Ye Ting and Hecate were there making love to each other, but Jehovah had no intention of paying attention to this at all.

His attention was now completely attracted by the web representing the spiritual veins covering Hecate's body.

Although logically, Jehovah cannot believe that such a god who controls the spiritual veins of the world can exist in this world.

You know, even great gods like Zeus and Odin, after the gods divided the divine realm, their influence was only limited to the divine realm.

And what about Hecate?

With the priesthood of mastering the magic network and magic, she is enough to become the strongest echelon among the gods no matter which divine domain she is in.

Combined with her status in each of the divine realms, she is undoubtedly a level above Odin, Zeus, Shiva and other god-kings, and even the original gods from thousands of years ago are inferior to her.

However, how could domineering god-kings such as Odin and Zeus tolerate the existence of such a god under their command who was powerful enough to subvert their rule?

From this point, Jehovah could not figure out how the goddess in front of him got to where she is today.

However, as a being at the level of god above god, even if the world that supports his god above god status is no longer under his control, he still has the basic ability to be a god above god.


For example, the ability to parse rules.

The "magic net" around Hecate that represents the global spiritual veins cannot be deceived at all, nor can the impact of the goddess's every move on magic.

Even the subversion of "Genesis Eden" can't fool people.

Countless evidence pointed to the fact that he didn't want to believe, forcing him to believe it.

As if he was in a good mood because he was praised by his lover, Hecate answered his questions softly.

"Actually, I was not a goddess originally. I was just an apprentice learning magic with Ting at the beginning. If it weren't for Ting's ascension ceremony, I wouldn't have become the Goddess of the Magic Network. If Ting hadn't spent hundreds of years Even if I travel throughout this world, my power will not extend to the entire planet."

Such a powerful goddess was actually just a mortal in the past?

Hecate's words caused an uproar in Jehovah's heart. This incredible fact completely subverted his worldview.

"A mortal...can able to do this..."

At the moment, the omniscient and omnipotent god looked at Ye Ting with eyes that no longer had the anger and hatred in the past, leaving only deep shock.

"This... it's no wonder. After all, it's not surprising that a human being who can single-handedly transform me from a second-rate divine king to a great god who can compete with a first-rate divine line can do such an exaggerated thing." It’s too weird.”

With a wry smile on his face, Jehovah At the moment, he had given up his thoughts of being an enemy of Ye Ting.

In other words, when Hecate's shadow appeared, Jehovah had already understood that he had no ability to make a comeback.

Even though he had long seen that the phantom in front of him was just an incarnation of the goddess, he was now just a god who had lost his power. How could he resist?

He also understood now: If what Ye Ting said is true, it means that although "Genesis Eden" is an independent demi-plane, its essence is the core born from the gathering of spiritual veins from all over the world. In other words, the entire world is made up of the power of spiritual veins - this is why the "Genesis World" has the ability to absorb the true ether and cut off the true ether.

After all, even true ether is essentially derived from spiritual veins.

As the controller of the "Genesis Eden" rule, He was easily deprived of control. The reason is even simpler.

Because essentially, spiritual veins are controlled by Hecate.

And "Genesis Eden" is just a derivative of spiritual veins.

If "Genesis Eden" is compared to a computer system, then the Lord integrated into the rules is equivalent to having the administrator rights of the computer. He can modify and change the computer system at will like a developer, adding and deleting various functions to it. kind of application.

But both systems and applications are nothing more than computer software.

But Hecate controls the computer's hardware.

No matter how powerful the hacker's skills are, he can still do nothing by shutting down the computer and unplugging the network cable.

No matter how powerful (bbcf) its control over software is, there is still nothing it can do about subversion at the hardware level.

This is the situation that Jehovah has to face.

Therefore, He was defeated, completely defeated.

Before understanding the nature of "Genesis Eden", he originally thought that even if Ye Ting set a trap in this demiplane, it would only be at the "software" level.

So he took this step and became the "administrator" of the demiplane. In this way, no matter whether Ye Ting's trap was a "virus" or a "Trojan horse", he, the administrator, would be helpless.

However, Ye Ting's response was to directly replace the hardware.

So, he lost without any resistance.

What's worse is that before integrating into the rules, even if he lost, there was still the possibility of making a comeback.

However, after integrating into the rules of "Genesis Eden", He became closely connected with this demiplane and could not be separated.

As a result, He became a turtle in a urn. He clearly had the appearance of a god, but he lost even the ability to escape.

From this perspective, He became the one who fell into the trap.

As if he had figured it all out, Jehovah lowered his head and spoke hoarsely.

"You still have the upper hand. In this case, complete your final step in reorganizing this world and kill me.

Seeing the arrogant Jehovah who was originally arrogant when he was successful, the Jehovah who was wailing like a defeated dog suddenly changed to such an attitude, even Ye Ting was stunned.

.......Why, why don't you give me a pleasure?" Seeing that the other party has not yet made a move, Jehovah emphasized his tone, "For the sake of the fact that I was once the king of gods and suppressed the cross religion, give me a pleasure. Bar. "

Even a cowardly, selfish, and hypocritical god like Jehovah burst out with such heroism when facing the end.

Ye Ting sighed and finally nodded.

"Give him what he wants."

"As you wish." Hecate's gentle voice sounded in the magician's ears.

Then, the world on the verge of collapse finally began its final reorganization, and the space wall covering the demiplane began to dissipate.

As a result, in the land of Canaan, at the original entrance to "Genesis Eden", the ball of light connecting the global spiritual veins suddenly expanded to a diameter of several thousand meters. Even people thousands of miles away could clearly see this. Strange vision.

This phase that originally coincided with the world, and everything in it, finally appeared in the world.

"Genesis Eden" collapsed.

As the incarnation of his rule, Jehovah lost consciousness forever, and his divine body dissipated in the air.

This god of gods is already dead.

He looked at his original position with a complicated look, and then looked at the confused looking Angels in the Angel Reincarnation Pool in the distance, as well as the incomprehensible fallen Angels who were originally staying in the "Scorched Hell". Ye Ting Continue to Hecate:

"Then, let us rebuild 'Genesis Eden', let the true power of this demiplane bloom, and announce the arrival of a new era.


Among the Angels, one Angel glanced at them secretly and quickly lowered his head. .

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