The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1686: Will not break up 501


As an audience, Li Yalin can't help but applaud on the ground. Whether it is Zhujing Alcohol or Lieutenant Hartman in the sky, their performance is amazing.

And you can see it, they haven't used all their strength yet, but even if they have reservations, their fighting power is quite amazing!

It’s so beautiful!

But... if you go on like this, the victory will definitely be alcohol!

This is not Li Yalin speaking to his own people, but to present a fact, because he understands that the same magic output, alcoholic endurance is definitely more than Hartmann.

After all, the method of meditation he taught before was not white. Now the magic of the bamboo well has a remarkable growth, and this growth will continue, making her stronger and stronger.

To be honest, to talk about combat experience, Zhujing alcohol is definitely not as good as Hartmann, but to say that combat ability, under the same circumstances, Hartman also has the upper hand.

The trump card is not a trump card, and it is true that it can be said that Hartman is born for this blue sky, she is the genius who fights in the sky!

In contrast, Zhujing alcohol, her talent is far less enchanting than Hartman, can only be said to be more moderate, can not say good or bad.

Can be biased, in order to be a general bamboo well, but can be tied with Hartman genius, but also rely on the depth of magic to gain advantage.

What is the reason for this?

In fact, it is very simple, the gap in equipment has appeared at this moment!

Jet flying feet and propeller flying feet, although they seem to be flying feet, the gap is not very large.

Look at the European faction on the ground... Well, Yee’s captain, she’s already drooling, and it’s clear that it’s a coronation of the flying feet of the alcohol.

"Buck Holon! Why don't you give me back!"

Just as Zhujing Alcohol and Hartman were fighting in the sky, Li Yalin, who was still on the ground, heard a voice of anger.

Turning back, a girl in a dark green uniform with a long red wine, is standing behind everyone.

Who is this……

Mina Detroit-Weoker, captain of the 501 Integrated Combat Air Corps!

In the first time, Li Yalin’s mind emerged from the name.


"Lieutenant Colonel Weike, I am very glad to meet you."

Li Yalin recognized the identity of the captain’s sister, and Buck Holon naturally understood it more clearly.

For this reason, her face was stiff and she knew where her mistakes were.

However, before she responded, Li Yalin suddenly stepped forward and came to Mina. It was a decent smile.

"Excuse me, you are..."

The so-called reach of the face is not a smile, just because the serious girl Buck Holon has not been able to respond, as the captain of Mina, of course, very angry, but now facing Li Yalin, this first look very good, but yet I don’t know what the mysterious man is, but she can’t continue to make her anger.

"My name is Li Yalin, who is Fang Jia's brother. This time I ventured to visit Fang Jia. It happened that Lieutenant Hartman of the genus proposed to carry out practical training with our witch, so it was delayed for a while."

For Mina, the captain of the 501, Li Yalin reportedly had a good impression. She even knew that she was born into a musical family, but she gave up her ideals because of the arrival of Neroy, and she was active on the battlefield as a witch.

In order to integrate into the 501 group, we must first have a good relationship with Mina, so the next exchange is very important.

"It turned out to be... it was rude. I didn't expect the Admiral to come in person."

Li Yalin’s answer gave Mina a slight glimpse, but soon she responded and determined Li Yalin’s identity.

Admiral! He is the legendary admiral!

As early as after Fang Jia returned to their homes, Mina and Sakamoto were all carefully listening to everything before and after, knowing the existence of the Admiral, and knowing a lot of details of the Yuyu.

At the same time, she knows better that since the admiral adult is Fang Jia’s brother, he will go to the base to find Fang Jia sooner or later.

Only she did not expect that the other party came so fast!

"I actually don't feel relieved. After all, I promised Fangjia's mother and grandmother before coming. I will take care of and protect Fangjia."

When I met for the first time, Li Yalin did not have the arrogant attitude of the general military executives. Instead, he came very kindly.

This immediately caused Mina's goodwill.

Originally in her view, since the other party is the legendary admiral, it will certainly have a little temper. After all, the existence of that one is really special.

But did not think, the other party turned out to be a polite young man!


"The meaning of the Admiral is... Will you take Miyato Juncao away?"

Although Mina had a good impression of her instinct because of Li Yalin's attitude, but because of his words, she subconsciously frowned.

How does she listen to each other's meaning, is she trying to take Miyao Fujia away?

After all, the war crisis in Europe, even this 501 integrated combat aviation group, is not necessarily a safe place.

It is better to say that you have been fighting at the forefront, and staying at 501 is the most dangerous.

If the admiral is to protect his sister, I am afraid that he will only take it away.

"No, I don't think you are a misunderstanding of Lieutenant Colonel Vyok. I have not taken away Fangjia's plan."

When she looked at Mina's frown, Li Yalin knew what she meant, and he quickly waved his hand and denied Mina's statement.


When I heard Li Yalin’s negation, Mina’s side was strange.

If so, what does he mean?

"Although I am Fang Jia's brother, I don't want to interfere with her choice. Since she decided to stay in the 501 Integrated Combat Aviation Group, I think she must have her own reasons. I can't ignore my own because of my own privacy. The idea to take her away."

Shaking his head, Li Yalin quickly said his thoughts.

Yes, this is indeed his idea is correct, after all, in his heart, Fang Jia is a member of 501, 501 no matter who is less, is no longer a completed group.

He will not break up the 501 anyway, even if he is very clear, if Fang Jia comes to his side, it will definitely protect her safety.

"It turns out that you are such a good brother."

Li Yalin said everything to this, Mina certainly understood his mind, and immediately sighed, and the look of Li Yalin was also more soft.

The legendary Admiral, seems to be a good person.

"Good brother, what... Lieutenant Colonel Weikek is really polite, but in order to ensure the safety of Fangjia, some words, I don't know if I can have a good chat with Lieutenant Colonel Weike?"

It was praised by Mina that he was a good brother. This made Li Yalin subconsciously touch the nose, and some of them were not very interesting.

However, following this, he can proceed to the next step, and it will not cause Mina's suspicion.

"Oh? What do the Admiral want to say?"

Of course, Mina didn't know the little ninety-nine in Li Yalin's heart. She listened to Li Yalin and said that her face was also curious.

In her opinion, the admiral of the admiral is not a simple character. What he said must be very important.

"Well... let's wait until the end of the war. Let's not only be Lieutenant Colonel Weike, but also the Sakamoto Major, I need to talk to the two."

After considering it, Li Yalin felt that the timing was not particularly mature, so it was not in the first place.

After all, Mina and Sakamoto are in the main body of the 501, and almost all of them are quickly combined into a husband and wife file. If anything, it would be better to explain the effect with the two of them.

What's more, the battle between Zhujing Alcohol and Hartman is not over yet, and it is impossible to give everyone an intuitive feeling.

As for the result of this battle in the sky, there is no surprise from Li Yalin. The bamboo well has won by one stroke. Although the process is very difficult, the victory is victory. No one can say no.

And more crucially, when the bamboo wells and Hartmann landed on the ground, Hartman took off his flying feet and immediately fell down on the ground and gasped, which was simply a smashing.

But to put it bluntly, Hartman's magic book is a dachshund, saying that it is a tired, but it is also very image.

But I can see the bamboo well, although she has a slight asthma, but it is not as exaggerated as Hartman. After landing on the ground, she still has time to report to Li Yalin, and soon she stood with Li Yalin with Beixiang Zhangxiang.

This is a huge contrast with Hartmann.

"How can this be……"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Da, a serious girl’s mouth, can’t help but can’t believe what she saw. △≧△≧△≧△≧

What is the strength of Hartman, she is the most clear in her own heart, the failure has been enough to be surprising, and the result is still a tired, one if nothing.

Is your eyes really okay?

In fact, not only the serious girl was surprised, but the rest of the witches, including Mina, who had just arrived, their expressions came very strange.

Has Hartman been defeated?

Yes, Hartman is so defeated, not defeated in experience, nor defeated in physical strength, but lost in magic and equipment!

The main reason why Hartman is so tired is that her magical overdraft, if not, she will certainly continue to persist.

In contrast, Zhujing alcohol, her magic has surplus, far from the state of overdraft of Hartmann, so compared to her, of course, it is easy and pleasant.

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