The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1603: Are you interested in being a student?

It’s true that you’ve shot, and one shot is the righteousness, and the knives and shadows in the moment make the audience around them all open their eyes.

However, look at Li Yalin again. Seeing this scene is a slight smile. In the hands of the knife, it has also made the same move as the !!

Knife vines and the righteousness of the crane, this is not a simple trick, but the forty-five kinds of combo skills of the knife vine flow together, the formation of the unique combo trick.

Even the crane's attack method is unpredictable, and the subsequent attacks after each attack will not be the same. At this point, I have to admit that the person who created this trick is indeed a great swordsman.

Inheriting this mystery, it is also the essence of this mystery, although it is not really good, but it can be called the first person of the knife vine!

At the age of thirteen, this is a genius swordsman.

Unfortunately, she met a more enchanting one today, and there was an attack on Lianhe. Li Yalin was clear all the time. After all, he used it several times. If he doesn’t see it again, then don’t be the devil. It is.

As for the essence of Lianhe, he also clearly sees who makes him a fighter who is proficient in this passive skill. This is just a bug-like ability. The biggest advantage is to turn him into a fighter, even let him It has reached the point of being unforgettable and able to integrate.

In particular, even the crane's pure physical attack, he can fully understand the first time.

Although he is the first to use the crane today, his proficiency is not inferior to the embarrassment, and even wins! In an instant, countless silver-white Jianguang surrounded Li Yalin and the squadron, which is the battle between them!

"Good horror swordsmanship! Amazing rumors!"

"Can it be achieved only by simple swordsmanship? Do I have to go to specialize in swordsmanship?"

The audience outside the stadium all looked silly, although the swordsmanship on the field did not have the magic of the magician or the witches, but the viewing is not inferior.

This is simply a **** look, even at this moment, many people have produced ‘I have to learn swordsmanship! 'The idea.

"Yes, your progress is very big."

On the court, the same cranes were used, and the two sides could hardly divide each other for a while, that is, holding a gap, the two men attacked each other, and each other found a chance to take a step back, and finally they could be separated.

Of course, this is also the result of Li Yalin's release of water. Even if the crane is used, the follow-up moves are endless. As long as the physical strength is sufficient, it will continue to attack continuously.

It’s just awkward physical strength, and I can’t keep up with this kind of super-strength continuous battle. No, Li Yalin’s temperament is here, but she can see it again. She is already panting.

This is the biggest gap between the two!

Even so, Li Yalin's face is still full of appreciation. Compared with his first duel with Yu, this little girl can be said to be progressing fast, even he can't help but be surprised.

And he believes that there will be more room for improvement in the future, just... there is still a problem that prevents her from growing.

Although swordsmanship is good, but growth is also limited, if you can't improve her physical quality in the practical sense, as well as the star power in her body, even if I try to improve the swordsmanship, it is useless.

If this is the case... Do you want to think about it and help you?

"Yalin are really strong, and your Lianhe is even more skilled than me..."

Li Yalin’s thoughts are just fleeting in her mind. Looking at the other side, she has calmed her breathing and turned her eyes to Li Yalin’s body, which is full of complex looks.

It is no wonder that she never thought about it. Her own crane was so difficult to deal with. If she was not very familiar with the company, she would have already lost under Li Yalin’s sword.

And... How did Li Yalin learn to connect with the crane? This is also a mystery in my heart.

At the same time, there is a deep sense of frustration, surrounded by awkward hearts.

"In the future, you will become stronger. Speak up, do you have any interest in becoming a student? After the end of the Star War Festival, I estimate that I should also openly recruit students. If you are willing to come, I will not be private to you. Hide it."

Looking towards the sly smile, Li Yalin suddenly took the knife back and sheathed, and did not intend to continue fighting, but instead chatted with the family.

Of course, his words are also focused. He really loves his qualifications. He feels that the future of this child is limitless. If he can let him personally teach, oh, right, it should be a professor, it will make her faster. Grow up.

At the same time, his words also broke a huge news, openly recruiting students, what is going on?

The conversation between Li Yalin and Yan, through the big screen above the stadium, is clearly introduced into everyone's ears, which is also the strangest issue for everyone.

It is clear that Li Yalin himself is still a student. What exactly does he teach students?

This kind of thing, there is only one special case in the aste day sk, that is, the first person of the 7th Academy of Jielong, Wan Tianfan Fan Xinglu!

Only her, the strongest one who can't understand the real and the real world, is qualified to recruit disciples as students. After all, people really have that strength, and whether it is body skills or star celestial techniques, it is Fan Xinglu's masterpiece.

That is the secret technique that the foreign school can't teach! Can it be said that Li Yalin also has the same mystery? Does the Star Guide really let him teach students?

Although Li Yalin and Yan stopped fighting, the audience outside the audience did not complain. After all, the news came too explosive, making it difficult for everyone to digest.

"Become a student of ... Yalin's senior? I?"

In fact, it is not only an off-site audience, but now it is also a bit dumbfounded. I don’t know what it is. After all, she heard about it for the first time. Before that, Li Yalin talked with Claudia. Even the school side, there are very few people who know it.

But now, the final of the Phoenix Star Wu Festival is the biggest advertisement for Li Yalin, not to mention the audience inside the stadium. Even the aste day sk, the ordinary people of the viewers’ TVs know This is the case.

"Being a student of mys has many benefits. Not only can I learn to strengthen my body skills, but even my unique skills, you can learn it."

Looking at Xiao Xiao, Li Yalin certainly knows that it is advertising time now. If he does not take the opportunity to preach himself, he will feel that he is wasting!

"Dark surgery? That is..."

Sure enough, as soon as I heard a new noun that I had never heard of, I was very cooperative and showed a doubtful expression. After all, she was indeed the first to hear about the existence of dark surgery.

"Dark can also understand that it is another kind of star fairy, but it is completely different from the star fairy."

Seeing this cooperation, Li Yalin also extended his left hand in the first time, palm up, first condensed a lightning ball, then the lightning ball disappeared, replaced by a stream of water around his palm, and finally, this way The water has turned into a blazing flame, just as magical as magic.

"Although dark surgery is not easy to learn, but I am very optimistic about your qualifications. If you can combine dark spells and swordsmanship in the future, it will definitely make your strength even higher. floor."

In fact, Li Yalin is very clear, as long as he speaks, he will never refuse, but the problem is that his current purpose is to advertise and pave the way for his next cooperation with Claudia.

Therefore, the first thing to do visual effects is to do well. This is not, the audience outside the stadium are dumbfounded.

"God! What have I seen?"

"Lightning...flame...and water flow? Is that dark technique so amazing?"

"I want to learn dark surgery! I must learn dark surgery!"

"Hey! You just didn't want to learn swordsmanship... How do you want to learn dark spells?"

"I am happy to take care of me!"

Ok, the audience in this stands is already quarreling.

The effect is good.

Although the people are above the arena, but the voice of the surrounding audience is not overly Li Yalin, he is also very happy in this situation. I believe that the resistance of Claudia will be reduced a lot.

Yes, Li Yalin’s main purpose in doing this advertisement is to alleviate the pressure of Claudia. It is necessary to know that Claudia is not as easy as it is on the surface, even if she is the student president of the Star Guide. There are too many problems limiting her.

After all, Li Yalin’s dark surgery only knows that Claudia knows that even if he says it, some people will believe it, especially the Galaxy above the Stars Guild Hall. The opinions there are different, and they have not been able to produce a result until now. .

But now it’s good, there is Li Yalin’s advertisement, I believe that the opposition of the Galaxy will disappear collectively, and Claudia will be able to operate all the way.

"I said... this is good in the game! It's not your time! Give me the chance to finish the game!"

Li Yalin was thinking about it. The result was good. The sound of the shelling came and immediately alerted him. The backhand was lifted and a barrier was blocked in front of him.

Waiting for the next moment, a violent explosion hit his barrier, and the thick dissatisfaction of the night of the night was also introduced into his ears.

what's the situation……

Subconsciously shifting his gaze, you can see that the night of the yarn and Yulis are suspended in the air, and the body is more or less with injuries, showing how fierce the competition between the two sides is.

But the problem is... you hit you, how can I hinder you? (To be continued.)

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