The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1658: Is it the wrong way?

"Please... please..."

Because of the unhappy feelings, Li Yalin’s look has not been so good, which makes the girl who is standing beside him very embarrassed.

Although from the contract in the body, I feel that the man standing in front of him is his own admiral, but why did the admiral always ignore himself and look irritated?

The rainy girl who first came to the world was almost crying at this moment.

"Ah? Sorry, I just had a little bit of distraction, um, you are right, I am indeed your admiral."

Li Yalin is indeed very enthusiasm for the system. He clearly said that he should send him to a world that can enhance his strength. But the result is good, but he has given himself to the ship mother world, which is simply in the potholes.

The problem is that the system's pot can't let the rain back, so the cute ship girl, how can he make people cry?

Li Yalin, who has experienced so many worlds for a long time, even if he suddenly became a demon king, it is impossible to make him shake. After all, many of the second-year sisters have become three-dimensional beauty, but they are all Pushing the kind, now the ship Niang has become true, at best it can only surprise him.

What's more, before crossing, he was only a half-day admiral for a few days. The understanding of the ship's mother is not profound. At most, it is more or less understanding some setting problems.

Now that I am in this real world, all the intelligence needs to be investigated by himself.

"I... I am the rain of the Bailu class destroyer! Please take care of it from now on!"

After quelling the anger in his heart, Li Yalin returned to the normal state, revealing a smile of harmony, and suddenly dispelled the embarrassment and uneasiness in the heart of the rain girl.

Yes, this is my admiral!

After completely confirming the identity of Li Yalin, the rain was very excited to bend over to him, this is the first meeting between the demon king and his initial ship Niang!

Although at the beginning, Li Yalin did have some scary rain, but because of their identity, the relationship between the two was quickly drawn.

Perhaps it is because the ship girl has a natural affection for the admiral. Anyway, it has not been too long, and the rain has been completely tired of Li Yalin.

"Admiral, are we going to attack the deep sea?"

When the rain is a ship mother, although it seems to be no different from human beings, it is not a real human being.

Before Li Yalin never appeared in this world, she always existed in a different space until she felt the call of power and heard a voice that made her fight for her own admiration. Power traction, reaching the world.

After coming to this world, Shi Yu’s brain was instilled with a lot of knowledge, and also knew the enemy deep sea haulage that she needed to face!

It is for this reason that she will ask this question. Perhaps in her view, her mission to the world is to work with the Admiral to destroy the enemies of the deep sea.

"Playing deep seas? For the time being, forget it. We just came to this world, or we are prepared for intelligence first."

The problem of the rain made Li Yalin stunned. He also knew that the deep sea squid was an enemy. Since he came to the ship mother world, he would inevitably fight the deep sea.

But the problem is that when he first came to the world, he did not have a firm foothold. How could he act rashly and ran to attack the deep sea?

What's more, when the rain is still a poor level, if it is injured, he still can't feel bad!

Especially critical is that the rain is not equipped yet! Make an egg!

"It’s not the Admiral, it’s more profound than the rain, then the Admiral, where are we going to search for intelligence?”

Listening to Li Yalin’s saying, when the rain immediately took a shot, he showed his adoration to his admiral.

"Well, let's take a step and take a step."

Li Yalin was also embarrassed by the maiden worship of his own ship girl. After all, he was also black in the world, and he didn’t even know the location. He only knew that it was a seaside and surrounded. Did not see any signs of artificial development.

But in front of his own ship girl, he couldn't lose face, only coughed a little, and took the rain all the way forward.

According to his conjecture, the system will never be able to discard him casually on a deserted island, and will not let him deviate from the crowd. As long as he is patient, he should still be able to find someone.

As it turns out, his conjecture is not wrong, but what he did not think is that he was able to find someone, not because he met someone, but felt a wave of magic!

Yes, it is true that the magic is fluctuating!

what? magic?

Seriously, when Li Yalin felt the magical fluctuations for the first time, he thought that he had a problem with his own feelings. It was clearly the world of Ship Niang. How could he feel the magic here?

Although it is impossible to explain the existence of the ship Niangniang, there is a point that Li Yalin can prove that the power of the ship's mother is definitely not from the magic power. It is an unknown force and belongs only to the power of the ship's mother.

At least he did not feel the existence of magic in the rain.

So, that is, this magical fluctuation is from humans? Magician? Witch?

Although he hasn't figured out the situation yet, Li Yalin decided to make a decisive move with the rain and the direction of the magic.

But walking and walking, he found that the fluctuation of the magic is gradually weakening, this feeling... very much like the magic is constantly depleting!

not good! To speed up!

"It rains! Keep up with me!"

Li Yalin knows that his feelings can't be wrong. This kind of magical exhaustion proves that the master of the magic is experiencing a lot of consumption. If he goes on like this, he is likely to be in danger!

When I first came to this world, it was very difficult to see human beings. If the other party hangs because of the excessive consumption of magic, it would be too tragic.

In the heart, while spitting the guy who didn't know how to squander the magic, Li Yalin speeded up the pace and quickly found the target with the rain, and saw the owner of the magical fluctuation.



At this time, in the picture of Li Yalin's eyes, one girl was injured and fell to the ground, and the other girl was constantly releasing therapeutic magic, which consumed a lot of magic to treat the injured girl. The scene was quite tense.

"Little beauty! You must hold on to Xiaomei!"

The age of a girl who can use healing magic is about 13 or four years old. The magic content of the body is not much, at least in the eyes of Li Yalin.

Even so, she still chose to release the magic with all her strength. Even if the forehead was covered with sweat, the magic of the body was constantly depleted, and she continued to work hard.

Even said that she is still calling out the name of the injured girl, hoping she can cheer up.

Unfortunately, her shouting did not have much effect. The girl named Xiaomei, her breath is gradually weakening, her injury is more serious than imagined!

Seeing this scene, Li Yalin should have rushed to save people right away, but in fact, he is now completely in the same place.

The reason for his squatting is simple, because of the two girls in front of him!

Director... Did I go the wrong way?

Originally, Li Yalin thought that he came to the shipyard world, but it turns out that it is not the case at all!

Why is there a strong attacking witch in the ship's story? Who can explain it?

Yes, through the sailor suit without a skirt, the sailor's ear and the tail exposed by the sailor, and the animal's ear and tail revealed by the girl's magic, prove that his point is correct!

This is definitely the scene of the flying pants!

And the animal girl who is treating the injured girl, does not clarify that it is the protagonist of the attacking witch, Miyao Fujia!

Did the system make up the evil again, combining the world of Ship Niang and the world of the attacking witch? If it really becomes like this, I am afraid that there will be fun next!

Ok, okay, now is not so much nonsense, Gong Tengfang is obviously unable to hold it, and if this continues, the little beauty will probably disappear.

“Calm calm! Stabilize the magic of the output!”

At the crucial moment, naturally, when the hero appeared on the scene, a step was taken up. Li Yalin directly reached behind the Gong Tengfang, and provided her with the magic of insufficient output.

For him, the demon king, it is not difficult to convey the magic.


Suddenly, people were caught up behind, and then heard a man’s voice. Gong Tengfang was certainly shocked.

But soon she responded, and in accordance with Li Yalin's statement, calmly, using the magic from behind, to treat the injured friend in front of him.

After all, at this time, the safety of her friend is the most important!

Gong Tengfang's treatment ability is very strong. Under the premise of having enough magic output, Xiaomei's breathing quickly stabilizes and her life is saved!

Until Xiaomei’s injury was completely restored, Gong Tengfang Jia was relieved with a slight sigh of relief and slowly recovered the healing magic.

At the same moment, she also felt that the touch behind her disappeared, until then she responded. The reason why she was able to successfully save her friend was that she had just helped the stranger who helped her!

"Really... thank you very much!"

As soon as he thought that the benefactor was still behind him, Gong Tengfang was very busy turning back, and he wanted to thank the other side.

However, because the magical overdraft is too serious, Gong Tengfang has not waited for her, her body shape has shook, and then her foot is soft, and she will fall to the ground.

Seeing bad things, Li Yalin quickly explored and held Miyao Fujiya in his arms. When he looked closely, he found that the little girl had already slept.

The magical overdraft is so powerful, it doesn't faint for a while, it's called a strange thing! (To be continued.)

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