The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1530: She is Qianshou Xia Shi

As Li Yalin took Xia Shi home, the reaction of the girls in this family was even more exaggerated than he had imagined. Net

He is very clear that after he created the "Black Bullet" in the recent period, everyone likes this work. After all, it is a comic book with him as the leading actor. Popularity is also normal.

But he did not expect that, besides him, the other characters in the "Black Bullet" were also very popular, especially those who were cursed, making people feel pity and hurt.

This is not, Xia Shiyi appeared, it led to a crowd of girls, like Shixiang, so will not consider too many food idiots, in the first time thought that Xia Shi came out of the comics.

But more sensible sisters, but Li Yalin found a little Lolita like Qianshou Xia Shi, let her os into a thousand-year-old Xia Shi, is to give everyone a surprise.

However, this time it’s really the incense, this is a fool!

"Are you Xia Shi? That thousand-year-old Xia Shi with Yi Xiong?"

Just as Li Yalin was asked by the piano, it was the occasion of a lovely little Loli, who had already taken the hand of Xia Shi, and was very excited to ask her.

Although Xia Shi has been seen in the past few years following Li Yalin, but this time surrounded by so many elf sisters, she still feels at a loss.

It’s not that she is nervous and afraid, but she is really uncomfortable. Is this too enthusiasm too overdone?

"I am a thousand-year-old Xia Shi. Please take care of you when you meet for the first time. What needs to be explained is that my promoter is not the one who will be the supervisor. Please also pay attention to this."

Not adapting to the incompatibility, but Xia Shi's performance, still very decent, a little back a half step, and after a glimpse of the ten-characteristic courtesy, then immediately explained.

"Hey? Is your promoter already not a bear?" In the comic..."

Listening to Xia Shi, the ten incense is immediately stunned. She has seen the comics. In the plot, Yi Xiong’s attitude toward the super-shoulder Xia Shi is very bad. She even asked her to wave her hand several times, saying that she saw Yi Xiong After that, be sure to give him a good lesson.

But now it’s good. After she saw Qianshou Xia Shi, people actually said that Yi Xiong will not be her partner. What is going on?

Some of the incense little heads can't be turned around.

"Oh... it’s quite like that. It’s so real. Is it already in the role?"

Just as the ten incense was lost, the piano in the side also snorted. After all, in her opinion, this is the root of y, the little ol that the os became a thousand-year-old Xia Shi, and even a serious answer to the incense, simply It’s funny.

However, I have to admit that the little Loli is indeed very realistic, even the character of the thousand-year-old Xia Shi is perfectly expressed. The cold expression, usually the little Loli can not be shown.

In the face of this scene, Li Yalin, who was the initiator of this incident, actually stood by and smiled, because it was too interesting for him.

If you let the piano know that Xia Shi is indeed the real Xia Shi, what kind of expression will she reveal?

He is quite looking forward to it.

"If the ten incense is the cartoon of Mr. Yalin, I can only say that Mr. Yalin’s cartoon has not been finished yet. I will dismiss the relationship with Mr. Jian, and it should be drawn in the follow-up plot."

Xia Shi knows the reason why he was summoned to the world. At the same time, Li Yalin also explained to her that the sisters around him will be comrades who will fight with each other in the future, except for some secrets that should not be said. Things don't need to be too much concealed.

What exactly should say what should not be said, Xia Shi also has a scale in his heart, which is why Li Yalin will summon her.

He has absolute trust in her!

"So this is ah!"

When Xia Shi explained this, Shixiang’s left hand and the palm of his right hand made a stunned expression.

But very quickly, she asked about Xia Shi, and she was obviously interested in her.

"So... Xia Shi, how did you dismiss the partnership with Yi Xiong? Are you abandoning him? He must be abandoned, he must be abandoned!"

When watching comics, Shixiang was very annoyed by Yi Xiong, and now she sees that Xia Shi and the guy have dismissed the relationship. She is of course very excited.

She now wants to know how the two men have dismissed the relationship. Even at this moment, she still thinks in her heart. If it is her own, she will give the gang guy a slap in the face, and then walk very quietly!


"No, it's not that I abandoned Mr. Jian, but that Mr. Jian is dead."

In the face of the problem of the incense, Xia Shi answered very calmly, but also because of this, the incense was immediately in the same place.

"Dead... dead?"

Shixiang is very annoying to Yi Xiong, but he did not think about letting him die. Now suddenly heard the news, she does not know what kind of mood she is.

Are you happy? Or what? All in all, it is very complicated.

"Sorry, I don't know..."

Although I don't know what kind of mood I am, I have a little bit of a scent. It is she who mentioned the death of Yi Xiong, which should be a blow to Qianshou Xia Shi.

"It doesn't matter. After all, this has been going on for a long time, not to mention that I am now with Mr. Yalin, and it is already my greatest fortune."

Shixiang’s apology caused Xiashi to shake her head. She now does not care about the death of Yi Xiong, which is not her indifference, but for her, it has been a long time ago.

She has found her happiness!

"Oh, if this is the case, Xia Shi, are you teaming up with Yalin?"

Seeing that Xia Shi really didn't care, the ten incense was a sigh of relief, but then she was curious.

According to Xia Shi, she is with Yalin, so that is, the follow-up story is Xia Shi and Yalin together? That's right!

"Yes, I did team up with Mr. Yalin."

For this question, Xia Shi answered very quickly, and also made the ten incense more happy.

"Great! This ending is really good!"

Although she was spoiled by Xia Shi, she was still very happy. After all, when she was watching comics, she thought about this problem. If Yalin can team up with Xia Shi, she will definitely bring Xia Shi happiness. !

Now that this wish comes true, it is understandable why she is so excited.


Looking at the notes of Shixiang and Xia Shi, the other girls present at the scene came very strange. It is reasonable to say that the 'Thousand Shou Xia Shi' that appeared in front of them at this time should be just an o color r. But why is her dialogue with Shixiang, such a 'not normal'?

"Brothers and adults...what is she?"

Because it was too strange, Qin couldn't help but pull Li Yalin's arm and asked him in a low voice.

After listening to the dialogue between Xia Shi and Shi Xiang, she couldn't help but feel that this child is indeed a thousand-summer Xia Shi, just... this is obviously impossible!

"She is a thousand life Xia Shi."

Looking at the strange expression of his sister, Li Yalin’s heart was a burst of funny, but after all, he still resisted the smile and shrugged his shoulders toward the piano.

"Brothers and adults! I am serious about you!"

Seeing that Li Yalin was still deliberately 'fucking' at such a moment, this made the piano unable to hold back for a while, but looking at Li Yalin, his face was not joking.

"I am also telling you seriously, she is indeed a thousand life Xia Shi is not wrong!"

"How can this be?"

"How is this impossible?"

"Thousands of Shou Xia... She is obviously a character in comics! She is a character in the second element, how could it appear in this world?"

"Who told you, is that just a comic?"

"Brother, you are..."

Originally, Qin Li was still arguing with Li Yalin, but she did not think about it. When she denied this ‘thousands of Xia Shi’, she actually got Li Yalin’s answer.

Who said that it was just a cartoon? This is indeed no one has said, but the problem is...

There were a hundred reasons to deny Li Yalin in the piano, but in fact, when she was looking at her brother and her, she could not continue to speak.

Isn't that really not a comic, but a real story?

But... how is that possible?

"On this matter, let's find a chance to talk about it later."

Li Yalin knows very well that he will tell everyone about everything about himself, and in the end, he may have to leave the world with everyone.

So the first thing he will tell is the piano, and the second is the madness in the family. As for her sister, she can say it later.

It's not that everyone can't rely on it, but it's a matter of a little bit, so that everyone can accept it.

Taking the "black bullet" as an opportunity, Li Yalin felt that he had already found an opportunity to confess to everyone.

"That... I will wait for the older brother to explain it to me."

When Qin Li listened to Li Yalin's words, her eyes showed a thoughtful expression, as if she had noticed something in general, and finally did not ask again, just nodded to him to show her attitude.

Really worthy of my sister, it is very smart.

When Li Yalin saw it, he was also in the heart. He believed that it would not be too late for him to tell everything about the piano.

Maybe... just before and after the Raiders in Erya.

Of course, whether it is a successful strategy for Erya is also a problem. (To be continued.) 8

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