The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 982 You Are All My Wings [Second Update]


Faced with this problem, Ye Ting was paralyzed.

The goddesses in front of me are big, small, and some like Tamamo-mae are just right.

This is like asking who should be saved when the daughter-in-law and the mother fall into the water at the same time. No matter what the answer is, the other person will be offended.

"Yu Ji, Yu Ji, why do you ask this question at this time!"

In his heart, Ye complained to Ji endlessly.

As a qualified Aquaman, he kept silent after the discussion started to go wrong, trying his best to avoid causing trouble to himself.

If you ask such a question at this time, isn't it cheating him?

He secretly glanced at the culprit and found that the natural elf was covering his mouth and laughing.

How can it be repaired!

So you did it on purpose?!

Yu Ji, the fairy sister who is so indifferent and innocent, actually does such a thing.

Give me back the original fairy sister!

No matter how much Ye Ting complains or struggles in his heart, he still has to answer this question.

However, what should he answer?

If you choose, maybe Athena and Danterian will be happy, but Artemis and Aphrodite will cry. "

However, if he chooses (), he doesn't want to experience Danterian and Athena's poisonous tongues.

As for the compromise choice ()()...

Maybe BB, Hecate and Xiaoyu will all be happy, but it will also cause the other two parties to be dissatisfied at the same time.

How do people choose this?

As a qualified adult, Ye Ting has always adhered to the principle that when he is undecided among multiple options, then he wants them all.

And there was a line that he always wanted to say again.

So, his answer is...

"Small has its advantages, and big has its advantages. Whether it is the delicate and cute little lotus with its sharp corners or the soft and plump one that looks like a ridge or a peak from the side, each has its own charm. Whether it is, () or ()(), I like them all. So don’t quarrel over such boring things anymore, you are all my wings——"

"Oh my dear, you are the kindest!"

"Your Majesty really dares to say anything, Migu."

"To shamelessly say such words to your face, the creator is really awesome~ Wen"

"Sexy monkey really dares to say that."

"Who, who, who, are your wings!! Don't compare this goddess with them!"

.....I'm sorry, Mr. Ye Ting, but I have to tell you a fact. In terms of wings, no one in this world has more wings than our Angel family, but in fact we Angels only have eight wings at most. "

Critical hit.

Although everyone present protested against Ye Ting's declaration except for the nymphomaniac goddess Artemis, this sentence alone caused the most direct irony to him.

The last words were spoken by Michael. As the leader of the Angels, she participated in the meeting together with Lucifer, the leader of the fallen Angels.

Although it seemed like a kind reminder, just looking at her expression, you could tell that this long-time loyal, reliable and even somewhat honest Angel still had a hint of a bad smile on her lips.

"Psst——" Someone laughed immediately after hearing this.

"Michael-chan is right, Lord Ye Jian seems to have a lot of wings." Someone agreed.

"Absolutely, I have never seen a monster with dozens of pairs of wings."

One sentence left and one sentence right, sarcastic words sounded from all over the meeting, and the air was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Only Ye Ting was embarrassed.

"Then I really thank you for the reminder, Michael.

With a rare gloomy face, Ye Ting said fiercely to Michael with a smile. But he could only do this. After all, he was the one who caused this situation. "Under such circumstances, he could only accept the complaints from the girls.

However, it seems that because of the common "enemy", the stiff and awkward atmosphere among the women present has also eased. The mortals no longer feel too far away from the goddess, and the goddess who was originally vaguely contradictory We also began to be able to say friendly words to each other.

All of this is his contribution, Ye Ting (Dag).

Finally, the topic finally returned to business.

If you want to replace true ether with ether, ether covering the earth's surface and the entire atmosphere is indispensable. Unfortunately, unless the power of all living things on the earth is exhausted, it is simply impossible to continue to produce so much ether.

So, what does Ye Ting use to create so much ether in one go?

"Oops, everyone must have forgotten where we are," Xiaoyu stood up and stepped hard, "Really, isn't there a ready-made ether manufacturing machine here?"

Everyone looked at the blue silk stockings that outlined Miss Fox's cute legs. Under her slender feet were traditional Chinese clogs, and under her feet was the dreamy green and soft grass in the Star Inner Sea.

But, what does this mean?

His doubtful eyes turned to Tamamo Mae again.

Before she could unravel the mystery, BB on the other side reacted immediately.

"Big victory, BB! Sorry, BB is the first one to understand the meaning of Tamamo-sama and Creator-sama. As expected of you, what you rely on... is the soul of the planet, originally, yes Bar!?"

"That's right." Ye Ting and Tamamo nod in approval.

The rest of the people also suddenly realized.

Because the true ether comes from the planet originally, it is the magic power of the planet, and the true ether is what Ye Ting wants to replace, so everyone subconsciously ignores the power of the planet.

However, the source of ether is the soul and spirit, and if you want to create a large amount of ether, what can be more suitable than the soul of the planet?

Although the soul of the planet has a huge mass and does not have real thinking ability, the ether it can create is not an order of magnitude compared to the total ether that life on the planet can create.

As the Lord of the Inner Sea of ​​Stars, it is not impossible to control the soul of the planet to complete this step - it is better to say that this task is just within his ability.

"So, what we have to do is to recycle all the old true ether through the power of the spiritual veins and the inner sea of ​​stars, so that it can only exist in the inner sea of ​​stars, and replace it with a world full of true ether."

Ye Ting concluded.

"Definitely, cut off the true ether and let the ether fill the earth at the same time. The theory sounds simple, but it is actually very complicated. For example, we have to consider the flow of ether. This ritual must be carried out everywhere on the surface at the same time, otherwise the light will It is the magic vortex brought by the flow of ether that may destroy the continent. For another example, considering that ether's ability to resist sin is not as good as true ether, we must ensure a large source of ether in the future so that the world's magic network can fully and evenly circulate... ...To do all this, I need your help.

The monthly ticket was spent last night, and I flew to the west bank of the painting building to the east of Lu.

I don’t have a monthly ticket to fly with wings, but I have flowers in my heart. .

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