The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1746: Change the fate of Karsland

At this stage, the imperial system of Karslan can be said to be in a very chaotic and subtle state. Most of the land in this country has been invaded by Niloy, and only a small part of it has survived.

The survivors of Karslan lived in a small number of unoccupied areas and were sheltered by a part of the witches and the army.

But because of this, Karslan’s internal contradictions broke out.

As the Princess of the Virgin is the relationship of the witch, the emperor William III's favor to the witch is a straight line, leading to the status of the witch in the military has been very high.

Even some witches who have lost their magic power can continue to serve in the military and even be high.

For this reason, some of the nobles in Karsland believed that their rights were exploited and the identity of the nobility was provoked.

They believe that women should not be involved in the top of the empire, they will screw everything up!

Previously, because of the imperial power of William III, no one dared to object to this, but with the fall of Karlsland, the rights of His Majesty the Emperor are getting weaker.

In particular, the aristocratic ministers who ruled the unoccupied areas immediately had a considerable degree of voice.

This even gave them a mentality to scream with the emperor!

Challenge the imperial power?

Perhaps a few decades ago, this was an elusive dream, but with the fall of Karlsland, the emperor's power was not as good as one day, and their ambitions expanded.

Coupled with the participation of foreign forces, the situation in Karlsland has become a mess.

To liberate Karslan at this time is simply an unfinished epic quest, because the enemies that need to be faced at this time are not only Niloy, but also those ambitious aristocrats, and their army!

"It turns out that it is really troublesome, but... liberating Karlsland is not as difficult as I thought."

After listening to Victoria's explanation, Li Yalin groped his own chin and nodded very seriously.

But then, he smiled and suddenly surprised our Princess Her Royal Highness.

"No...Is it difficult to imagine?" Victoria's reaction was too late.

"Yeah, just Victoria, you said, Uncle William, he has supported the development of the witch, so in the middle of the witches, his reputation must not be low, right?"

"That's right..."

"Yes, it’s right! This is our breakthrough!"

Yes, from the mouth of Victoria, Li Yalin did get a lot of useful information, such as the support of the witch, this is a key point.

Saving the world requires a witch and a ship mother. Although no man in any country is willing to admit it, the world does need these girls.

Even those Karslan nobility who look down on women must control a lot of witch troops in their hands. Otherwise, they can only do it by ordinary military.

Then the problem is coming. I am in a position to look down on my boss. How many people are really willing to sell?

If the witches under the aristocratic ministers can be rebellious, will the situation be very simple?

You know, the witches of Karlsland are very loyal to their country. If this is not the case, Mina could not disregard the rules and arrange for William III to meet with Li Yalin.

"That's right, but now... we don't have the capital to fight against the witch, the resources we control... it's too little..."

After listening to Li Yalin's explanation, Victoria's eyes were also bright, but soon, the light in her eyes dimmed.

Although this sounds very full, but the reality is very skinny, with the decline of the imperial power, the witches can not see the hope of victory, it is very difficult to fight against those witches with the reputation of an emperor.

The most important thing is that whether they are William III or Victoria, they now have very limited resources in their hands, and they are unable to equip the witches on a large scale.

Even if the witches are willing to follow, their logistical replenishment work is completely unprotected.

This sounds very shameful, but it is a fact that cannot be avoided.

"What is the resource... I can give it to me. By the way, we can also incite the people's resistance and enthusiasm as my fiancé's fiancé."

"Of course, how to operate next, you need Victoria to pay more attention to you."

Regarding Victoria's concerns, Li Yalin can understand a few points, but he does not think it is too difficult.

First of all, the problem of resources, with the support behind him, there is no need to worry, let alone this time he is not just acting under the name of William III.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, his admiral adult has not had such a big influence, but if he is in the army, he is afraid that no one knows his name!

Is there a wave of his arms, and he is afraid that there is no magic heart?

"If that's the case... I will contact Major General Garland immediately!"

This time, Li Yalin’s words made Victoria’s heart full of heart. If it was as he said, maybe it would be possible to succeed in rebelling against the witch!

If you change to another person, Victoria may not dare to make such a bet, but if Li Yalin's words, she would rather gamble on a bet!

There is no reason for it, just because Li Yalin is around, she has seen too many miracles!

On the Isle of Wight, Li Yalin relied on her own efforts to kill the story of the great Neroyi. Although she did not see it with her own eyes, she heard rumors from the mouth of the witch who participated in the battle.

Even if the rumors are often exaggerated, Victorian feels that this should be the fact that there is nothing wrong!

What's more, she has seen too many incredible things in the town.

Not to mention the various new weapons and equipment that Li Yalin has come up with, the emergence of the meditation method alone, so that Hannah, Ivana and Elizabeth, who have lost their magical powers, have all recovered their magic power, and she has already surprised her. It’s like watching God.

In addition, Li Yalin, who is the admiral, is like a ship's mother excavator. Every time, a new ship mother will appear beside him.

And not only the ship mother, even the deep sea ghost Ji, actually became his friend!

Even daughter!

During this time in the town, Victoria was very fortunate that he had been on the battlefield and was brave enough to be trained.

Otherwise, so many exaggerated things appeared in front of her, she has already been scared to faint!


It is precisely because of this that she is more confident in Li Yalin.

If it is him...

May really change the fate of Carlsland, maybe!

With such an idea, Victoria is ready to launch his last card and contact Major General Garland, who is known as the Air God of War!

Major General Garland, one of the most famous witches in the last battle, can also be said to be the most powerful ace witch in Karlsland. During her time as a witch, the number of Neroyis who fought was countless. !

Until she ended her career as a witch, she did not retire from the Carlslan Army, but with the support of William III, she was promoted to the Imperial Major General, which is almost the same as the witch system of the entire Karsland.

Although Major General Garland’s prestige is far-reaching, it has a certain degree of influence not only in Karslan’s own country, but also in the United Army. However, she does not like to participate in the political-government struggle, and has laid down a practical task and concentrated on The operation and deployment of the witches on the western front.

In this way, in addition to the witches dispatched by the empire, in the country, Major General Garland’s witch control power is running low.

But even so!

As long as Major General Garland is interested, the majority of the witches will buy the order she issued, and as long as she is willing to claim to join the emperor's next party, those aristocratic ministers who are eager to move will not dare to make too much action.

But... It’s hard to prevent the gun from hiding. The Karsland is not just a problem within the country. The country has to worry about threats from the outside.

So less than a critical moment, William III and Victoria will never use Major General Garland.

But now, it’s already at that critical juncture!

Victoria is very clear that the machine can not be lost no longer, for the empire's tomorrow, she did not even negotiate with her father, William III, and arbitrarily made a liaison with Major General Garland.

This time, she will get the support of the witches in the fastest time, like lightning, quickly regain the power of the empire!

Only in this way can Li Yalin provide the perfect guarantee for the liberation of Karslan!

For Li Yalin, the name of Major General Garland, he still heard something, but he did not expect that William III and Victoria will still hold such a card.

However, if you think about it carefully, this is not incomprehensible. After all, Major General Garland, before entering the top of the empire, is a witch who is extremely heavy by the emperor. Standing on the side of William III is also a reasonable thing.

That is to say, with the support of Major General Garland, the next thing is that everything is only owed to the east wind, and only when Li Yalin is shot, he can successfully win the imperial Karslan!

Of course, even if Li Yalin personally shot, Karlslan's Niloy can not be completely destroyed immediately. There are still many things involved. Before the war, it is necessary to prepare accordingly.

And the most crucial thing is that this time the liberation of Karlsland, the ship's mothers of the guardian government must not be able to move, after all, they are good at sea surface combat, on land, simply can not play effective combat.

That is to say, this time Li Yalin can mobilize only his two aviation squadrons, and then consider the defensive problems of the defensive government. If you want to think about it, the number of people he can take away this time will not be too much. . (To be continued.)

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