The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 894 Danterian’S Bookshelf [Second Update]

Ye Ting's complaints made Dantelian stunned for a long time.

Then the female Mephista blushed, and the veins on her forehead popped out, and she argued, "Ranking does not represent strength...Ranking!...Does Mephista's ranking count?"

There were words that were difficult to understand one after another, such as "Sister Astaru is only ranked twenty-ninth", "... said (1)", etc., which made Ye Ting burst into laughter, and the scene was full of joy. air.

Although Ye Ting teased her a lot, Danterian still had doubts about Ye Ting's request.

"To be honest, your request is really what I want, but are you sure you want to make such a request?

"As a mortal, you may not know what a hundred and three thousand magic books are. They are manifestations of the power and miracles of thousands of various gods. I can collect so many magic books, but they are all Thanks to a long expedition, only that kind of endless divine battle can bring all the crystallizations of the wisdom of the gods into my hands... If your goal is really to collect 900,000 magic books. ........For a mortal, that is a great achievement that cannot be achieved even in ten lifetimes!

"So, after understanding all this, do you still want to make such a vow with me?"

Danterian looked at the mortal in front of her seriously and asked him a serious question.

As a Mephista, she did notice that part of the man in front of her was extraordinary, but even so, she did not believe that the so-called nine hundred, six hundred and sixty-six magic books were really his target. In her opinion, he could propose Such a number is either because the person in front of you does not know the heights of the sky and the difficulty of the target, or it is originally a joke.

However, facing her doubts, the mortal simply shook his head.

"You underestimate me too much." Ye Ting said, "I admit that compared to you Mephistas, I am just a mortal, but mortals are not equivalent to weak and incompetent - at the very least, this restricts you Mephistas. The ring is my masterpiece."

"You...what did you say?" Perhaps because the news was too shocking, or perhaps because he was suffering from the sealing ring, Danterian listened for a while before speaking.

"This disgusting ring was actually made by you, a perverted monkey! How could this happen?"

It seems that for Mephista, the existence of the sealing ring is indeed a very terrifying existence.

"Otherwise, how can I separate you from the other Mephistas and become your new servant?" Ye Ting gave the evidence with a smile on his face.

"...Well, as a mere mortal, you are indeed proud to be able to create a magic item that can slightly trouble me."

With great difficulty, Danterian finally recognized Ye Ting's strength. While holding back a word of praise, she elegantly raised her skirt and saluted Ye Ting, and then said, "Well, as a Mephista, I, but Talin, accept you as my new contractor, my key, the door of the bookshelf will always be opened for you——"

Following Danterian's oath, chains of nothingness suddenly appeared from her barren chest and shot toward Ye Ting.

Faced with this sudden "attack", Ye Ting did not make any drastic reaction. He watched helplessly as the chain flew toward him and then sank into his chest.

Immediately, a key symbol flashed on his chest.

Ye Ting's reaction made Danterian's eyes flash with appreciation.

"Then, read the words that appear in your heart. I give you the right to open the door."

Danterian said in a steady tone.

Her fingertips moved to the collar of the black dress, and the girl pulled her top wide open to her chest.

White and tender skin with slender collarbones was exposed.

There was a big lock buried on the girl's chest. It was a rough, old lock, bound by a black leather collar and a silver chain, and it was buried in the center of her flat chest.

Ye Ting nodded, like a knight swearing an oath to the princess, or like a magician chanting a spell——

"My question is, are you a human being?"

In response to his call, Dalian replied like this.

The hoarse tone was like an ancient relic that had endured for a long time.

"No, I am the sky - I am the sky in the pot!"

Then, everything around him changed in an instant.

It was originally a simple room in a hotel in Jerusalem, but it suddenly turned into a huge amount of library.

The library is almost endless, with Ye Ting and Dantelian as the core, high and low bookshelves are scattered around them, and they are surrounded by circles. The short bookshelves are only as high as one person, but the tallest bookshelf even reaches In the sky, there are even many bookshelves suspended in the sky.

The materials and shapes of the bookshelves are also different: metal, stone, wood, bamboo...and each has its own style. Marble is the material, and the various reliefs scattered throughout are obviously Greek style; The style is rough [the wooden bookshelf with complicated patterns and curves comes from Northern Europe! The whole block of carbide is filled with rows of hieroglyphs and painted side portraits, which are Egyptian bookshelves...

These bookshelves continue to rotate along an arc-shaped trajectory at a constant speed, as if they are revolving around the two of them.

There was almost no space on every bookshelf, filled with all kinds of books. Ye Ting looked around and saw books such as "The Supreme Meditation Book", "The Book of Oblivion", and "The Shield of Styx". "Book", "Thunder Hammer of God" ("Ugaritic Clay Tablet Document"), "Book of Engraving", etc...

The content of the book spans Northern Europe, Zoroastrian, Olympus, Canaan and many unknown minor pantheons. It can be said that it has everything you need.

From Ye Ting's eyes, he could vaguely see that the bookshelf was almost endless, while the bookshelves further away were mostly empty, waiting to be filled with books.

This is the highest paradise for those who love knowledge and books. It is the place that most magicians dream of. Being among the endless bookshelves and sea of ​​books, facing this treasure house of endless knowledge.

It can even make people feel confused.

No, this is not a feeling, but a fact, because the arrangement and style of these endless bookshelves are completely confusing. In addition, all bookshelves are in constant motion, and people who are among these bookshelves can easily get lost. .

This is both a library and a maze.

This is Danterian's bookshelf, this is Danterian's library.

"Welcome to my 'Heaven in a Pot', my 'Master'."

Lifting the hem of her skirt and saluting Ye Ting, Danterian showed a charming smile.

ps1: "..." is actually Danterian's language habit.

ps2: "Supreme Conditioning Meditation Book": It is the work of Andhelimnir, the chef of Valhalla in the Norse Mythology, who is the wild boar meat and goat's milk mead that the heroes in the Soul castle in Norse Mythology enjoy every day. The work of a divine chef.

"The Book of Oblivion": related to Wangchuan.

"The Book of Shields of Styx": Styx is the daughter of Oceanus, one of the ocean goddesses, the aunt of Aeetes, the king of Colchis, and the aunt of Medea, because The river she governs is the River of Oaths, so she is also the Oath, the goddess of vengeance.

"Thunder Hammer of God" ("Ugaritic Clay Tablet"): It is a work of the ancient Phoenicians, and it is the praise of Thor Baal. .

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