The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 940: Revisiting The Garden Of Eden [First Update]

Although Da Qin's biologists and alchemists did not understand the identity of this creature, Ye Ting quickly made a preliminary judgment on it:

This creature exists exactly as Type: Mars.

It is the UltimateONE of Mars, the strongest species of life on Mars.

UltimateOne is an individual that stands at the top of the planet's biological system. According to the hierarchical distribution principle of the food chain, the higher the species is at the top of the food chain, the more its individual characteristics show a trend - intelligence and ability increase, and reproductive ability decreases.

Therefore, the higher a species is at the top of the food chain, the smaller its number and weaker its ability to reproduce, but its ability as a living thing is stronger.

Using extreme thinking, when a species has developed to its extreme (that is, it has reached the apex of evolution), the number of its species is 1, and this single individual is the species it belongs to. It mixes the characteristics of both sexes, Immortality - this is the definition of Ultimate One.

Each Ultimate One possesses the ability to single-handedly exterminate all species of life in the existing world.

On the other hand, these Ultimate Ones, without exception, can be said to be the soul of the planet.

By the way, if we follow the usual predictions, human beings should eventually evolve into the Ultimate One of the earth, that is, Type: earth; but at some point in 920, human beings began to go astray. As "human beings" who are subordinate to the will of nature, they have gone astray. Departing from the "path" of natural intention is the beginning of the spiral of contradictions and the reason why Alaya consciousness splits from Gaea.

However, human prosperity is not just an accident, but a necessity: among all the planets in the solar system, only the earth is special. It is so prosperous and attracts so much attention. It is also the only one on which countless people were born. of gods.

Closer to home, after discovering Type: Mars, Ye Ting was a little nervous at first. With his ability alone, he would definitely be able to destroy this monster that even the evil eye of death can't do anything about (there is no concept of death), but in the process, there are inevitable Experience a battle that could destroy the tectonic plates of Mars.

Moreover, after destroying Type: Mars as UO, even Ye Ting does not know whether it will have any impact on the Martian ecology.

Fortunately, Great Qin's transformation of Mars did not cause Type:Mars to have any overreaction - after all, transforming Mars does not mean destroying Mars, and maybe even Type:Mars would be happy with it.

However, the existence of Type: Mars still reminded everyone in Daqin: there are still many creatures in this universe that are difficult for mortals to compete with (bbdc). There are gods on the earth, and there are existences like UO on alien planets.

If it wants to truly dominate the solar system, or even go out, Da Qin still has a long way to go.

But no matter what, the transformation of Mars was finally completed. Even though Mars originally had the foundation to become a livable planet, this also proved that Daqin truly had the ability to turn the planet into a human being.

The history of habitable planets.

Definitely, Da Qin's transformation methods are still not mature enough. Therefore, the transformation of the Martian climate and crust is not very thorough. Coupled with the distance between Mars and the sun, this results in a relatively arid climate on Mars, a large temperature difference between day and night, and windy and sandy weather. Major defects.

If the earth is a humid terrestrial planet, then Mars is an arid planet.

There are large plains, as well as many cliffs and canyons. There are few water resources and only a short rainy season. Except for several common weeds, other vegetation mainly exists near the oasis.

In short, for humans, it is barely a livable planet.

Therefore, as an industrial planet, Mars has launched vigorous immigration and construction.

The development of other planets in the solar system is also very smooth.

On Venus, Daqin established a fully automated mining mechanism that only requires a small number of staff and magicians to maintain.

On Jupiter, Da Qin established a mechanism to mine the elemental resources of Jupiter's atmosphere. Although there was no precedent for mining the gas giant planet, the establishment of the mechanism was not complicated.

As for Saturn, Da Qin not only started mining its atmosphere, but also began to develop the resources of Saturn's rings - the countless small planets in the rings of Saturn are Da Qin's inexhaustible mineral addiction.

The more distant planets Uranus and Aquaman are also yet to be developed.

Countless raw materials were gathered from all over the solar system and then transformed into Da Qin's various magic technology products.

The cross-planet Xian Qin Empire has already shown its prototype.

On Earth, the local people of Great Qin have been fully integrated into the system of Great Qin. In other words, after conquering the Six Kingdoms, Great Qin has completely digested the unification of Kyushu.

Today's Great Qin is fully prepared to conquer the world.

Except how to fight the gods.

In Da Qin's journey to conquer the world, the most important part is the method of fighting against the gods.

As long as the gods who control the rules stand in the world, the Qin Dynasty's journey to conquer the world will never succeed.

So, Ye Ting went to Canaan.

There, he needs to take back a seed that was sown in his early years to fight against the gods.

"Genesis Eden" is exactly what it is called.

The seeds of this demiplane were handed over to Jehovah, that is, the hands of Ile. As the main god of the Cross religion started a war between gods everywhere, it continued to grow. Now it has become an Olympus comparable to the Olympus pantheon. Sishan, Asgard of the Nordic pantheon, or the divine realm of heaven in the former Chinese pantheon.

Because he was tricked by Solomon, Jehovah has now severed his connection with mankind, and is now extremely weak, even to the point where he can only stay in "Genesis Paradise" and rely on it to survive.

However, with the Ability of "Genesis Eden" and the powerful heavenly army created by Angel's pool of reincarnation, Jehovah was still able to maintain his status even if he fell into weakness, and he was not completely reduced to the bottom of the pantheon.

However, with the arrival of Ye Ting, Yiler's good days came to an end.

Jehovah was surprised when he heard about the visit of a magician who called himself an “enemy.”

Hundreds of years have passed since he obtained "Genesis Eden" and became the only god of the Cross.

But for Jehovah, the mysterious magician appeared inexplicably and gave him three powerful artifacts inexplicably, as if it happened yesterday.

Even though one of the three divine objects is now lost, Jehovah has to admit that these three divine objects are indeed powerful enough and played an irreplaceable role in his rise. Even after becoming the god of the Cross, he also tried to create He has obtained several artifacts such as the Ark of the Covenant, but none of them can compare with those three artifacts.

Now I heard that a magician who claimed to be an "enemy" had found the entrance to "Genesis Eden" and claimed to see him. Jehovah immediately paid attention to it.

Although he didn't know whether this magician was really the "enemy", just because he was able to find the entrance to "Genesis Eden" made him begin to doubt the magician's true identity.

You know, in the past hundreds of years, no one has been able to discover its traces unless Jehovah and the Angels take the initiative to guide him.

Therefore, Jehovah specially sent Gabriel, one of the chief angels, to receive the visitors. .

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