The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 915 What The Assassin Sees [Third Update]

Everything Ghost Team Beidou did on the Jingjing battlefield was just a microcosm of all their missions.

These elites were selected from among the women of the entire Qin Dynasty, and all of them were die-hard loyalists to the King of Qin.

After the powerful potential in their bodies was stimulated by the Ghost gene, they became the sharpest blades of the King of Qin. They would rely on the most sophisticated equipment and incredible power to complete any task assigned by the King of Qin and kill anyone who was an enemy of the King of Qin - —Especially the alchemist and the magician.

After killing the alchemists, the Ghosts quickly disappeared from the battlefield, just as they appeared strangely.

On the other side, Da Qin's army had already advanced all the way to the city of Handan, the capital of Zhao.

The original city walls from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period could not stop the torrent of steel, and the defensive formations set up by the alchemists could not last long under the saturated firepower. Mass projection cannons, high-energy lasers with added electromagnetic techniques, and fusion bombs made by intercepting the concept of the sun exhausted Handan's energy reserves in just a few minutes. Immediately afterwards, the army invaded the capital.

From the beginning of the war to the capture of Handan, it only took Da Qin two days.

The whole world was shocked.

This battle finally made the world understand how powerful and unstoppable Da Qin was.

The remaining four kingdoms of Qi, Chu, Yan, and Wei responded one after another. On the one hand, they organized their troops and deployed troops at the borders. They also sent envoys to each other to discuss joint efforts to resist Qin. On the other hand, they tried to send troops to Da Qin. The envoy, by ceding the city and other methods, implemented a delaying strategy to buy time for himself.

On the Qin side, after capturing the entire territory of Zhao State, it did not continue to advance. Instead, it focused on how to fully utilize the manpower and material resources of Zhao State and Han State for its own use, and transform He Zhao, who was still in a feudal society, into what it is now. A modern country like Da Qin itself.

In this process, various contradictions and conflicts will inevitably arise. Even with advanced thinking transmission technology, the King of Qin originally had considerable connections with the land and people of Da Qin, but it was difficult for a group of people living in the feudal era to It still takes time to suddenly accept and adapt to a life that has transcended them for thousands of years.

Four years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The territories of Zhao and Han have now been completely digested by Qin. Most of the original ancient cities have disappeared, and the Qin-style high-rise buildings have begun to appear.

The Qin army was also ready to move, and their next target was the State of Yan.

However, for the Six Kingdoms, just four years was not enough to prepare them for war with Qin. In order to avoid the destruction of the country, Yan had to find ways to delay it.

It just so happened that a few decades ago, a general named Fan Yuqi betrayed the Qin Dynasty and went into exile in the Yan State. It was from him that the Yan State learned about the invincibility of the Great Qin from the side. Now, in order to make the Qin State pause With the progress of the war, Prince Dan, who was in charge of the Yan State at that time, had to offer Fan Yuqi's head to the Qin Dynasty.

The envoy sent by Yan State was named Jing Ke.

Soon, the news that Jing Ke, the envoy of Yan State, was sent to Da Qin reached Ye Ting's ears.

"Jing this assassination really destined?"

For Ye Ting, Jing Ke is undoubtedly a very familiar stranger. The article about Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin in "Warring States Policy" was one of his texts in his previous life, and he still remembers every minister in it until now.

"Then, let me see how Jing Ke, a mere warrior, can assassinate me, the King of Qin, who is descended from a black bird, has the body of an immortal, is at the apex of magic, and is protected by immortal technology."

Regarding the upcoming assassination, Ye Ting not only did not have a trace of panic, but instead had a sense of anticipation.

Therefore, he readily agreed to the request to meet the envoy, and Jing Ke—and her deputy Qin Wuyang—finally received permission to enter Qin.

Jing Ke was originally from the Wei Kingdom and traveled in the Zhao Kingdom after the fall of the Wei Kingdom. In fact, she was not a professional assassin who made a living by assassinating people, but a powerful warrior.

She often sings and drinks with her friend Gao Jianli and others, and at the same time regards etiquette as nothing. She is a bold madman, and she is good at studying and fencing. She is not a simple reckless person, but an educated and steady person.

The reason why she was willing to assassinate King Qin was not only to repay Prince Dan, but also for the sake of the righteousness of the world in her heart.

However, Ye Ting wanted to see what choice she would make after her inner morality was shattered in the face of the true justice of the world.

Although they were envoys, Ye Ting did not have the authority to order the space gate to be opened to them, so they had to cross half of the Qin Dynasty under the leadership of soldiers, passing Hangu Pass all the way to Xianyang.

Along the way, they were lucky enough to appreciate the complete customs of Great Qin in person, from the homeland of Han and Zhao, which had just entered modernization, to the land of Guanzhong that had completely become a modern city, the changes in Great Qin, and the changes in Qin people's lives caused by the civilization of immortal science and technology. It will be completely reflected in their eyes.

Even Jing Ke, who had traveled around the world and had extraordinary experiences, was dazzled along the way.

Da Qin gave her a deep shock.

This shock came not only from the car they were sitting in, which could run several times faster than the fastest horse without the need for animal power; nor did it come from the sky-high tower that seemed to be made of complete stones and steel. The building; not to mention the armor made of unknown materials on the female soldiers who guarded her, and the legendary tubular weapons in the hands of the soldiers she saw along the way that could continuously fire metal particles that were far more powerful than crossbow bolts.

‥Please give me flowers…

But it came from the deep smile on the face of every Qin person she met.

These smiles made her feel happy and sad at the same time.

Although it only took her one day to take a vehicle called a car all the way from the border to Xianyang City, she still saw many Qin people along the way.

Each of these Qin people wears decent clothes with inexplicable materials. Some drive other types of cars, some walk, but everyone looks so energetic and busy.

Yes, busy.

In Jing Ke's view, every Qin person was busy. The Qin people on the road looked extremely hurried and walked with wind, as if everyone had something urgent to complete, so they never stopped.

Jing Ke's feeling is correct. In fact, Da Qin has been able to develop to this day not only because of the technology provided by Ye Ting [but also because of these hard-working and passionate Da Qin people.


These people of Great Qin were all extremely loyal to King Qin who brought them a different life. King Qin brought them advanced technology and a life where they did not have to worry about hunger and poverty, and they devoted all their efforts to King Qin's goals. Through hard work, Daqin Running has entered a new era.

It can be said that all members of Da Qin are fanatical believers of King Qin. For King Qin, everyone will not say 996, not even 007. No doctrine or thought can shake their belief in King Qin, and it is their Loyalty and fanaticism allowed Da Qin to achieve the miracle of developing from the feudal era into a modern society in just seventeen years.

Because of this, Jing Ke found that they were all happy.

Compared with the other four countries, everyone in Qin is happy. They do not need to face hunger, and no one will fall into poverty. Compared with most of the precarious common people in the four countries, the people of Qin undoubtedly have superior high quality of life.

Spiritually, their fulfillment and happiness shocked Jing Ke even more: they walked without hesitation on the path guided by King Qin, firmly believing that King Qin could lead them to a bright and correct future, even if he sacrificed himself for it. , compared with the humbleness and numbness of the people of the six countries, it is a world of difference.

Among such Da Qin people, there are many original Koreans and Zhao people.

Such a great Qin and such Qin people caused Jing Ke, who originally believed that his assassination was upholding the righteousness of the world, to fall into deep confusion.

If the rule of King Qin can make all the people in the world live such a life, then is my assassination really correct?

The picture shows Jing Dingke.

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