The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1517: Frankly admit each other

What is this ghost?

Dragon Cavalry System? Floating guns? Light wing propulsion device?

When Li Yalin really fought against origami in the true sense, he was already shocked by this full look and nothing to say, and the strong soul of the spit made him want to open his mouth several times.

But in the end, he finally forced to hold back, no nonsense, and devoted himself to the battle.

After the reversal, the origami is powerful, but after all, there is still a limit. Even if Li Yalin does not use any of the cards, purely playing against the origami can have an absolute advantage.

After all, he is not alone in the battle, in his body, full of the power of the elves, it can be said that he is working side by side with everyone!

Look at his state at this time, holding the ten-scented scorpion in his hand, behind the wings of the metal dance of the Eight Dancers, the flame on the left arm burned in the piano, and the cold on the right hand. Ice shield, and the body is still suspended with colorful halo.

This is completely armed to the rhythm of the teeth!

If in this state, he is still no match for origami, then his devil is estimated to be the end.


The battle between Li Yalin and origami is quite similar, but how to wake up the origami and let her regain consciousness?


In the hands of the fight, the sword was thrown out, and with the purple light, Li Yalin’s mouth began to cry out loud.

"Origami! You wake me up!"

Although he didn't know if his call was useful, he still shouted loudly. He firmly believed that origami must be able to hear his voice!

So at this moment, what is the situation of origami?

In the darkness, the long hair origami is floating there quietly. There is no concept of time and space, and there is only boundless darkness.

The origami that was originally suspended in the darkness was closed with no eyes, but did not know what power it was, and let her open her eyes in the next moment.

'This is where? ’

I saw the darkness of the surroundings for the first time. The long hair of the origami came a little uneasy, and she didn't even know what happened to her body.

‘This is the deepest part of your heart. ’

Just as the long hair origami was confused and uneasy, a voice suddenly sounded, accompanied by a figure that made her feel very familiar.

This figure... is her own!

'who are you? ’

Finally, the long hair origami was finally confirmed, the one who had the same appearance as himself, the only one who had only hair. It is her own!

However, because of this, she will be even more confused. She is here, so who is this in front of me?

‘I am you, 鸢 an origami! ’

When I heard the problem of long hair origami, the short hair origami quickly gave a response, but the other party’s answer was that the long hair origami was simply unacceptable.

'you are me? Then who am I? ’

Long hair origami can't make judgments at all. No one can tell her what happened to this.

‘You are me.鸢 an origami! ’

‘? ? ? ’

With the reopening of the short hair origami, the long hair origami has no idea what to say.

‘You are me, I am you, you and I are all an origami. ’

Long hair origami can't be opened anymore, but short hair origami is taking advantage of this opportunity and once again said such a sentence.

‘We are all one origami? I……'

In the case of complete confusion. Long hair origami finally raised the question again. However, this time, the short hair origami did not answer, but took the initiative to step forward and gently touched the origami hand.

With the two hands touched together. Long-haired origami only felt a myriad of memory fragments in his mind, the dying parents and the hardships and hard work of the individual, the joy and embarrassment after the reunion with Li Yalin, and the sadness and resentment after killing their parents.

All of this seems to be the one she has personally experienced, but she can be sure that this is definitely not her own destiny!

'Do not! this is not me! I did not kill my father and mother by myself! ’

'Do not! My life will not be so happy! Do not! ! ! ’

Originally, long hair origami wanted to shout out, desperately denying the memory of sadness and pain, but did not expect that the reaction of the short hair origami on the opposite side seemed to be more exaggerated.

Is that her personal experience? Is she denying her happiness?

Although the parents of long-haired origami were also killed in a car accident four years ago, before that, they still left her happy memories.

Especially crucial is that the parents of the origami did not immediately die at the scene of the accident. The origami saw the last side of the parents. She still remembers very clearly. At that time, the father said a lot of words to her very peacefully. No pain in general.

It is precisely because of this that the pain in her heart will be reduced a lot, not completely closed before the history has not changed.

Therefore, origami always considers itself to be a happy child, but can look at another ‘self’ experience. She really can't imagine what it would be like if she changed herself.


"Origami you wake me up!"

Just as the two origami are in chaos, another voice reverberates in this dark space. It is the sound that both origami are very familiar with, the voice of the person they are most attached to!

‘Yalin’s classmate...’


The subconscious, long-haired origami and short hair origami all called out the name of the person, and just as the two called the name, they looked at each other.

‘I always feel that we are not alone. ’

'makes sense……'

‘If we are indulging in this, will we let Alin’s classmates be disappointed? ’

‘I think Yalin will be very sad, especially if I am lost. ’

‘Do you not think that the things you have done are very troublesome for Yalin’s classmates? ’

‘No, I think he is also happy to be in it. ’

‘When you say this, I always feel that it makes sense. ’

‘This way...we can’t even let Alin’s disappointment? ’

'Of course! Yalin’s classmates have really done a lot for us. ’

‘If that’s the case, let’s accept it all? ’

‘Of course, this is what I want to say. ’

‘So... let us frankly admit each other! ’

‘Please also give me more advice. ’

‘A lot of advice? Then please give me a lot of advice! ’

In the end, long hair origami and short hair origami look at each other and smile, holding hands and walking towards the only light of this dark space, where there are people who like them together, waiting for them!



In reality, Li Yalin was very surprised to find that the original offensive origami, which suddenly stopped the attack, was so quietly floating in the air, and there was no movement.

In the face of this situation, Li Yalin only felt very surprised, subconscious, he called the name of the origami.

However, just after he called out the name of the origami, he saw the opposite origami gently raised his head, and at the same time above her mouth, it also raised a good-looking curvature.

Origami she... laughed?

Her eyes...regained her look?

Just as Li Yalin was shocked, the scene that followed, but even more made him open his mouth.

this is……

Seeing the body of the origami at this time, the black layer of breath gradually subsided, and instead, it turned out to be a set of white and innocent wedding dresses.

This means that the reversed origami has recovered and turned into a normal elf state.

how did you do that?

In Li Yalin's impression, he seems to have done nothing, just fighting with origami, and calling her name, and the rest of the constructive things are not.

Can it be now?


Just as Li Yalin was shocked, the origami standing opposite him was also acting. With her sweet smile, the next moment, she directly rushed into Li Yalin’s arms and embraced him tightly. together.

"Origami you..."

I was hugged by origami, and there was no problem. What really made Li Yalin feel weird was the name and smile of origami.

I will call myself Yalin. This is obviously a patent for origami before the history has changed. It is ridiculous, but it will only appear on the origami face after the change of history.

So what is the origami now holding this origami?

"I am me, I am an origami, I always like Alin's Origami!"

As if I felt the doubts of Li Yalin, the corner of the origami was hung with a faint smile and said such a sentence.

However, before Li Yalin asked the question again, the origami was followed by a sneak peek and kissed Li Yalin's lips.


Li Yalin hasn't reacted yet, only to feel that the ore of the origami is passing through her lips and is transmitted to him, and soon merges with his own spiritual power.

From beginning to end, he did nothing, so it was so simple to seal the origami.

No... not so much as he sealed the origami, it is better to say that the origami took the initiative to give her spiritual power to Li Yalin!

With the dissipated light on the origami, Li Yalin reacted and immediately took out a coat from the prop space and put it on the origami.

When he saw the smile on the origami face and the familiar eyes in her eyes, he suddenly thought of one thing.

Origami is origami. Does this mean that changing the origami before the history has been merged with the origami after changing history?

Is it really?

"I always feel that it is a bit cold."

Just as Li Yalin felt that he had already reached the answer, the origami in his arms was subconsciously shrinking. After all, the weather has turned cold. At this time, it is still normal at night.

But I haven't waited for Li Yalin to express it, but I didn't think about it. The origami turned out to be open again. (To be continued.)

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