The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 970 Ye Ting’S Betrayal? 【First Update】

Jehovah's cruel speech finally extinguished Michael's last hope and yearning for him.

As if everything that supported him collapsed, Angel stood there with empty eyes, silent.

She no longer knew how to answer Jehovah’s words or how to solve the current dilemma.

Many Angels are in the same state as her.

This is the complete collapse of years of faith.

However, Ye Ting slowly opened his mouth and told all the truth:

"Through brainwashing and manipulation, you control and extract the last vestiges of benefits from believers. Lord, this is not the first time you have played this trick.

"Let me tell you, after losing the sealing ring and the wedge between you and humans, how did you maintain your power, and even go one step further, becoming the god above the gods in the small world - think of Gabriel and Michael once told me that with the disappearance of the Holy Spirit in heaven a few years ago, I think there is a high probability that they will become your food.

"Those people who originally worshiped you fanatically were easily controlled by you, burning their souls as fuel to supply you, allowing you to maintain your existence, and allowing you to become the god above the gods in the small world without being devoured. In the end, I completely lost my soul due to my own will, and even had no possibility of reincarnation - to achieve this step, you are really the only one, Lord.

"Although in response to the decline of the Age of Gods and the Twilight of the Gods, gods everywhere have begun to pay attention to the spread of their followers, but you are the only god I have seen who can use their followers in this way - I have never I have never seen such a shameless god!"

Ye Ting's words made Er Hehua's expression dim instantly.

Then, there was another dark sneer.

"Yes, as you said, I am such a god, but so what? Do you want to kill me like this? Do you want to get rid of this shameless god at the expense of all Angels?" "

Although he didn't express it clearly, anyone could hear the pride in his words.

Yes, he has already seen the status of Angels in Ye Ting's eyes:

Although the Angels were named "soul materialized mass-produced weapons," Ye Ting, as the creator, still did not truly treat them as so-called weapons and gave them the real respect as intellectual beings.

After thinking about it, I know that between Ye Ting and the Angels, there is a bond between the creator and the creation.

Therefore, after Jehovah managed to kidnap the lives of all Angels, he seemed emboldened.

After hearing Jehovah's speech, Michael, who was a little dull at first, looked at Ye Ting with hope.

The lives of all compatriots - including herself - are in the hands of the other party. The powerful Angel has no way to do anything about it. At the moment, she, who was originally brave and determined, can only be like the little woman Kosuke, putting all her Hope is placed in others.

And the person she felt she could rely on was Ye Ting.

"I the Creator who created us, He can find a way."

But, can Ye Ting really have a solution?

In fact, Michael did not have much hope for this.

However, at this time, the only one she could count on was Ye Ting.

However, what responded to her was Ye Leng's expression.

There was no sympathy, no relief, no anger, no concern, just indifference that had nothing to do with him, as if everything he had done in the past, his friendliness and concern, and his guarantee for their future as their creator had nothing to do with them. It's just a lie.

That kind of heartless attitude made Michael's heart thump.

She suddenly had an unknown premonition.

Sure enough, Ye Ting's merciless speech verified this point.

"Okay, if you think you can threaten me with Angel, you can give it a try."


Not only Michael, but even Jehovah himself almost felt that he had heard wrongly and couldn't believe Ye Ting's speech at all.

"What? Do you want me to repeat it again?" Ye Ting tilted his head, looking puzzled, "If your understanding of Ability is not enough, I will reluctantly explain it to you: If you think that by virtue of Angel, I am If the mere creation of them can threaten me, that would be a big mistake! The so-called Angels are just mass-produced humanoid weapons. In order to maximize their combat effectiveness, I gave them will. It would be best if we die together with you at the cost of the weapons we produced - so, if you want them to die together, then go ahead and do it!"

Asking for flowers......

" could you say such a thing? You must be trying to scare me, right? You have always cared so much about humans and Angels, how could you do such a thing? Yes, I already understand that you just want to deceive me, and you want me to relax my vigilance so that I can take advantage of you. I will never be fooled by you, a cunning person.

With a forced smile, Jehovah quickly found a reason for Ye Ting's speech, thereby maintaining his "everything is under control" attitude.

But anyone can see that he is just deceiving himself.

So, Ye Ting's next words gave him the final blow.


Human Magician commented.

"Too naive, Lord, as a god, you are too naive - how can you place your own comfort on the enemy's principles and bottom line? Do you really think that a person who can reach this point can still Are there any principles and bottom lines? You are so naive, haven’t you thought about it carefully? If it were you, how would you treat your own creation? I think, no matter how much you value Adam and Eve, when facing a major When it comes to making a decision, they are just puppets that you can give up at any time - then, why do you think I won't think so?"

Ye Ting's words were like Huang Zhong Da Lu, which not only woke up Jehovah, but also woke up Michael.

Yes, if it were Jehovah, facing a powerful enemy above the level of the Lord God, he would definitely kill him even at the expense of Adam and Eve.

How can a person who can climb to the top from a fiercely competitive group of gods not be more complicated and ruthless?

Those innocent and principled gods and people must have been eaten up and wiped clean by others on the way up.

Thinking of this, Jehovah and Michael were enveloped in despair.

Especially the latter, a sense of misery surged in his heart.

It turns out that the Angel family worked hard and served two generations of masters, but they never truly entered the hearts of any of them.

Such a tragic fate is breathtaking. .

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