The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1725: Can you have a drink?

"You are sure... can you find her here?"

In front of the bar in a small town in Britannia, Li Yalin looked at Hannah around her face, and her face was full of speechless expressions.

This time I came to Britannia. He first stopped the time rain at the 501 base, let the witches under the rest of the night, and waited until the next day to ask Mina, let her prepare a side three rounds for herself. The motorcycle, carrying Hannah, began to look for a trip to Elizabeth.

What can be the result? It was just in the afternoon. Under the guidance of Hannah, he came to this Britannia town and was taken to a bar.

In the face of this situation, how can he not be speechless? How can you not helpless?

This is noon, girl! Big noon bar, open the door for you?

"I'm sure."

Looking at Hannah again, this expressionless Karlslan girl was very serious and nodded to Li Yalin. Although the expression did not change much, she clearly understood that her guidance was absolutely correct.

"That... just go in and see."

Seeing Hannah just nodded, and did not explain too much, Li Yalin can only go back to the heart without words, turned and pushed the door of the bar, hehe, really opened.

If this is the case, then simply go in and see, anyway, come here.

Entering the bar with Hannah one by one, Li Yalin found that the light in this bar was really dark enough. It was clearly in the afternoon, but the dusty glass covered a large part of the sun.

Even saying that just in front of the bar counter, there is still a small oil lamp, which finally makes people see the layout of the bar.

After the bar counter, a messenger dressed up, aged about 60 years old, is carefully wiping the glass.

As Li Yalin thought, this time, the bar wouldn't have any guests even if it opened the door. The whole bar gave people a feeling of being empty and not angry.


Just as Li Yalin pushed open the door of the bar, the copper bell placed on the door sounded a clear sound, causing the attention of the old man behind the bar.

However, when he saw the guest, he simply said a welcome, and did not stop the action of wiping the glass.

Is this kind of place really ok?

Li Yalin’s heart was awkward, but his sight was involuntarily looking around.

Huh? Is there really a guest?

The line of sight shifted to the shaded corner on the left side of the bar, a shape that was not visible, sitting there, with a few glasses in front of it.

Although it is impossible to determine the identity of the other party, Li Yalin subconsciously determined that the other party is definitely a woman is not wrong!

This is the sixth sense of being a devil, and others can't learn.

That is the Elizabeth-f-Belin I am looking for?

Because it was not very certain, Li Yalin did not act rashly, but came to the bar with Hannah and found a position to sit down.

"Hannah, what are you drinking? I treat you."

Since they are all here, Li Yalin is not in a hurry, and smiles at Hannah. It is very generous to express his treats and not to be polite to himself.

"A glass of ice water."

Hey... Come to the bar to drink ice water, your sister is really creative.

Looking at Hannah's face and a cup of ice water, Li Yalin was unable to vomit, but the old man behind the bar was very calm, and soon turned to send Hannah a glass of ice water.

Don't say anything else, this service attitude is really good.

"Just the ice water is fine? Don't you have something else?"

If it is a younger sister, Li Yalin will definitely stop there and will not persuade too much, but Hannah’s age is not too small. Drinking something at the bar is completely normal.

For his own subordinates, Li Yalin never swears, and a cup of ice water sends Hannah something. If it is spread out, he feels shameful.

"No, ice water is good, you can't drink alcohol during the mission. This is discipline."


what is this?

Have you been taught by your own subordinates?

Hannah’s words made Li Yalin speechless and obviously his good intentions. As a result, people did not appreciate it, and even took such words to refute him.


Ok, it’s really an old-fashioned and serious Karslan girl, you won!

"Give me a beer, I want to be chilled."

Because of Hannah’s words, Li Yalin’s came a little discouraged, but he did not have anything to do with it.

Reaching out and snapping a finger, he asked for a beer from the old man behind the bar, and after the beer was picked up, he quickly picked up the beer and came to the corner on the left side of the bar.

“Can you have a drink?”

After approaching, Li Yalin can be completely sure that the person who sat in the corner drinking is definitely a woman.

Unfortunately, the light is too bad. Even if he approaches, he can't completely see the other's face, but he can see it roughly. The other party has a good face.

Well, it should be a pretty talented pair.



Very good, the failure failed.

For Li Yalin, he doesn't have any experience with him. Like this kind of bar, he rarely comes.

If it weren’t for talent, he wouldn’t say this, please ask for a drink, but the result is good, and it’s hard to say it. The result is also rejected by the second.

This is too shocking people to feed!

Coach, what should I do next?

Scratching the back of the head, and looking at the woman sitting opposite, if you change the time and place, Li Yalin must turn and leave.

But this time, he couldn't move, at least he could not leave before making a confirmation.


"who are you?"

After rejecting Li Yalin’s conversation, the woman was very sorry for the words like gold. She did not say a word, and did not urge people to leave. This made Li Yalin standing in the same place very embarrassed.

But even if you say it again, he has to say it if he says it.

And just after he said Elizabeth's name, the other party immediately reacted in the first time. In the darkness, a sharp eye was locked in Li Yalin's body.

This kind of momentum is definitely a warrior who has fought in battle!

That's right! Find the right person!

To be honest, Li Yalin really didn't think that Hannah's guidance was correct. He actually found the former Britannia trump card in the bar.

And... there are several wine glasses in front of her.

Is this Elizabeth a female alcoholic?

Suddenly, Li Yalin had some bad feelings in his heart.


Before Li Yalin answered, Hannah came from the direction of the bar. It was very easy, and he said the identity of the other party.

"Hannah? How come you are here?"

Hannah opened her mouth, and Elizabeth oppositely heard the voice of her former comrades. To be honest, in this dark corner, the identity of each other can be determined by sound alone. This shows that the relationship between the two is not just a comrade. So simple?

But in any case, finding the Lord, this is a good thing, the rest of the details do not think too much.

"We are here to find you."

Did not use Li Yalin to open, Hannah took the initiative to answer, in the end is the former comrades (Ji You?), facing Elizabeth, Hannah's voice is also slightly a few emotional fluctuations.

"Looking for me? What are you doing with me looking for a retired witch?"

If Hannah is only looking for Elizabeth, it is estimated that she will be treated as an old friend, but Li Yalin appears, and she has just called her as a military rank. This shows a lot of problems.

At least Elizabeth, already aware of it.

"It is such a small Belin, we sincerely invite you to join our troops."

In this case, Li Yalin always feels that there is something to say or not, and there is no need to turn around. Otherwise, I am afraid there will be counter-effects.

It was only his directness, but the opposite Elizabeth snorted and laughed directly.

"Join your troops? Although I don't know who you are, are you making me happy? As a retired witch, what else can I use?"

What Elizabeth said at this time is the reality of the world. When the witches are still witches, they are naturally a precious resource of the country. After losing the magic power, it is no different from ordinary women, let alone pay attention.

If they are famous witches, they may be sought after after losing their magic. But if they are ordinary witches, retiring is basically equal to unemployment. The best thing is to hurry back to their hometown to marry and have children, to spend this life as an ordinary woman.

And Elizabeth, although she has made countless achievements, but she has also provoked the problem of the boss’s hateful witch, let alone what she wants to see.

Therefore, Li Yalin’s invitation is undoubtedly a joke in Elizabeth’s opinion.

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Li Yalin. I am the admiral of the blood league fleet."

"In addition to this invitation, we are very serious. I hope that you can join the Blood League Fleet and become our companion."

Li Yalin did not understand Elizabeth's mentality at this time, but from her voice, he heard something.

So this time, he also put his own attitude, very self-introduction, and very seriously once again sent an invitation to Elizabeth.

"Li Yalin? Admiral? Blood League Fleet? What is that?"


It stands to reason that Li Yalin’s name should have been spread throughout the world long ago. Even if this is a remote town, it’s not even blocked by the news.

I can listen to Elizabeth's tone again, but it doesn't seem to be a lie. She doesn't seem to know who the Admiral is.

In this case, how should he vomit?

"Lieutenant Bellin, have you not been paying attention to outside news for a long time?"

For a long time, Li Yalin finally said such a sentence, his current mood is really very complicated.

“News? What do I care about?” (To be continued.)

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