The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 910 Tanks, Mechas And Space Carriers [First Update]

Energy technology will always be an important binding force and driving force restricting productivity.

Before the industrial revolution, human energy was always "bioenergy", that is, human power and animal power. Although there were cases where windmills, water-powered mills, etc. used nature's natural energy, it was not common. This also directly affected human energy. Production and life had to be maintained at relatively primitive levels for a long time.

However, after the industrial revolution, everything changed.

Machines driven by new energy sources have perfectly replaced limited manpower and animal power, greatly liberating human productivity. This is where the great enrichment of human materials began - although even with the polishing of tools and craftsmen, guns Artillery can also be manufactured, but without new energy-driven machines, these advanced weapons cannot be mass-produced and equipped.

Today's Qin State is in such a state.

Although magicians and alchemists have mastered powerful magic, in this era, magic is the most advanced productivity, but magic is difficult to spread.

Therefore, even if Ye Ting masters magic and technology that exceeds that of everyone in Da Qin, even if he works hard to teach these powerful magic and techniques to the alchemists of Da Qin, so that Da Qin has the number and quality of alchemists in the Seven Kingdoms, for The increase in Da Qin's strength is also limited.

Whether becoming a magician or an alchemist, the requirements for a person's ability and intelligence are very high. Not everyone has the intelligence to learn complex and complicated magic theories, and not everyone can mobilize the magic power in the world with their spirit. For your own use.

Even if only a small number of elite magicians and alchemists can produce advanced magic props, these magic props are at best "guns and cannons handmade by craftsmen."

, it is simply not enough to bring the strength of the entire Great Qin to a new level.

In Greece and Egypt, the reason why Ye Ting only opened a college and spread magic was to enlighten the people's wisdom and sow the seeds of resistance to the gods for mankind.

However, now that Ye Ting is preparing to fight against the gods himself, the path he wants to follow is different.

In order to do everything possible to expand his strength before going to war with the gods, he must make everyone in Da Qin contribute to this to the maximum extent - how can one person's efforts compare to the efforts of a country?

As a result, the work of the alchemists of Great Qin changed from direct armed confrontation with the enemy's alchemists to the development and production of machinery and weapons.

In short, it is to turn them from "combat forces with extraordinary strength" to scientists and engineers.

In Ye Ting's view, this is the job that magicians and alchemists should really do.

Although magicians usually have the strongest combat effectiveness among professions of the same level, Ye Ting has always believed that letting them fight would be a complete waste of resources.

It's like modern society sends scientists to the battlefield.

With that technology, wouldn't it be nice if I could produce a bunch of magic weapons at home, arm a bunch of warriors, and let them go to the battlefield?

This is why Ye Ting, although so powerful, is still committed to the research of energy material biological weapons.

Although I am very strong, if I can win by exploding troops, why should I take action myself?

If there was no way to connect to the Soul Castle and he didn't understand the magic of summoning heroic spirits, Ye Ting would have summoned a bunch of heroic spirits and played a trick. It was definitely not to summon the paper man.

Therefore, in compliance with the call of the King of Qin, most of the alchemists in Great Qin changed from combat talents to research talents - he did not even intend to let the alchemists participate in production, at least in low-end production.

Production matters are left to ordinary people and machines. As long as the first machine is manufactured, the machine will produce machines by itself, and the magicians only need to solve some key problems at most.

After that, those who do not have the ability to become alchemists can focus on learning how to use machines - which is much lower than the threshold for becoming alchemists - so that they can give machines various uses. These people are engineers and mechanics.

Ordinary people of the second class only need to learn to control machines and produce according to requirements, or to control various magic technology products and apply them to all walks of life - they are early people, farmers, soldiers, and all walks of life. Ordinary people at the grassroots level.

As a result, the whole Yinqin soon changed drastically.

Factories powered by magical furnaces of immortality sprung up in various cities of the Qin Dynasty. Animal power such as cattle and horses were gradually replaced by autonomous machinery and puppets driven by magical power. Even the equipment of Qin soldiers was updated again and again: Originally, The cold weapons turned into magic-driven live ammunition guns, then energy weapons and Gauss-like weapons, and even wore magic-driven power armor.

The cavalry in the ground troops also became armored troops, and various armored combat vehicles like tanks were produced. However, Ye Ting would not name them after "water tanks", but would give them the name "King of Beasts".

Asking for flowers......

As for the more elite units, they naturally directly drive some kind of general-purpose magic power-driven sustained strategic and tactical mobile weapons--it can also be called mecha or Gundam in short.

As for the Air Force, it is even more exaggerated.

The Immortal Magical Furnace has a function similar to the Myser Energy Core, and it also has the same function as the Myser Energy Core - used to drive the floating city.

However, Ye Ting did not build the floating city so quickly. Instead, he used the fairy magic furnace as power to build many air carriers.

The maximum length of these aircraft carriers is only a thousand meters. Although there are already three times the file size of aircraft carriers, compared with the space battleships in science fiction works, it is just a large destroyer.

But such war weapons are already quite terrifying for the Six Nations at the moment: condescending and unobstructed power, beams of light and live ammunition weapons that have never been launched.

Terrible ground and air force delivery capabilities

In short, even the alchemists of the Six Kingdoms would feel numb when seeing such huge amounts of monsters.

And above this, there are even more terrifying behemoths being created.

Remember the "Ouranos" system summoned by Icarus?

The real Ouranos is the former ace of the Olympus Magical Civilization, the terrifying Titan ship that cruises the universe - the so-called Titan in the Olympus pantheon was originally the name for this type of giant mothership. It was used to refer to gods and some tall fantasy creatures.

Even Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, is just the incarnation of the disintegrated brain of Uranus.

Inheriting part of Olympus magic technology and the existence of Aphrodite, the former intelligence brain of Ouranos, Ye Ting had already begun to restore or rebuild Ouranos.

The Ouranos system summoned by Icarus and other artificial Angels is part of the reconstructed Ouranos.

But now with Great Qin's immortal technology, combined with Olympus' magic technology, the reconstruction of Ouranos has begun again.

As long as Kyushu is unified, Ye Ting can use the power of the whole country to reappear in the universe this behemoth with a length of tens of kilometers.

When the King of Qin swept across Liuhe, it was so majestic to look at him - "Shi" is connected to "Style 7"

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