others.

After getting the ring, Solomon became a being like the "Wedge of Heaven".

And his return and abandonment of the ring, just like Gilgamesh, declared that mankind has abandoned another god.

Perhaps this was King Solomon's greatest revenge on his gods after being manipulated all his life.

Qingqing monthly ticket, I think long and hard. Even if I don't go, my monthly ticket won't come?

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