The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1546: Star Island Pavilion at the end of the crane?

"How about Shura?"

Because of the words of Yingshilang in the night, Li Yalin’s mind also evokes memories of the past. If you think about it carefully, you have never really lacked the Shura field. Please search for the most complete! The fastest update

However, although the Shura field is helpless, but the hot feelings of the girls, but also let him incomparable aftertaste, and even can not help but rise to a warm heart.

"Sure enough, the man who has experienced the real Shura field! You are really good at Yalin!"

With the keen eye of Yingshilang in the night, how can I not see Li Yalin’s thoughts at this time, but this made him exclaimed, and even his eyes were filled with the light of worship.

Because this kind of thing is worshipped? This is really a happy one.

"What about Shura?"

The conversation between Li Yalin and Ying Yinglang was not able to pass through the two girls on the left and right. Even if the voices of the two of them were small, they could not be so small that there was no sound.

Look, the ears of Yu Lisi and Yoshi night are all erected, but it is just because of this situation, there is no way to talk.

Gently meditation on the three words of Shura, Yu Lisi's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and in her heart, it also raised a complex mood.

It was only at this moment that she did not express her inner feelings. In addition, the Tanijinzaki scorpion on the podium also began to teach, and she could only hold this mood.

In the classroom of Tanijinzaki's nephew, no one dared to shout loudly. The terrible degree of this teacher is beyond imagination. Didn't watch the night of the night because of yesterday's innocent class, was it the "punishment" of Tanijinzaki? ? No one dares to provoke him at all!

Of course, Li Yalin is an exception. For him, even if the scorpion is even more terrible, it is impossible to have any influence on him. Since there is no influence, what is it to fear?

It’s just that he doesn’t like trouble, not to mention that he doesn’t have a reason to confront him. When he is in class, he can get a good look at the information in this world. By the way, the situation of the other five schools is the real business!

Hey, the Xingdao Pavilion Academy is really bad enough.

Prior to this, Li Yalin had already learned from the mouth of the student president Claudia that the Sing Tao Museum Academy had a poor performance at the Xingwu Festival, but he did not expect that this is not good, it was so bad. degree.

Among the six schools in the aste day sk, the overall score was even ranked fifth, only a little higher than the worst Kaneweiweier school.

What's more remarkable is that the Kui En Weier School is the most special of the six schools. It is not surprising to be ranked sixth. That is to say, the Sing Tao Museum is the fifth, but actually This school is the last crane tail.

No wonder Claudia will be so optimistic about himself, even a guy like Restar can be the first page of twelve people, this score is enough to explain everything.

After reading the information of the Sing Tao Museum, Li Yalin couldn't help but grin. The road to the rise of the Sing Tao Museum Academy has a long way to go. The burden on Claudia's shoulders will never be light!

"How? Li Yalin! Do you look down on my course? What is your mouth?"


As I said before, no one in the course of Tanijinzaki’s nephew dared to let go, but now it’s good. Li Yalin’s side reading the information while grinning, was discovered by Tanijinzaki, and naturally mistakenly thought he was disdainful of his own course.

In the face of this situation, can our ‘fierce’ teacher, Tanizu Saki, be able to stand it?

She certainly can't stand it!

"Sorry, I am not interested in the curriculum of Mr. Tanizuzaki. I just took a look at the ranking of the Sing Tao Museum Academy and I feel that there are some accidents."

Above the class, Li Yalin did not intend to have a conflict with Tanijinzaki, and to be honest he was also embarrassing.

"Oh? Then what you mean is that the ranking of the Sing Tao Museum is too junk. Can't this school hold you?"

Li Yalin explained this, and the eyes of Tanijinzaki’s nephew flashed a glimmer of light. At the same time, her words came out, which led to many classmates in the class showing Li Yalin’s hostile eyes.

Although the ranking of the Sing Tao Museum is recognized as the tail of the crane in the six schools, it cannot be said on the bright side! This is a question related to collective honor!

This hat buckle is too big.

With the hostility of the surrounding students, Yu Lisi and the night of the yarn are also showing anxious eyes. It is only in the class that they are only in the class. If this matter is passed out, Li Yalin will easily become a public enemy of the whole school. !

So in the face of such a situation, how will Li Yalin answer?

"Mr. Tanizuzaki said that I have never thought about it. I have never thought about it. In fact, I am just thinking about it. If I and Ulyssi won the Phoenix Star Warrior Championship, can we lead the Star Island Museum to win six? What is the first grade of the school?"

If you change to someone else, I am afraid that I have already been upset. However, when I look at Li Yalin, he is still calm, even if he is surprised by the kind of cloudless attitude. Come.

"Champion? Are you ready to win the Phoenix Star Warrior Championship?"

When I heard Li Yalin’s statement, even the Tanijinzaki, who stood on the podium, frowned. She knew that she was also a person who had experienced the Star Wars Festival and knew that she wanted to win the Star War Festival. How difficult is it.

That is not to beat the classmates in the school, to be the simple one of the 12 pages of the shit, but it is to fight against the elites above the aste day sk, to fight out from the army, it will be A tough road!

"Of course, since I joined the Sing Tao Museum, the goal is naturally to go to the Star Warrior Champion. Otherwise, President Claudia can't give me special privileges, isn't it?"

Li Yalin can fully feel that when he said this, the hostile eyes around him have disappeared, and they are replaced by various complex looks.

Winning the champion of the Star Wars Festival, this is the ultimate wish of every student in the aste day sk, but the problem is that the desire is only a wish, except for the real strong, the other ordinary students want to achieve this goal, fundamentally It is impossible.

Although I don't want to admit that the Sing Tao Museum is indeed worse than the other schools, there is no such thing as worthy of showing off.

Then, this special student Li Yalin, who was just transferred to school yesterday, can really win the championship with the Royal Highness Princess?

From a practical point of view, this is just a luxury, but then see Li Yalin's firm eyes, but everyone can't help but be infected by him, as if he can really become a champion.

"Interesting... you are really interesting. Since you want to be a champion, let me witness your words here!"

Because of Li Yalin’s words, Tanijinzaki’s nephew did not continue to look for him. Instead, he looked at him with a look of fun, just as he was more interested in him.

Witness this sentence? Is this really possible?

Although it seems that this is just a small episode in the classroom, in fact, the scene that just happened is a profound imprint on the heart of the class.

"Yalin, you said it is good, we just want to have this momentum! Take the bang to win the championship!"

After class, Yu Lisi first rushed to Li Yalin's face, very excited to kneel on his shoulder, before hearing his words, has let her blood boil!

She wants to win the championship! To win the championship with Li Yalin!

"I said that I won the championship together. In fact, you are just holding the thigh of Yalin."

On the occasion of Julius's excitement, the night of the yarn was not allowed to pour a basin of cold water to her. It seems that her childhood sweethearts have been robbed by others to make this legal loli quite unhappy.

"Hold your thighs? What do you mean by this?"

Yarn night is not happy, and Ulys is of course more happy. She admits that in terms of Li Yalin’s strength, she is very cheap with her team, but it is not to say that she is holding her thighs.

This is too ugly!

This kind of saying, Yu Lisi can't hear it!

"What do you mean by what you mean! Am I still wrong?"


"More than ten times!"

Are these two people really the best of their lives?

Seeing the quarrel between Yu Lisi and the night of the yarn, Li Yalin has no feeling of continuing to dissuade, let them be so noisy, after they are tired, they should give up.

He thought so right, but he completely underestimated the combat effectiveness of the two, starting from the first class after class, starting a quarrel, each class began to fight, until the end of the morning class, it was time for lunch break. They are not ending yet.

It even gives the impression that if you add a little fuse, the two will immediately hit the hand.

"I said you two... almost you can?"

Pressing the temple, Li Yalin finally couldn't help but open up and persuaded him. After all, if he didn't say anything, let the two continue, it is estimated that they didn't eat at lunch.

However, just as his voice just fell, Li Yalin suddenly frowned, and then his body flashed and disappeared directly into the place!

His behavior, but everyone did not respond, until everyone saw him again, only to find that he actually appeared on the side of Jules.

"Yalin, you..."

Suddenly I saw Li Yalin appearing around, and Yu Lisi was shocked. However, before she said anything, she let her go directly to the place.

Seeing Li Yalin’s hand, there was a pale gold arrow feather. This is the arrow feather that was fired with the Huang style! (To be continued.)


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