The stormy attack had passed, but Ye Ting and Altira, who were surrounded by the "Sea of ​​Chaos", were still unscathed.

Ye Ting could already see that the face of Jehovah in the sky was completely livid.

"You can actually do this?" After confirming that his temporary means could not do anything to the other party, the god sighed, "It seems that I have indeed underestimated you. You are worthy of being able to create 'Genesis·I'." You are a human being from Dian', 'Angel's Pond of Reincarnation' and 'Sealing Ring', your methods are indeed comparable to gods, I have never seen such a powerful human being."

However, his expression soon turned to arrogance.

"However, if you think this is all, you are wrong - as the master of all the rules in 'Genesis Eden', my methods are not something that you, a mortal, can resist, and my power is not something that you, a mortal, can imagine. Since ordinary methods can't defeat you, then let's see my true power."

Saying this, the Giant of Light's body gradually shrank and returned to a normal human size.

However, the reduction of the giant god's size did not reduce its power by half - on the contrary, the power that controlled everything became even more brilliant after being condensed.

"From what I see, your world is full of chaos, distortion, and destruction. It has no order, no rules, and no living beings. This is a heresy in the world and an evil heretic. Since you have created such a world, I will In the name of Heavenly Father, I declare that you are guilty!"

The righteous and awe-inspiring voice resounded throughout the world like a yellow bell. It contained criticism of Ye Ting, and its words were righteous, as if Ye Ting was really a villain with heinous crimes.

This is the holy word of Heavenly Father, which contains the law of judgment. For a moment, Ye Ting felt that his inherent barrier was becoming more resistant to the resistance of "Genesis Eden", and the maintenance of the inherent barrier suddenly changed. It was a lot more difficult.

The power of judgment is to add the "vulnerable" debuff to the being who is declared "guilty", which will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort against the attacks of the judged.

However, he remained unmoved.

The third method, the materialization of the soul, turned his soul into a powerful magic engine. The pure soul beat like a heart and continued like an engine, continuously squeezing out massive amounts of magic power and maintaining the smallest range of inherent barriers.

However, this is not over yet.

The Word of the Lord (bbdg) continues.

“The world should be beautiful, orderly, and bright, so Chaos should be ugly and sinful, and Chaos should not exist.

"I am the Heavenly Father, the Creator of the world, the omniscient and omnipotent Lord, and it is my duty to break this Chaos and create the world of order!"

"Then, sinners who created Chaos, see the power of the omniscient and omnipotent Lord, and witness my 'Creation'!"

With his words, the original world of "Genesis Eden" began to collapse. The world that was originally like a paradise was shattered in the word of Jehovah. Finally, the world began to collapse.

The first thing to collapse was the core Paradise Mountain. The mountain shining with holy light was shattered step by step from top to bottom like broken dominoes. The shining holy light was no longer there, and the mountain collapsed into gravel, turned into gravel and finally turned into dust. .

The silver ocean at the foot of the mountain also began to dry up and wither, like a bathtub with the plug pulled out, the constant stream of holy water continued to evaporate and dry up [eventually a huge pit remained.

The next thing that was destroyed was Angel's home, the Clear Water Domain. This place where Angels gathered was originally full of beautiful scenery and Angels' huts. However, the flowers and trees here began to wither and emit a stench, and the houses One by one they decayed and collapsed, and the Angels were at a loss and flying around. Some of them wanted to cast spells to stop it all, but they all failed without exception.

Only the Angel Reincarnation Pool was spared. This beautiful moon-white lake became the last refuge for the Angels. Ye Ting saw that the overwhelmed Angels hid in one after another with the help of Michael and Gabriel. In the lake, I was at a loss as I watched the spectacle of the world shattering.

What was then destroyed was the Garden of Eden where humans and the Holy Spirits lived. Although this once paradise has now fallen into desolation, it is still the ideal home for many animals and plants. But this ideal home has now been destroyed, and death and destruction have come. Here, not only the residents here were destroyed, but also the last traces of human beings left here were destroyed.

The green field is no longer green, yellow and black have become the main tone here, and then there is darkness.

The golden light of the golden hills was eventually swallowed up by the boundless darkness.

As a result, "Genesis Eden" was shrouded in darkness and Chaos, and no trace of the past was left. Even the Angels hiding in the Angel's Reincarnation Pool did not dare to regard this Jedi as the paradise of the past.

Unfortunately, Jehovah does not care about the opinions of the Angels. He only cares about how to defeat his enemy and gain everything he wants from him.

Thus, the real creation begins.

The ground is empty and Chaos, and the abyss is dark, almost the same as Ye Ting's "Inherent Barrier·Sea of ​​Chaos".

Jehovah, suspended among them, finally spoke: "...let there be light."

A ray of light appeared in this darkness, and there was light in this world.

The light shone brightly and even eroded into the "Sea of ​​Chaos". Ye Ting clearly felt the weakening of the inherent barrier power.

Then God said: "Light is good; separate it from darkness."

Then God said: "Whatever has light should be called day, and what has no light should be called night."

So, from then on, day and night began to alternate.

Even the chaotic power of the "Sea of ​​Chaos" was split into two by this power. The positive and negative energies were involuntarily separated, and the color of Chaos became black and white.

Day and night alternate, black and white change.

God also said: "There should be heaven and earth in the world, and the pure ones should live above and be called heaven; and the turbid ones should live below and be earth."

So the heaven and the earth were divided into two parts, and the materials in the world formed the light and broad sky and the heavy and steady earth.

The energy storms and whirlpools in the "Sea of ​​Chaos" have also been divided into two, and the top and bottom have become orderly. Although there are still terrible time and space vortexes, they can no longer cause greater chaos.

Another day.

God said: "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place, and the dry land shall be exposed."

So the water on the earth and the rocky soil were separated, the water gathered into the sea, and the land was surrounded by the sea.

God said: “Let the earth bring forth grass, herbaceous plants bearing seed, and trees bearing fruit with seed in it, according to their kind.”

So plants reappeared on the land and in the sea.

The Chaos of the "Sea of ​​Chaos" is no longer there, and the prototype of the world and life begins to be born.

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