The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1600: Looking forward to your performance tomorrow

Noting Li Yalin's gaze, Limexi did not hesitate and directly announced his surrender. This is a matter of course. Even if it is a self-disciplined form, it is most reasonable to make such a judgment. />

One school badge was destroyed, one raised his hand and surrendered. All the participants of the Alekante Institute failed, and the winner naturally became Li Yalin and Yu Lisi of the Star Academy.

Originally, according to the script, the scene should be a cheer, but in fact, the imaginary cheers did not appear, but the scene was silent.

What the hell?

Originally Limhi announced his surrender, Li Yalin was still waiting for applause, but this silent scene really made him inexplicable.

Then I turned my eyes to the stands, and I saw that the audience all eyes widened, and the expression on the face was incredible. It is estimated that they have not recovered from the failure of Aldi.

This is also a side proof, how exaggerated Li Yalin has just done.

"Yalin...that is your true strength..."

Seriously, Julius is also a bit dumbfounded at this time. Before Li Yalin could break Aldi’s defensive barrier, she was already very surprised. But now it’s good. After the fit, Aldi is still defeated and still punches. beat!

This of course comes very shocking!

Can I say no?

Very silent to see Yu Lisi, Li Yalin is really afraid that he will say a word, will scare the princess under the eyes, helplessly sighed, Li Yalin directly led Yu Lisi's little hand.

"The game is over, it's time to return, my Royal Highness."


"The game is over... The winner is Yalin and Ulys from the Stars Guild Academy!"

Finally, the commentators in the stands reacted and finally announced the name of the winner. The audience present was completely awakened.

In the thunderous applause, various arguments have been repeated, and most of them are discussing how strong Li Yalin's strength is.

"Yalin, you are really out of the limelight this time. The outside world is now guessing how much strength you have hidden."

After the game, Li Yalin and Julius inevitably suffered another wave of reporters' bombardment, which made our Princess Her Royal Highly depressed. After all, she did not like this kind of interview. It is very important to have a formulaic smile. Hard work.

On the surface, although she had nothing to do, she immediately sighed as soon as she left the reporter.

On the contrary, Li Yalin has nothing to say. Anyway, this kind of thing is to test the acting skills. It is not a problem for him to smile and welcome more support.

Only after the interview ended, he just returned to the lounge with Julius, and Claudia greeted him, completely obscuring the smile on his face.

After this battle, Li Yalin received too much attention!

“How much strength do you hide? Do you like this gossip?”

A little bitter smile toward Claudia, Li Yalin is actually somewhat helpless. When I interviewed the reporter, I asked him the most, and this is the problem. He wasted a lot of brain cells before they perfunctoryly.

As for the reporters who do not believe it, it is not that he knows.

Now that Claudia is talking about this, can he not helpless?

"In fact, Yalin's ranking in the verses and the 60,000 temples has entered the top ten. Before that, your ranking should be 30."

I haven't waited for Claudia to answer, and the night of the yarn is also inserted into the mouth. At this time, she is holding a mobile phone to browse what pages, and sometimes nodding her head and shaking her head, I don't know what to do.

"Poetry wine? Sixty thousand temples? What?"

The poems in the mouth of the yarn and the 60,000 temples are the new terms that Li Yalin heard for the first time, and what are the top ten? What does this mean?

"Some of the unofficial websites outside the school are ranked, all the students in the aste day sk are integrated, and the public is fooled."

Li Yalin’s problem has just been exported, and Claudia has responded to the night of the night, and listening to her tone does not seem to like this kind of thing.

"But this is not a very authoritative certification? I also saw a lot of Yalin fans' messages." The night of the yarn did not hear Claudia's bad tone, still pointing to the page on the phone.

In such a situation, Li Yalin also felt interested. When I walked into the night, I saw a lot of comments on it.

In addition to the brain-remaining words left by some people with intellectual disabilities, most of them are fans who like him very much. There are even many sisters who want to give him a monkey. He is cold and sweaty.

"Claudia is right, this kind of fan-like website is not reliable, and it will be less good in the future."

Li Yalin is very open-minded, but actually? He is super afraid of Ulysses. They have read the fan message and have jealousy! He still wants to be stable for a while, bastard!

As for whether he will watch it in private, this is his own *.

"That is to say, instead of looking at this boring ranking, you can still think about tomorrow's game. You have a chance to win on Shang Yalin?"

Seeing that Li Yalin and his attitude are the same, Claudia’s mood suddenly turned around, and it was very pleasant to hold Li Yalin’s shoulder, and turned his eyes to the night of the night.

As the president of the Star Guide, Claudia is very happy. To know that the Phoenix Star Wars Festival has successfully won the championship and the runner-up! That is to say, no matter who loses who wins tomorrow, the biggest winner is the star guide!

Of course, the winner of Claudia’s mind is definitely Li Yalin’s right.

"The odds? Of course it is zero."

Although Claudia decided that Li Yalin would win the championship, but she couldn’t really say it, wouldn’t it be too much to fight against the night? But did not think about it, and then look at the night of the yarn, she did not care to say that her odds are zero.

"Are you giving up?"

The answer to the night of the yarn made Claudia a little surprised, and even Li Yalin cast a curious look on her.

Did the yarn night really recognize that I can't beat myself and chose to give up?

"How is it possible! No matter what the outcome of tomorrow's game, I will not give up! I will definitely fight with Yalin and Yulis!"

When Claudia just said that she gave up, the audience’s eyes were concentrated on the night of the night, but at this time, she watched the night, but she shook her head and denied Claudia’s words.

She and Yi did not give up. On the contrary, they were full of war and fully prepared for the final battle of tomorrow.

Even the embarrassment that has always been awkward, at this time, the expression is firm and the determination is quite big.

"Okay, then I am looking forward to your performance tomorrow."

Looking at the night of gauze and his firm eyes, Li Yalin couldn't help but smile. He could see the persistence of these two girls, and he would also like to fight them tomorrow.

It’s just the result of this battle...

Yarn night is okay, and Li Yalin is very clear. She has the reason to fight for it. If she can win the championship of Phoenix Star Wars, she can rescue her father through the corporate consortium.

However, Li Yalin also has his purpose. He has not yet developed power in this world. He wants to complete the task in a short period of time. It must be done through a unified corporate consortium. This conflicts with the shackles.

Reasonable, I knew this before, and he started to join forces with him. In any case, Yulis’s wish has been reached, and he won’t win the championship of Phoenix Star Wars.

It’s a pity that if you don’t have that much, it’s inevitable to defeat you, so you can only wait until next year’s Lions Star Wars Festival, and join the team to win the championship, and then rescue her father.

This can be done now.

Tomorrow, it is the final finals. In order to let everyone have a good state, Claudia proposes that everyone rest as soon as possible.

There is no objection to this. After all, the president of the student is very correct, and soon they will listen to their opinions and adjust their status in their own way.

Li Yalin is the same, but he doesn't have so many states to adjust. Even if he returns to his room, he just flips through comic books and plays games to eat snacks.

Originally thought that this night will soon pass, but did not expect that he unexpectedly received a phone call from Aenez in the evening.

"Take me a call so late, don't you forget that I still have a game tomorrow?"

In the picture, Aenes's figure flashed out. In fact, not only her, Li Yalin saw Camilla next to her, and Aldi and Limmi in the maintenance not far away.

Li Yalin was very puzzled. So late, Aenesie called herself to do it. Is it because of the gratitude of her own mercy? No possibility...

"Just by the strength of Yalin, winning the championship is just a breeze. I don't bother to bother, should there be no problem?"

On the screen, Aenez was very playful and spit out to Li Yalin, just like a child who was found to have a mischief.

According to normal circumstances, Li Yalin may have passed by, but the problem is that he is facing Aenesie, this appearance looks like a lively loli, but in fact, a careful sister, he does not leave a single eye, it is easy Will be sold by the other party.

"Say business, I have never liked nonsense."

It’s not too late, Li Yalin is not willing to solve the problem with Aenez’s guessing, and directly let her have something to say. Otherwise, he is too lazy to continue to accompany him.

"Ah, Yalin, you really have enough pity to cherish the jade, obviously surrounded by so many beautiful girls, I thought you would have special treatment for beautiful girls."

Li Yalin’s impatience made Aenez’s performance very surprised, but she said this, but it made Li Yalin’s thoughts that he wanted to vomit.

What do you mean by this... is to praise yourself as a beautiful girl? (To be continued.)

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