The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1684: The biggest witch in Europe

There is nothing to say all the way. After all, there is nothing to say. In order to get to the destination faster, Li Yalin and his three people will fly fast in the sky. ??{?[

If it weren’t for fear that the bamboo distiller’s magical power would be too much to cause the team to fall behind, Li Yalin might have already opened it all.

However, it is also worthy of praise here that the security capability of the 5o1 integrated combat aviation regiment is indeed good. Although Li Yalin and his party did not have a special hidden identity, when they arrived at the base of 5o1, they also flew three in the opposite base. A fully armed witch.

"Who are you! Report your troops!"

Li Yalin here three people, Beixiang Zhangxiang and Zhujing alcohol are wearing Fusang Navy uniforms, flying feet under the feet.

But Li Yalin did not have any equipment, so it floated in the sky. The scene of this scene came very awkward.

At least the eyes of the three witches across him are incredibly unbelievable.

Even so, the other side did not retreat. One of them, with a pair of ponytails and a very serious appearance, had already pointed the muzzle at three people, and the expression on her face was very serious.

what is this? Being used as the rhythm of the enemy?

The other side fired a gun, although Li Yalin himself did not say, how can Beixiang Zhangxiang and Zhujing alcohol can endure their own admiral adults pointing by weapons?

The next moment, the military **** sister and the shy girl raised the weapons in their hands and directly locked the serious girl opposite.

If the serious girl is slightly different, they will definitely shoot without hesitation!

Anyway, the witches have magic shields, even if they shoot, it is impossible to cause casualties in a short time.

And further, even if there are casualties? They may care?

Do not! There is only one person they care about, and that is their admiral!

"Don't be nervous. We are visiting the guest as a guest today, not your enemy."

As the two sides raised their guns, the atmosphere was coming from time to time. The two witches beside the serious girl, although they did not point their guns at Li Yalin, they also opened the insurance for their weapons.

In this case, Li Yalin knows that he can't say something that he can't do.

"The guests?"

Li Yalin’s answer made the serious **** the opposite side frown slightly. She was able to recognize the witches from Fusang through the costumes of Beixiang Zhangxiang and Zhujing.

But the man standing in the middle of the man, the man who can fly in the sky without relying on any equipment, is to make her extremely jealous!

He... is it really human?

Will he be sent from the deep sea or Niloy?

Serious girls will never relax their vigilance until they know the answer!

"We are from the Blood League Fleet. My name is Li Yalin, and I am the brother of Gong Tengfang."

In fact, the identity of the serious girl opposite, Li Yalin has already recognized it, she is the 5th1 in the strange power of the Gottelut-Buckholon.

Don't look at her always with a face, in fact, she is a sister, and unexpectedly no resistance to cute things.

Before the coming, Li Yalin had already reviewed the information of the 5o1 integrated combat aviation regiment. Anyway, this is no secret. It is easy for him to get this kind of information.

What's more, he still has memories of watching it, and of course he can know more.

"You are the brother of Miyato? Wait... are you the legendary admiral?"

When Li Yalin’s words were exported, the witches around Goerthut-Buckholon immediately exclaimed. It seems that they already knew the existence of Li Yalin’s admiral, but they could not react to it for a while.

So who is the witch next to the serious girl?

Charlotte-e-Yeg, the biggest witch in Central Europe in 5o1, is also the fastest witch. The character is slightly larger, but it is the kind that Li Yalin likes.

Um... at least her figure is really good.

"If there is no second admiral, then I should be the legendary admiral, and Yep."

Sending a girl towards Europe... Oh, no, it should be said that the girl smiled slightly, and Li Yalin nodded and admitted her identity.

However, it is because of his words that the girl who is opposite is opening her mouth immediately.

"you know me?"

Charlotte-e-Ye Ge did not expect that the admiral, who only existed in the legend, would open his own name.

"Of course, I have heard of the name of Yage’s captain, and it’s not only the serge of Yage, but also the Lieutenant Hartman, and I have heard about the two.”

Li Yalin’s words are correct. Since the establishment of the 5o1 integrated combat aviation regiment, many enemies have been eliminated. Apart from the newcomers Fangjia and Linet, the rest of the members are all famous.

Moreover, it can also be seen. In order to improve morale, the United Army has publicized the achievements of the witches. The major media and reports can often see these witches.

This is the biggest reason why Li Yalin can get 5o1 information soon.

"You really know us..."

Seeing that Li Yalin not only called out his own name, but also called the names of two companions together, Charlotte-e-Ye Ge, expressed his strong shock.

Although she is a member of the 5o1 Integrated Combat Aviation Corps, her reputation is quite loud, but she can't think of it anyway, and her name will appear from a legendary figure.

"That's natural, but Buck Holon yells, can your muzzle be removed? If you go on like this, it's hard to guarantee that my men will see your movements as a threat."

Seeing the surprised expression of the girl, Li Yalin’s heart was a melody, but looking at the serious girl, she still did not remove the weapon in her hand, and she had to say something.

Although Li Yalin knew very well that the serious girl was only surprised by her heart and could not wake up in a short time, she never stopped moving her gun.

The problem is that the two people around him are not fuel-efficient lights. Don't look at him in front of him on weekdays, but in the face of outsiders, they are not so good!

"Sorry... I am rude..."

When I heard Li Yalin’s reminder, the serious girl finally responded and quickly put away the weapons in her hands.

After all, people have already reported themselves to their homes. If they use guns to point to others, it is understandable to be identified as provocative.

She can't erect an enemy to her companions because of herself.

"It doesn't matter, special circumstances can be understood, then... can I go to see Fangjia now?"

Serious girl a sincere apology, Li Yalin certainly can not go to the difficult family, with a faint smile on his face, he said that he came here in the name, but for Fangjia.

Of course, this is also the most reasonable name.

"Of course! Please come with me!"

Although he did not contact the base, the serious girl invited Li Yalin to come, but there was no hesitation.

After all, Li Yalin’s identity is there.

"Then please."

There are serious girls leading the way, and Li Yalin is certainly happy, but just as the serious girl turned and led the way, he had another problem.

The short girl named Erica Hartmann was staring at him with curiosity.

Is there a flower on my face?

"Lieutenant Hartman, is there anything wrong?"

I was stared for a while, and even felt a little unnatural. Li Yalin finally couldn’t help but speak, you stared enough!

"Nothing, I am just a little curious, what is the difference between your legendary admiral and ordinary people."

Shaking his head, the short girl said that she had no other business, but she was simply curious about the admiral.

And this is also to make Li Yalin laugh.

You really don't know how to cover it...

There is reason to believe that if you switch to another person, I am afraid that I have already been angry because of the rudeness of the other party.

Who is Li Yalin? Can he care about this kind of thing?

It doesn't matter, just smile.

But he thinks so, some people don't think so.

"Are you 5o1 people, are you so rude?"

Unexpectedly, the first one can't help but the military **** Sister, but it is often a shy bamboo porridge.

Her opening is completely in the rudeness of Erik Hartman, and it is quite unrelenting.

"Hartman! What are you doing!"

When the bamboo well was opened, the party did not wait for the reaction. The serious girl flying in the front immediately turned back, and the expression was very serious and fierce.

At this time, the serious girl did not go to her teammates. After all, the rude party is still on her own.

"I am very sorry! I apologize to Hartman!"

Reprimanded a teammate, his serious girl immediately apologized to Li Yalin and Zhu Jing, and his expression was very sincere.

"It doesn't matter, Buck Huron, I don't mind, alcohol, you are calmer, don't encounter anything and go online."

For the apologetic sorrow of the serious girl, Li Yalin said that she was very generous and said nothing. For his own witch, he also took it for granted.

Otherwise, the opposite face is not good.

"Yes... the Admiral is an adult..."

Obviously in the face of Erica Hartman, Zhujing alcohol is still very strong, can be changed to Li Yalin, but she has become a shy little sheep, it is an obedient.

Seeing this scene, the three witches who lead the way are unable to help but look at each other.

The prestige of the admiral's adult seems to be heavier than expected.

You know, the witch is not an ordinary person. As the heroes who fight at the forefront of the war, most of the witches will not put the man in the eye.

At least wanting a witch to be so respectful is definitely a very difficult thing! (To be continued.) 8

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