In fact, after many attempts at hacking and inviting Hermione, Zhang Qiu and others from Mystra College, and even Danterian to try, Ye Ting discovered that Moonce was not broken.

When goddesses such as Danterian, Aphrodite, and Artemis tried to hack, Mooncell's firewall, although there were occasional loopholes, generally operated normally.

But when Hermione, Zhang Qiu and others hacked into it, Mooncell began to malfunction frequently, and even produced self-logical contradictions, leading to major loopholes in the firewall. This led to the fact that although Hermione and others were mortals, they were able to be more powerful than the goddesses. Easily enter the depths of Mooncell.

After Ye Ting personally hacked, Mooncell's reaction was... to shut down.

Yes, it was like a complete freeze, the dynamic defense was completely stagnant, and the static defense also leaked "6, 7, 3" holes everywhere. At least on the first four floors, Ye Ting almost felt like he was in a deserted place.

This in the end is why?

After some thinking and testing, Ye Ting came to a conclusion.

All this is still related to the underlying logic of Mooncell.

The original purpose of Mooncell was to observe the earth.

And this process lasted for almost 4.6 billion years.

In the past 4.6 billion years, all the information and variables it has to process come from the earth originally [at most, it is the material exchange between space and the earth.

In other words, the logic of its observations and deductions, and the sources of information, are all based on the moon-shaped world.

Mooncell is very powerful, so powerful that it can deduce the future or even change the future with its information and calculation capabilities:

In order to conduct more complete observations, Mooncell has to record numerous "ifs" in history, and the computing device placed on the moon is for this purpose.

Mooncell uses its huge calculation ability to predict past knowledge and predict the future. The center keeps everything about that "future prediction".

Therefore, no matter what the future is, Mooncell can quickly complete the "shape" calculation of the earth to that future as long as the results are input, because Mooncl has already woven the methods and practical means to achieve that goal before. Out.

This is Mooncell's Ability.

However, after Ye Ting traveled to this world, everything changed. ,

This is like a virus entering the game server and the ideal environment for the experiment being contaminated - even if Ye Ting does nothing, the butterfly effect alone will change the development of history beyond recognition.

At the very least, the so-called conservation of mass in the universe has been broken.

What's more, Ye Ting didn't do nothing. On the contrary, as he constantly intervened, huge amounts of deviations occurred in the history of the earth. Such deviations reached their peak with the rise of the Xian Qin Empire.

As a result, Mooncell, as a supercomputer that is the "Eye of Observing the Earth", ran into big trouble.

The existence of Ye Ting is equal to the sudden addition of variable , logical confusion has appeared time and time again, and if Mooncell were not powerful enough, its system would almost collapse.

As a time traveler, no matter which world Ye Ting goes to, he will always be the nemesis of those who have powerful prophecy abilities.

Just like now, as long as Ye Ting stands in front of Mooncell, it will cause chaos in its system, which greatly facilitates his invasion of Mooncell.

It can be said that Ye Ting is the biggest bug for Mooncell.

Moreover, as a bug, Ye Ting's destructive power on Mooncell will spread with his influence on others and infect others - this is the effect of the butterfly effect.

Although goddesses such as Aphrodite and Artemis are all powerful gods, because they are all existing in the moon world, they are only influenced by Ye Ting, so they can make Mooncell produce A certain mistake—but that’s about it.

As for Hermione, Zhang Qiu, Penello and others, they are not originally natives of the Moon Cell, but are visitors to the Otherworld like Ye Ting. They are even more destructive to Mooncell than the goddesses.

Definitely, as a supercomputer, Mooncell does not have mechanisms to deal with unexpected situations.

After all, the earth and even the solar system do not exist independently. They are constantly affected by the sources of the universe, and Mooncell’s computing power cannot deduce the entire universe.

Mooncell’s response mechanism is to conduct analysis through huge computing power.

As long as the unexpected factors are thoroughly analyzed and the operating mechanism of bugs is fully understood, accidents will always be included in the calculation and bugs will be eliminated directly.

However, Ye Ting is not something that Mooncell can easily analyze.

As for Hermione and others, without Ye Ting's existence, they would have been completely analyzed by Mooncell, and there would be no possibility of them becoming bugs.

In short, after knowing what he meant to Mooncell, Tu Ting naturally would not let this opportunity go.

Although he doesn't know how long he can remain a mystery in front of Mooncell, as long as he can successfully take over Mooncell before then, everything will be fine.

So, Ye Ting launched an invasion.

Mooncell broke through the first five levels effortlessly, but he finally ran into trouble on the sixth level.

Compared with the first five layers, the defense method of the sixth layer is "quantity".

Ye Ting must break through the photon ocean equivalent to 404 light-years to reach the next level. There is no possibility of trickery.

For Ye Ting, even if he turned into light and moved forward at the speed of light, it would take hundreds of years to reach his goal.

This is not in line with Ye Ting's plan.

However, as long as a few extra means are used, it is absolutely impossible to stop Ye Ting in just a few hundred light years.

After all, this is not hundreds of light years in the true sense - Mo4.6oncell is only three thousand kilometers in diameter, so how can it travel hundreds of light years?

Regarding the invasion of Mooncell, the original method used could not be physical means, but put the mind into the imaginary number space inside Moonce.

This situation is somewhat similar to The Matrix.

Because normal souls are within the range of Mooncell's deduction, there is no difference between the imaginary number space and reality.

And Ye Ting is a man that Mooncell can never analyze, and he is Mooncell's bug.

In other words, Mooncell has no specific data for Ye Ting.

Without data, how does Mooncell define Ye Ting's existence and authority in the imaginary number space?

So, he cheated. .

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