The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1615: Yulith's wish

There is Li Yalin, of course, it is impossible for Froila to fall. Just as the millennium is on the way, she will speed up and put the little maid in her arms. When she avoids falling, Li Yalin can’t help but pinch it. Only the little maid's nose.

He has not forgotten that when Fu Laola returned to China, the crying at the airport was called a sneak peek. She said that she could not bear the Princess of the Royal Highness, and she could not bear to leave the family.

It was only everyone’s consolation that finally let her set foot on the plane back to China. Now, once again, this little maid is still very interesting.

"Occasionally, I am just too happy!"

Originally, when Flora spoke, she was somewhat unclear. Because of her too excited relationship, she even changed her tone of speech. Fortunately, Yulis also rushed over and Li Yalin’s husband Lola took over.

A preaching, this is inevitable, who let Froula almost fell, but this is also the way the Royal Highness Princess expressed concern, so that Flora is still nodding when listening to the teaching.

Only when she saw Yuya and Chennai, she even left Yuris’s preaching behind her head, and flew toward Yuya and Chennai, letting Yuliisi helplessly take a forehead.

I said so much before I dared, I said it.

"Well, Fullola is still a child, she will understand later."

Gently shot Ulyss's shoulder, Li Yalin chuckled and walked to the side of the car and opened the door.

This extended luxury car can easily put everyone in, but when Ulys was ready to get on the bus, Flora rushed from the back.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty said, You and Yalin are going to take this car."

Obviously, it is a long-distance luxury car that can sit down. Fuluola does not allow Li Yalin and Yu Lisi to sit. Instead, they let the two sit in the back of a small luxury car.

"What do you mean?"

For this arrangement, Li Yalin and Julius are inexplicable. Why do you want to take this car?

"This is definitely the ghost idea of ​​my brother! I want to be with everyone!"

"This is what your majesty ordered, and you will help me to pray to Princess Royale."

Seeing this unusual arrangement, Julius felt that this was her brother's ghost. Although she didn't know what it was, she insisted on taking a car with everyone.

The insistence of His Royal Highness Princess made that Flora was quite difficult to do. After that, the King’s Majesty had deliberately married her, and now the Princess’s Highness is not, what should she do?

In desperation, this little maid can only turn to Li Yalin, the pitiful little expression, Li Yalin looked helpless.

"What to do? Do you want to take this one?"

Can't hold the big eyes of Fu Luola flashing, Li Yalin can only turn his eyes to Yu Lisi's body. From the performance of Yu Lisi, she and her brother of the king should be not small. Contradictions are right, and reluctance to follow arrangements is also reasonable.

But from some of Flora's performances, he feels that his guess may not be right, especially in the aste day sk, the little maid's words and deeds indicate that the relationship between the brothers and sisters is not imagined. It’s so bad.

What is going on, this will not be able to draw conclusions after seeing Ulyss’s brother. As for now, he feels that it is better not to let Froila do it.

"If Ulys is not happy, I can take this car with Yalin."

Even if Li Yalin spoke, Julius still did not make a decision, but at this moment, Claudia on the side suddenly came forward and grabbed Li Yalin's arm.

"No! I am sitting with Yalin in this car! Go to the car in front!"

Yu Lisi did not want to follow the arrangement of her brother, but she was even more reluctant that Li Yalin was taken away by Claudia! Look, our student president is open, more effective than anyone else, let her directly hold Li Yalin's wrist, and take him to the car.

Looking at Claudia again, she did not mean anything against it. Instead, she immediately released Li Yalin and smiled at him.

Seeing this scene, Li Yalin is also unable to hold back Claudia's dark thumbs. It is really a student president, and there is a set for our Princess Royal Highness!

Although there was a small problem during the period, the team quickly set off. After a few hours, it crossed the border and came to Stoller, the capital of Laztania.

It is said that it is a national capital. In fact, it is just a small town that is a little bigger. It is completely incomparable with those internationalized cities. Except for the most central high-rise buildings, all the other buildings are all kind of bricks or Wooden structure of the house.

However, it seems that this typical European town gives people a feeling of flavor.


"Ulysses, you don't seem very happy?"

Seeing that he is coming home, Li Yalin found out that Julius did not have the imaginary excitement. Instead, she kept looking out the window, her brows locked, and she didn’t know what to think.

This made Li Yalin unable to help but care.

“This is my hometown. It can be a beautiful city, but it has become the present because of the intervention of the consortium and the corporate consortium.”

Hearing the voice of Li Yalin, Yu Lisi turned back and sighed deeply.

It seems that she is not satisfied with the status quo of Stoller.

"Now this look?"

Yu Lisi’s words made Li Yalin slightly stunned. From the outside, the city’s feelings are good, but why is Eurich unhappy?

"The gap between the rich and the poor in this country is bigger than imagined. The superficial prosperity cannot hide the real poverty. If this continues, Laztania will not have the future!"

The words of His Royal Highness Princess finally let Li Yalin understand the reasons. In fact, he is also very clear that Laztania has existed because of the high purity of Wanying ore found in this country.

As a result, the involvement of the consortium and the corporate consortium is inevitable, but the key issue is that due to the geographical location of Laztania, the two conglomerates of the consortium and the corporate consortium.

In order not to break out the conflict of force, the Yulis family was excavated and became the royal family of Laztecania, and was treated as a beggar.

At this time, Laizenia, from the appointment of officials to the tax rate, all controlled by the consortium of corporate and corporate, as for the royal family of Lazetania, and the brother of Ulys, the name His Majesty the King is a marionette of the corporate and corporate consortium.

The Tonghe Enterprise Consortium seeks benefits. After the Wanying ore in Laizenia has been dug up, what value can the country use?

It is conceivable that this country will inevitably be abandoned. Naturally, there is no future. When the wealthy reconciliation and corporate consortiums have left, what will be left to the poor people?

Although Jules is not a king, she still remembers the future of this country, which is why she will lock her brow.

“What do you want to do? Rebel against corporate and corporate consortia? This is not an easy task.”

Looking at Ulyss next to her, Li Yalin had to admit that this girl was really ambitious, because from her sigh, he also heard a firm belief.

There is reason to believe that Julius must have made up her mind that she will win a future for the people of Lazetania.

But the problem is that nowadays the corporate finance consortium is big, even if Yu Lisi has the heart, it is only a banyan tree. Although there is ambition, it is impossible to succeed.

However, Li Yalin can't really say this. Otherwise, even Yu Lisi, it is difficult to say whether she will break out. He can only use a more euphemistic way to remind Yu Lisi.

"I know it's very difficult. If you use conventional means, I can't resist the reunification and corporate consortium."

There is something in Li Yalin’s words, and Yu Lisi certainly listened to it. However, she was not angry. Instead, she agreed with Li Yalin’s statement.

And from her words, Li Yalin also heard a meaning.

Conventional means are impossible, that is, has Julius already found a way to use unconventional means?

Yes! There is really this unconventional means!

"Is Ulyss your wish at the Star Wars..."

Yes, the so-called unconventional means is the wish of the Star War Festival! Only this can help Ulyss achieve her ideals!

"Yes, my wish is that I hope that Laizenia can have autonomy, at least I want to let this country control in our own hands!"

As Li Yalin thought, Jules did use the desire of the Star Wars to save the country.

However, Li Yalin does not think that Ulys's method is feasible.

Admittedly, even if Ulys’s wish is fulfilled, Laizetania can truly lead itself, but what is the use?

Laztania is just a small country. It is too difficult to want everything to be self-sufficient. As long as the corporate and corporate consortium cuts off the supply of Laztania, what should the country do next?

Cut off all connections with the outside world? Will it be established here as a paradise?

Impossible, it is simply thinking too much rhythm. If the consortium and the corporate consortium have the heart, they can use the economy to destroy the whole country in a short period of time. At that time, even if Julius wants to resist, it is also more than enough.

Even said that she may become a sinner in this country, being pushed to the front desk, and being rejected and accused by the people.

His Royal Highness is heading towards a very dangerous road!

In this case, what should Li Yalin do? How can he help Julius?

As the vehicle progressed, Li Yalin was deeply immersed in contemplation. He knew that this trip to Lazetania would certainly not let him relax! (~^~)

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