The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 943 Michael’S Reminder [First Update]

"Sister Gabriel, who is that distinguished guest?"

As soon as the door of the holy place was closed, Rachel immediately asked Gabriel.

Definitely, Rachel's attitude towards Gabriel is much more well-behaved than towards Michael - even the "naughty child" Rachel is not willing to face Gabriel's preaching.

"I heard that he was a human magician." Although he didn't understand the reason for Rachel's curiosity, Gabriel casually introduced him, "He is a very knowledgeable person with a wide range of knowledge. He seems to be very similar to my lord. Familiarity is the kind of relationship where we are on a first-name basis..."

But Gabriel didn't notice that following her introduction, Rachel next to him started to move around. He rolled his eyes and didn't know what he had in mind.

Here, Gabriel introduced Ye Ting to Rachel based on the conversations and impressions along the way. In the holy place, Ye Ting followed Michael all the way forward.

"If the guest on the road promises something embarrassing to Gabriel, don't take it seriously." While walking on the road, Michael suddenly said to Ye Ting, "If there is anything rude, I will do it for you on her behalf." Apologize and please don't blame her. 17

"There's nothing embarrassing." Ye Ting smiled.

"Really? That's good," Michael's tone was still serious, "There have been no visitors to heaven for a long time. The arrival of guests will inevitably arouse their interest. This is the case for Gabriel and the same for Rachel. But please believe that, We bear no ill will towards you.

"I believe this, it means that my Angel is a good boy." Ye Xuan's words have some meaning.

Then, Ye Ting suddenly brought up another topic: "I remember that Angel also has a type of black wings, which seems to belong to the Jiaoyan Hell. Is that true?"

This topic seemed to offend Michael's taboo.

After a long silence, she opened her mouth: "Although I don't want to admit it, I want to say, yes. If Angel has black wings, it means...degeneration. These Angels have violated the taboos of heaven. they were banished to hell by our Lord."

As if he was afraid that Ye Ting would misunderstand something, after Michael finished speaking, he immediately added: "But...but guests, please don't misunderstand them. Although Lucifer and the others fell into hell, they are not bad people in essence. They are just Their personalities are a bit... In short, if they have offended you, I would like to apologize to you on their behalf. Please do not regard them as real devils.

"How could it be? I've already said that I believe Angels are all good kids," Ye Ting waved his hand, and then said teasingly to Michael, "Michael is too serious.

Don't always apologize. "

"Sorry, this is... uh, I shouldn't have said this word, sorry... oops... woo woo..."

Michael wanted to explain something, but unknowingly he kept apologizing again. After doing this again and again, the serious Angel turned red with embarrassment.

Ye Ting was amused for a while: "Haha, Michael is too serious. Although this is because Michael always thinks about the Angels, which is really great, but sometimes Michael has to relax a little. That’s all, you have to believe in the ability of your compatriots.”

"Ugh...Thank you for your understanding. I'm so sorry. I was rude just now...Psst."

He wanted to express his gratitude to Ye Ting, but accidentally said an apology. Even Michael himself was amused by himself.

The distance between the two seemed to have become much closer.

Since the Angel race is not born with artificial weapons, but with man-made weapons, basically none of the Angels are evil in terms of character - even if they are not good, Joe is in the neutral camp.

Not only that, Angels also have excellent qualities such as loyalty, diligence, obedience, and bravery. Whether as soldiers or subordinates, they are considered first-class excellence.

From this point of view, as the final product of Ye Ting's artificial energy materialized autonomous weapon plan, Angel is quite qualified.

However, this does not mean that Angels do not have their own personalities.

Although some people believe that weapons should not have their own thoughts, because the "artificial weapons" created are alive, Ye Ting also gave these lives space to develop independently while setting their core.

There may be some people who "want to build memorial arches even if they are bitches", but Ye Ting truly believes that even if man-made weapons are intended to be weapons, apart from being weapons, Angels are also independent lives and should enjoy independence to a certain extent. Will——not the kind of identical character produced by the assembly line.

Moreover, he also believes that only warriors with free will can have room for improvement in ability. If Angel's mental model was completely designed by Ye Ting, then no matter how perfect such a mental model is, no matter how suitable it is for combat, The upper limit of the Angel produced in this way is determined the moment it is produced.

It is precisely because of Ye Ting's consideration that even though today's Angels are "artificial weapons", their personalities and abilities are all in full bloom.

However, this also leads to the fact that although Angels have all kinds of good qualities, there are still many "bad kids".

For example, Samael, who had a compassionate heart, was expelled from heaven because he let Adam and Eve eat the "fruit of wisdom".

For example, Lucifer, who was arrogant and self-centered, was exiled to hell because he opposed God's decision.

For example, Rachel didn't care about her job and focused on collecting all kinds of knowledge. She even collected 1,500 pieces of divine knowledge from above and below to create the "Book of Rachel".

Among these Angels with different personalities, if Gabriel is like a loving mother and sister, then Michael is like a father - even though he is a girl-crazy person.

Michael is serious, serious, and conscientious, and his requirements for the other Angels are relatively strict, but most Angels obey him, because as the leader of the heavenly army, Michael is indeed quite competent.

For Michael, the so-called glory of God and the justice of Christianity are important, but what she values ​​most is her compatriots. She protects all the Angels like a father. The reason why she frequently speaks out apologies is because It was also for this reason that she didn't want anyone to bear a grudge against her compatriots.

She also paid great attention to the fallen Angels who were exiled to hell by Jehovah.

In the subsequent chat, although he also realized that he had no idea why, he easily developed a liking for Ye Ting, but Michael did not react as fiercely as Gabriel.

You know, as the strict father of the Angels, Michael is always wary of existences other than Angels. This is the first time that he has such a good impression of a stranger.

Michael believed his inner intuition - this man would not harm her - so he told Ye Ting everything he knew.

Even her dissatisfaction with Jehovah's exile of the fallen Angel was expressed to Ye Ting frankly.

Although Jehovah's holy place is large, the three of them still reached their destination while chatting.

Before opening the final door, Michael hesitated for a moment and reminded him in a low voice:

"Since more than 800 years ago, my master has become a little moody... Although I shouldn't say this, guests should be careful."

Then, a door full of light opened.

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