In this way, the young assassin came to assassinate King Qin, but instead became his prisoner.

As for her companion, what happened to the guy named Qin Wuyang, Ye Ting didn't care at all.

Anyone who dares to assassinate Wang Jia will end up either dismembered by five horses or broken into thousands of pieces.

In short, Ye Ting's group of fanatical believers will definitely not let him go.

After returning to the harem, Ye Ting never saw Yu Ji. Perhaps he was so shy that he hid because of Ye Ting's almost confessional words before.

As for Danterian, she naturally focused her energy on writing books.

As Da Qin's living standards further developed, although most people still focused tirelessly on modernization, technological progress, and production to contribute to the future of the Immortal Qin Empire, there were still a small number of people who focused on the spirit of the people. Life aspect.

After all, even the red polar bear has Pravda.

Among the hundreds of scholars at the end of the Warring States Period, there were already 11 factions of "novelists".

According to Ban Gu's "Hanshu·Yiwenzhi": "The flow of novelists comes from the barnyard officials; the street talk is created by hearsay. It means that what the novelist does is to record the folk talk in the street. Message and report to superiors.

Compared with those historical books that record history and scriptures that express thoughts, the works of novelists are relatively less serious. Although they are regarded as inferior by various schools of thought, they are the originators of ancient popular literature and the supernatural novels after the Han Dynasty. And so on, it all starts from here.

However, although these novelists are not in the eyes of all schools of thought, there are still people who like them, and that is Danterian.

As a Mephista who pursues books and is interested in any book, Danterian almost hit it off with novelists. In her eyes, novelists have become tools that can provide her with fresh food - books. Novelists regard Mephista, who is good at recording everything in books, as an originator, idol and protector worthy of worship.

Yes, as a member of hundreds of schools of thought, novelists are not only an organization and school, but also a sect of alchemists, with their own alchemy that they are good at - if these alchemy are placed in the Dharma, they are probably of the prophecy type.

But for the same type of spells, Danterian was naturally much better than them, so the novelist was so shocked that he finally found a backer and joined the Great Qin together with Gongshu Yimen.

If the alchemists of Gongshu Yiyi made great contributions to the research and popularization of magic technology in the Qin Dynasty, then the alchemists of the novelist are responsible for the popularization of the spiritual civilization of the Qin Dynasty.

Through literary works and their derivatives, such as comic strips and dramas, the novelist's works enriched the spiritual life of the Qin people and spread Ye Ting's thoughts subtly into the hearts of everyone in the Qin Dynasty.

In short, most of their works describe how King Qin made the Qin Dynasty a better place, and how the characters in the works led to a bright future under the leadership of King Qin.

How did the enemies of King Qin step into the abyss of darkness... and so on.

Although as the King of Qin, Ye Ting could directly influence the thoughts of every citizen of Qin, he was still willing to use such a gentle approach to gain loyalty.

The price is to have Danterian madly complain about the contents of the new book.

Yu Ji couldn't be found, and Danterian had her own things to do. After finishing today's cat sucking, Ye Ting returned to his bedroom.

His captive lady has probably been "processed" by the Ghost guards and is waiting for him in the study.

So, after entering the study, Ye Ting saw the embarrassed Jing Ke.

In fact, Jing Ke is in very good condition now, and has recovered from the weakness caused by Bai Hong's fatal blow. The Ghosts did not make things difficult for her, but instead let her eat and drink enough, and even gave her a bath.

But even so, Jing Ke still felt embarrassed and humiliated.

Because in this process, she felt that she was purely regarded as a gift from the Ghosts to King Qin.

She still remembered that before leaving Yan State and going to assassinate the King of Qin, Prince Dan of Yan held a ritual for her. One part of the ceremony was to sacrifice three animals to the gods in order to achieve success in the assassination. She had witnessed Prince Dan with her own eyes. How did the servants deal with the three animals.

Because they were sacrifices to the gods, the three animals were treated with great care. A few days before the ceremony, they ate concentrated feed with fine grains and drank the cleanest mountain spring water. This is normal. It was a treat that could only be enjoyed by aristocrats - it was carefully brushed inside and out with a brush, and finally it was even sprinkled with precious spices.

They are obviously just animals, but they enjoy treatment that ordinary people cannot enjoy. It is not that they are noble, the only reason is that they are to be dedicated to God.

Jing Ke realized that in the eyes of these girls called "Ghosts", he was like a beast.

As a heroic warrior who dared to assassinate the King of Qin, he was now treated as a frail little girl, a "gift" to the King of Qin, and was even given an enema. Such a humiliating experience, Jing Ke Almost too humiliated.

With her skill at the time of victory, regardless of her weird spiritual power, she was able to kill all these little girls who were considered extraordinary by ordinary people in three seconds in one go.

But, she can't do it.

While she was weak, she was put on a restricted magic item - it was a metal collar. After being placed around her neck, the upper limit of the power she could exert was limited to the level of ordinary people.

At this level, even if she has extraordinary martial arts skills, she is no match for these Ghosts.

So, I can only surrender.

As a result, Ye Ting could see that the chic and tragic assassin girl before was now tied into a ball in a "tortoise-shell binding" manner. While fully revealing her proud figure, she also looked extremely sexy. .

Perhaps because of being too cautious, Ye Ting discovered that the Ghosts' restrictions on Jing Ke were comprehensive. Not only were his hands and feet restrained, but even a mouth ball was put on his mouth.

In addition, they decorated the knots with beautiful ribbons and tied them with bows, just like gifts.

....Is this what you want?"

Thinking of the Ghost girl's warm and ambiguous eyes before entering the door and her words, "Enjoy it, Your Majesty." Ye Ting couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Walking forward and looking at the young assassin with tears in her eyes, humiliation and unwillingness on her face, but unwilling to admit defeat, Ye Ting casually untied her gag.

"Gu, kill me."

After embarrassingly dealing with the saliva that leaked from her mouth, the girl assassin said a classic line from the episode. .

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