The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 898 The Last Magic Network - Trip To Northern Europe [First Update]

Among the Mephistas in Ye Ting's Ring of Sealing, Danterian is the first to appear and the first to recognize him as a contractor.

Then came the 68th Mephista, the twin Angel Belial, and the 56th Duchess Gremory.

Unlike Danterian, Belial's past was not a god, but an Angel, who was simply demoted to a fallen Mephista.

However, even among the heavenly army, the Belial sisters are among the earliest ones, even earlier than Michael and others.

Taking them away was a request from Samael.

As for Gremory... that's because Ye Ting had a profound influence on the other Gremory - including the pair of legendary chests that can emit light...

This also caused the Duchess of Mephista to feel chilled by Ye Ting's eyes as soon as she appeared.

However, compared to the Gremory named Rias, the difference between this person in the moon world is huge.

Although Mephista Gremory happens to have red hair, good looks and a proud figure, she does not possess any "power of destruction".

In fact, this Mephista's predecessor was a goddess of destiny, specializing in prophecy spells and abilities.

These two -- or three, after all, Belliyar is a twin -- Mephista was absorbed by Ye Ting, Belliyar stayed with his old friend Samael, and Jimon should be there. Used by the goddesses.

There is only one Mephista who has been unwilling to leave the sealing ring.

That is Mephista, ranked twenty-ninth, and Astaro, one of the Four Supreme Pillars.

This powerful Mephista, who was once the God of War, the God of Love and the Goddess of Venus in the Canaanite pantheon, and a terrifying berserker on the battlefield, stayed in the ring of seals quite stubbornly and showed no signs of responding to Ye Ting, the new master. idea.

However, Ye Ting was not impressed by the attitude of this madwoman. From the mouths of the other Mephistas, he already understood Astalu's character, so he planned to hand him over to Aphrodite to deal with.

As both goddesses of Venus, they probably have something in common...

Jehovah was tricked by Solomon, and his demise was already destined.

This vengeful god was suddenly tricked in this way, and naturally he wanted to find ways to get back. So after Solomon's death, the Kingdom of Israel was divided, and his son did not succeed in inheriting the entire kingdom.

However, this result and how Jehovah will find ways to extend his life in the future have nothing to do with Ye Ting. He has long left this place of right and wrong.

After settling the Mephistas, he took his two cats and Danterian on the road again.

This time his goal, which is also the final goal of his global journey, is the Nordic Gods.

This pantheon is extremely famous in later generations. The famous god-king Odin, Thor Thor, Soul Castle, Valkyrie, etc. are all popular characters in future fantasy works.

But in fact, few people know that this pantheon is not ruled by an orthodox pantheon family like the Greek Olympus pantheon.

The Aesir Protoss and the Warner Protoss are the names of the two dominant protoss in this world. The so-called God King Odin, Thor, Thor, Valkyrie and other characters all come from the Aesir Protoss living in Asgard.

As for the Warner Protoss, the leader is Niord, a god of oceans and storms, somewhat similar to Poseidon in the Olympus pantheon, but his power and status are obviously much higher.

The Warners and the Aesirs once fought for dominance, but eventually reached a reconciliation and exchanged hostages. Since then, the Aesirs have stood at the top of the nine realms of the Nordic Gods, while the Warners have ranked second.

In fact, although the Vanir Protoss is not well-known, the hostages they sent to the Aesir Protoss are famous—the two children of Niord, Frey and Freya.

Frigga, the goddess of beauty among the Aesir

As for Frey, he is the famous God of Harvest among the Aesir clan. The artifact he holds is the Sword of Victory. This invincible sword of victory can fly on its own to take the enemy's head. No one has mastered this sword. The sword will follow the wish of the sword holder and fly alone on the battlefield to kill the enemy. It is a symbol of the glory of the sun.

Perhaps the Sword of Victory is not as famous as the steel-cutting sword with a similar name - the Sword of Victory (Excalibur), but the other name of the Sword of Victory is even more famous.

That is the magic sword of destruction——Lvateinn

Because he fell in love with the greatest enemy of the gods, the beauty Gerd among the giants, Frey actually gave the sword of victory as a betrothal gift to marry the female giant.

Although the marriage between the two was quite happy after that, the Sword of Victory also fell into the hands of the fire giant king Sirte (ie Surut) and became a magic sword that destroyed the world.

In Ragnarök, Sirte uses this sword to kill Frey. It must be said that this is indeed a ridiculous and sad drama.

Speaking of Ragnarök, we have to talk about the completely different situation between the Nordic pantheon and other pantheons.

Although there are opponents of the mainstream rulers in each pantheon, there are various evil spirits - such as Typhon and the giants to the Olympian gods, Chaos snake Apos to Heliopolis to the Zoroastrian pantheon, Angolan Mainyu to the Zoroastrian pantheon, and so on.

But the ending of most pantheons is that good defeats evil, and the gods defeat evil.

Only in the Nordic pantheon, the gods seem to be superior, but in fact their opponents are almost as powerful as them: Nidhogg, the dragon that swallows the world tree, Yemengard, the huge world snake, who controls the underworld, and has endless undead under his command. Death God Hela of the Legion, as well as Giants of Jotunheim, Flame Giant...

In Ye Ting's view, there is no need to wait for the end of the age of gods. Just the battle of Ragnarök is enough to defeat the entire Nordic god system (Li Hao) so angry that it will never be able to get back up.

Therefore, Ye Ting didn't do too much trouble here, he just made arrangements in his spiritual veins, and then left this cold place.

By the way, he also cheated the rune spell from a certain valkyrie.

I don't know what kind of resentment Valkyrie will get after Ye Tingren disappears.

In short, after his trip to Northern Europe, Ye Ting has visited most of the spiritual veins on the planet, spreading the tentacles of Hecate, the goddess of the magic network, throughout the world.

Although it has not been completed yet, Ye Ting knows that as time goes by, Hecate will soon become the Goddess of the Magic Network around the world through Ye Ting's arrangements, and the spiritual veins will truly exist on this planet in the form of a magic network. The top is woven.

By then, except for a few island countries, the entire world's magic flow will be under the control of Hecate, and Ye Ting's big plan will also begin. .

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