The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 927 The Emperor’S Coronation [First Update]

As the core of the contention of a hundred schools of thought during the Warring States Period, Jixia Academy in Qi State could be said to be the real headquarters of various schools and alchemists. Its status is equivalent to the Mystra Academy in Greece today or the clock tower of the Future Magician Association.

Here, the strongest alchemist forces in Kyushu are gathered.

However, it was no use.

In front of Ye Ting, a being at the pinnacle of magicians, all the magicians from Jixia Academy were bundled together and were no match for him. In the end, their only outcome was the annihilation of their clan.

That battle could be described as a world-shattering battle. Qin King Zhao Zheng faced the entire Jixia Academy alone, facing the core power of Kyushu alchemists.

As the center of academic debate among hundreds of schools of thought, Jixia Academy has a profound heritage. In its heyday, countless famous thinkers and alchemists were born - among them, the famous Ruzi (Meng Ke), Chunyu Bi, Zou Zi, Tian Pian, Shenzi (Shenzi), Shenzi (Shenbuhai), Jiezi, Jizhen, Qingzi (Huan, Pengmeng, Yinwenzi Yiwen)

Tian Baer said, Lu Lianzi (Lu Zhonglian), Zouzi (Zouxi), Xunzi (Xunkuang), etc.....

This also brought a profound foundation to Jixia Academy.

Throughout the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, 11 although heroes, philosophers and alchemists shine like stars, with its profound knowledge and endless stream of strong men, Jixia Academy can always suppress them. No one dares to offend this organization, let alone It's like standing in front of it like Ye Ting.

If it weren't for the fact that Jixia Academy originally had great conflicts within it, the various schools of thought were never of the same mind, and the disputes over orthodoxy were almost overwhelming, Jixia Academy would have had the ability to become the de facto ruler of Kyushu.

Unfortunately, Ye Ting appeared.

How could this organization, which gathered the best of the Chinese Alchemy Force, be the opponent of Ye Wu, who relied on the Goddess of the Magic Network and almost controlled the world's spiritual veins?

This battle allowed the world to truly see the Great Qin and the foundation of the Great Qin - the power of Qin King Zhao Zheng.

He is not only a great king, but also an incomparable strong man.

No one in the world would dare to be a scholar.

The demise of Jixia Academy also symbolizes the final resistance of the Six Kingdoms in the novel.

Since then, the so-called Warring States Period has completely become history, and all six countries have been destroyed. Instead, there was a new and powerful Qin Empire.

At this point, the matter of proclaiming emperor was also put on the agenda.

As the king who completed the unification of Kyushu and led the people into a modern society, the king's title alone is no longer enough to assume Ye Ting's status. Therefore, he can be said to be "the three emperors of merit and the five emperors of virtue" and calls himself the emperor.

The country's name also changed to "Qin Empire".

With this name, Ye Ting completed his coronation.

In the Age of Gods, such a coronation ceremony was not only a superficial form and etiquette, but also had an inherent symbolic meaning. It was a large-scale magic ceremony with a national scope.

The so-called "Zhou Rites" is the magic book that holds this ritual rule, and Confucius' "Restoration of Zhou Rites" is also a restoration of this lost magic ritual.

Before Ye Ting's enthronement and coronation ceremony, some Confucian alchemists asked to see him, trying to gain a higher status at the cost of presiding over Zhou rites.

After all, looking at hundreds of schools of thought, only Confucianism has made the most profound achievements in this regard.

However, their attempt to blackmail Ye Ting failed.

Ye Ting rejected them.

Just kidding, it's just a magic ritual. He has even created a magic ritual for people to become gods, let alone a mere coronation ceremony.

Therefore, the whole ceremony process did not refer to any "Zhou Rites" at all. Along the way, Ye Ting established the system and etiquette of the new dynasty in his own way, leaving everything in the past behind.

Then, these Confucian scholars who were originally watching the joke were completely dumbfounded.

This ritual was completely out of King Qin's capriciousness, but it produced an effect and was recognized by all spirits in the world.

The moment the coronation ceremony ended, the color of heaven and earth changed.

All over the Nine Provinces, every common person, every Qin person, whether they are old Qin people or people from the original Six Kingdoms, as long as they are the people of Great Qin, without exception, they are so blessed that they kneel on the ground in their hearts, feeling that a great will is calling them. soul.

They obey this will, follow this will, and worship this will.

From then on, Ye Ting had absolute power of life and death over the people of Da Qin.

At the same time, on the ground, one spiritual vein after another shone with bursts of spiritual light.

Spiritual veins are the source of the earth's magic, the foundation of mysterious existence, and a part of Hecate.

But at this moment, these spiritual veins, without exception, are connected to another existence outside of Hecate.

If someone could overlook the land of Kyushu from space, he would find that at the moment, the spiritual veins of Kyushu, like a string of nine stars, began to radiate outwards with the spiritual veins of Qin as the center.

As the stars were lit up one after another, the spiritual veins shone brightly one after another. Eventually, these lights formed an unprecedented creature on this land.

The antlers are like a deer, the head is like a camel, the eyes are like a rabbit, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a fish, the claws are like an eagle, the palms are like a tiger, and the ears are like an ox.

There are eighty-one scales on its back, with ninety-nine Yang numbers. Its sound is like a summer copper plate. There is a beard beside the mouth, a bright pearl under the chin, and reverse scales under the throat.

There is Boshan above the head, also known as Chimu. Without Chimu, one cannot ascend to heaven. Breathing into clouds can change both water and fire.

That's dragon.

This is the authority given by the land of Kyushu to the ruling emperor, and it is also the only 267 dragon in the world.

Under the influence of magic rituals and the cooperation of Hecate, this dragon, which represents the collection of all spiritual veins in Kyushu, was born and became a part of Ye Ting.

As a result, he had extremely powerful authority.

Wherever he wants to have abundant magic power, there will be a place where spiritual veins are enriched. Wherever he wants to have spiritual veins withered, there will be a desert of alchemy.

The dragon can be big or small, it can rise or disappear; if it is big, it can stir up clouds and spit out mist; if it is small, it can conceal its form; if it rises, it can soar in the universe; if it is hidden, it can lurk within the waves.

This spiritual dragon broke through the fixed restrictions and instead stretched and moved freely in this vast area, twisting its body.

The will of man and the will of the earth are now finally imposed on one person.

So, in full view of the public, Ye Ting's attire changed - the jade from Kunshan, the treasure of easygoingness, the pearl of the hanging moon, the sword of Tai'a, the horse of Xianli, the flag of Jianlan, the tree Drum of the Spirit.

This was the ceremonial dress that symbolized the emperor given to Ye Ting during the coronation ceremony.

Wearing a crown of twelve night pearls.

The black royal robe on his body turned into a dragon robe representing the dragon veins of the Nine Provinces.

The rest of the equipment is also the crystallization of heaven and earth, and is a symbol of the emperor's power.

As a result, Ye Ting truly became the emperor and the ruler of the country. .

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