The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 896 A Heiyan? 【First Update】

"How about it? Sexy monkey?"

Seeing Ye Ting being shocked by the maze-like library in front of him, a hint of joy flashed in Danterian's eyes.

"Are you scared by my bookshelf? Hehe, just a mortal, just worship in the endless sea of ​​knowledge of this Mephista. If you offer me some fried bread, I can't give it to you here. An opportunity to travel."

...Indeed, even I have to admit that your collection of books here is really amazing." Looking at Danterian's smug look, Ye Ting couldn't help but want to stab her. , “Although there is still a gap between you and my accumulation, as long as you work harder, you might be able to surpass me. "

"As long as you understand..."

Ye Ting's praise made Dantelian raise her chin involuntarily, and then she realized something was wrong: "What? What do you mean there is still a gap between you and me? It's just a "580" ape, don't show up in front of me just because of jealousy. Are you ashamed of your talk?!"

"So, you don't believe it?" Ye Ting ignored her venomous tongue and asked directly.

"Who would believe that the number of books in a pervert monkey's collection can exceed that of my bookshelf? Even if I fall into the situation I am in now, I was a goddess in the past! Whether it is wisdom or the number of books, it is not definitely possible to surpass you, a pervert monkey. ?"


Glancing at Danterian lightly, Ye Ting issued a provocative invitation: "In that case, how about we actually compare it?"

"How... how to compare?"

The half-smiling look in the man's eyes made Danterian shudder, and she couldn't help but shudder, but the pride in her heart still made her bite the bullet and ask a question.

"It's definitely a competition to see who has the most books." Ye Ting replied.

"In other words, you want to take me to your house. It turns out that I am a perverted monkey with evil intentions, a gorilla in heat for children!"

"The more you talk about it, the more outrageous it is." Ye Ting knocked the girl on the head in a fit of laughter, and then said: "Actually, there is no need to go to such trouble. In fact, I have read most of my books. If it is not troublesome, I will now The memory can be transferred to you, and you can directly use it to create a magic book on the spot, right?"

"That's for sure," Danterian said with a little pride, "Presenting history, legends, weirdness, knowledge, etc. in the form of books, this is my ability!

Then, she turned around and questioned Ye Ting: "You said that you have read most of the books in your collection. Are you bragging? Didn't you say that your collection of books is more than mine? You are just a perverted monkey. How can you do that? Maybe you’ve read so many books—don’t fill it with your perverted delusions and worthless gossip!”

"Okay, okay, I'm not that bad." Ye Ting waved his hand, "Then, let's get started."

As Ye Ting closed his eyes, the chain that had long disappeared between their chests reappeared.

The existence of this chain is just the manifestation of the concept, and its true meaning is the contract between two people.

Through the connection of this contract, Ye Ting transferred all the magical knowledge he had seen and learned in the four worlds to Danterian in one breath.

From spells and spells to alchemy in the world of Harry Potter...

From the unique shapeshifting technique to the eight arcane schools of magic in World of Warcraft...

From fel spells to engineering based on arcane magic...

From Greek magic to Egyptian runes...

From magical programming to soul materialization...

The chain representing the contract connection emitted bursts of light as the memory was transmitted. Soon, it became as dazzling as the sun, and a large amount of knowledge was constantly input into Danterian's consciousness in the form of memory.

Contained in this is the knowledge and wisdom that a being at the top of the magician has mastered throughout his life.

There are so many kinds of magic, all kinds of magic, simple or complex, almost all-inclusive. Even the goddess of magic herself would not be able to master so much magic knowledge while still alive.

And if Danterian hadn't been a Mephista, she wouldn't have been able to withstand the input of such a terrifying amount of knowledge - if she were an ordinary mortal, she would have turned into a vegetative state long ago under the impact of this violent memory flow.

But even as a Mephista in charge of knowledge and books, Danterian at the moment had to do her best to process the transmitted information.

" indeed a new magic...the spell of the talisman is really interesting and easy to use...such a's really It’s amazing, I’ve never seen it before... How... Why is there still so much!? Such constant words... No... No... Too many... ...There are too many perverted monkey things...If this continues...all of them...all of them will get into Danterian's body...Don't ........Wow wow...... Danterian's body is all filled up...that kind of thing like a perverted monkey...It's so full... .…”

In short, with the continuous transmission of memories, even Mephista-level Danterian is inevitably overloaded. She says misunderstood words while rolling her eyes, showing a spoiled expression.

The memory transmission lasted for several minutes. Ye Ting basically transferred all the magic books he had seen and read in the world of Harry Potter and World of Warcraft, as well as his own perceptions and creations, plus his hundreds of years in the world of Xingyue. All the harvest insights were sent to Danterian.

Not to mention Ye Ting's original achievements, even those original magic books from the Harry Potter world and World of Warcraft total more than 100,000 books.

After all, the magic in these two worlds has developed for more than a thousand years, and the accumulation and foundation of the two worlds combined can be considered quite deep.

And with Ye Ting's power in these two worlds, he has the ability to almost exhaust the entire world's knowledge accumulation.

In the world of Harry Potter, he defeated the Dark Lord and became the leader of the White Necromancers after Dumbledore. His girlfriend is also the Minister of Magic in the United Kingdom——Although the Muggle world in Britain is not so popular nowadays, In the magical world, because of Merlin, Britain's status can be compared with the status of the Vatican and Jerusalem in the Christian world. This is true even in the world of Xingyue World 0.3 (the headquarters clock tower of the Xingyue World Magic Association is located in London) .

Such Ye Ting can naturally collect all the black and white magic knowledge and writings in the world.

In World of Warcraft, he is the pride of Dalaran, and his status is also very close to the high elf country Quel'Thalas. He also has a father-daughter relationship with the Asgardian Medivh of Tirisfal. In addition to the former magic empire——Proxima Apart from the Midnight Elf Kingdom and the Magic Controller Blue Dragon Legion, he had scanned through all the books on magic in most other places where a large amount of magic knowledge could be obtained.

This amount of knowledge “is not an exaggeration to say that it represents the wisdom of two worlds.

This is a screenshot of the anime version. It's roughly like this. The eye roll should be deeper, the tongue should be stuck out and the V sign with both hands should be made up by your own imagination. I won't show the subtitles. .

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