The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 974: The Era Of Chaos [First Update]

After the death of Jehovah, the misunderstanding between Ye Ting and the Angels was resolved, and Ye Ting's mission in the Star Inner Sea came to an end.

With the death of Jehovah, a great god who established no less than several first-class god systems as a single god, and whose divine power even reached the level of a god at one time, as a sacrifice, the Spear of Longinus basically has the power to control the gods. The ability to absolutely kill.

The Inner Sea of ​​Stars, formerly the God-killing demiplane "Genesis Eden", is now integrated with the soul of the planet. While it is difficult to control, it is also given a new ability - that is, as long as it is on the planet , Ye Ting can project the Inner Sea of ​​Stars or its opposite (that is, Genesis·Jiaoyan Hell, a space where there is no true ether) onto the earth anytime and anywhere without considering the consumption of magic power. In other words, when fighting against gods, At that time, Ye Ting could create a place where true ether was cut off anytime and anywhere, greatly increasing his restraint on the gods.

So Ye Ting's journey to unify the world and end the rule of gods can finally begin.

Now, the power Ye Ting possesses to conquer the earth is not just the Spear of Longinus.

After undergoing a reboot, the 207 Angel Legion not only gained gender, but also liberated their true power, making them a lot stronger than their past selves. Even though they are usually unable to confront the Lord Gods head-on, in the Inner Sea of ​​Anti-Star , they are still good helpers for Ye Du.

In addition, he also controlled the sea, land, air and space legions of the Great Qin Empire.

If the Angels are the high-end forces under Ye Ting, then the Great Qin Empire has formed a regular force.

While the Angel Legion is fighting against the gods and their gods, the army of the Great Qin Empire will be responsible for conquering the mortal kingdoms, annexing all the civilizations in the world, and turning them into provinces of the Great Qin.

Compared with various human civilizations that were still in feudal society or even slave society, the Great Qin Empire completely crushed them both institutionally and technologically.

The existence of industrially produced firearms, various heavy vehicles and even mechas allows the Qin people to rely on their status as ordinary people to fight against extraordinary beings among humans without falling behind.

Even a great hero of the level of Hercules, as long as he is still a mortal and has not yet become a heroic spirit, he will not be able to break through the upper limit of mortals. Facing the Qin army like a torrent of steel, it is inevitable that his ability will be exhausted.

What's more, Da Qin also has power from outside the earth.

In fact, as the resources of the major planets in the solar system were exploited, and as Mars began to build the planet, the expansion of Da Qin's military power expanded at a geometric rate.

Today, a large number of satellites and orbital guns have been deployed in low-Earth orbit. On average, a mortal living on the earth will have a orbital gun pass by him every three minutes. This level of force is enough to give large forces at any time. The Qin army on the ground provides all-round support. In Da Qin, even a small soldier has the right to call for rail gun support at any time.

The enemies of Da Qin must always worry about whether they will die from "justice coming from heaven".

All of this is Ye Ting's courage to start the battle to conquer the world.

However, even with the power to subvert everything, Ye Ting is still a cautious person.

In other words, he will never be complacent because of the crushing power, especially when his opponents are gods. Gods are the embodiment of miracles. When dealing with gods, it is not surprising that any kind of accident will happen - Jehovah is an example. Obviously The first time, Ye Ting completely suppressed him by controlling "Genesis Eden", but he still allowed him to escape his life. It was not until he created the Spear of Longinus that he successfully killed the god.

Therefore, according to the original plan, before the war officially started, Ye Ting and Hecate secretly sneaked into various divine realms. With the ability of the Spear of Longinus, they frequently broke through the seals set by the gods and destroyed the various gods. All the enemies of the system were released. (bbec)

So, in the next period of time, all the major divine realms on the earth became lively.

In the Nordic pantheon, humans suddenly began to face three long and severe winters called the "Finbul Winters". Strong winds and snow blew from all directions and the land was frozen, without sunlight. "The world has no warmth since then."

In the world of the gods, the giant wolf Fenrir broke free from the shackles created by the gods. Its two demon wolf sons Hattie and Skull swallowed the moon and the sun in the sky respectively; the poisonous dragon Nidhogg hollowed out The deep roots of the World Tree; Yemengard, the earthly python that surrounds "Midgard", wakes up from the mud bed of the sea. Its long tail sets off huge waves that flood the valleys and mountains of Midgard, and the sea water rushes into the kingdom of the gods. ;At the same time, the frost giants and other giants living on the mountain also arrived; the imprisoned Loki also regained his freedom.

As a result, the divine war began among the gods.

In the Egyptian domain, the twin brother of the sun god Ra and his sworn enemy, the incarnation of destruction, Chaos, and darkness, the snake of Chaos, Apophis, finally broke through the shackles of the gods. In the past, it only harassed the sun ship when it sailed, and then began to attack Her. The Leopolis pantheon launched its final battle.

In the Greek God's Domain, the seal of the underworld was opened, and the hundred-armed giants and cyclops who were originally imprisoned behind the triple dark curtain and the three copper walls were released. They were the ancient gods of Olympus who were still in the technological civilization. When the god was still in his Mecha state, he was a compatriot who had different political opinions from the Olympian gods.

Because of their different attitudes towards the earth and mortals, they were imprisoned here. Now they have returned to the earth, raising the war flag against their former "brothers", wanting to restore the original Mecha and the great cause of Chaos. .

In the Aztec pantheon, the previous generation of god-kings who were defeated by Quetzalcoatl, the Quetzalcoatl god, the main god of the first era of Aztec mythology, the first sun, named "Smoke Mirror" Tezcatlipoca finally recovered and launched a challenge to Quetzalcoatl, who had instigated his rule and overturned his kingdom.

In the Zoroastrian pantheon, the dark evil gods who had been defeated by the light race made a comeback under the leadership of Angola Newman, and the dual battle between light and darkness began again. The land of Persia was once again devastated.

Indian pantheon…………

In the next few years, the entire earth, except for the areas ruled by Great Qin, fell into incomparable chaos.

Even the spirits of the Animist Cult, which widely existed in Africa, North America, and the Pacific, rioted due to the influence of the God War, and what followed was mutual conquest between tribes.

All in all, whether for gods or mortals, the earth in this era has entered the most chaotic era in history.

I'm back.

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