The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1757: Chicheng and Kaga



The moment to decide the fate begins!

When Li Yalin invested resources and was ready to press the build button, his mood was very exciting.

Although this big construction will not end once, according to his consultation with Changmen, at least he has the opportunity to build four times. If the primary school students are slightly more, it is entirely feasible to form a fleet.

But this first big building, or let Li Yalin rejoice a few times.

After all, this is an exciting time, isn't it?

Whether the first shot succeeded or failed, Ou Di is still not a choice...

Appear it!

My ship mother!

"I met the admiral for the first time. I am the aircraft carrier Chicheng. If you want to compile the airborne mobile unit, please give it to me."


An aircraft carrier?

Seeing the black long straight sister who was wearing a bow suit and holding a long bow, Li Yalin was completely stunned.

Long ago, he always wanted to build an aircraft carrier, but he was never black. He never realized his wish.

It was not until later that Fusangshan City was transformed into an aviation battleship. Even the most important ones became aviation heavy patrols, and he gradually gave up the idea of ​​building an aircraft carrier.

This time, Dacheng, his mind is actually very simple, there is no need to build a miracle, the aircraft carrier or something, I am fortunate to lose my life, as long as I can make some battleships for the battle, improve the overall combat effectiveness of the fleet, it has already enough.

Of course, if you are nervous and excited, you must still have it. I believe that this kind of mood can be felt by many admirals.

Just let him not think that this first big building, actually the aircraft carrier Chicheng debut, this is his thinking aircraft carrier!

Without a reason, Li Yalin suddenly felt that his eyes were wet.

"Admiral? You are... what?"

As the ship's mother who first came to this world, Chicheng would of course follow his own instinct and dedicate his loyalty to the Admiral who summoned her.

She will fight for the admiral, which is the first thought in the heart of Akagi.

What makes her wonder is that her admiral adult is seeing it. Can you look at the admiral's adult person? How does his reaction seem to be a bit uncomfortable?

Why does she feel that the Admiral is going to cry?

"Hello City, Chigang, I am the secretary of the Captain's Gate. You are welcome to join the Admiral's majesty and become a member of the Blood Alliance Fleet."

The emotions of Li Yalin are not quite right. The long door on the side is immediately greeted. This time, Li Yalin did not let many people be present. It is enough to have a long door to help.

At this moment, Changmen is also very good at completing the work as a secretary ship. Looking at Li Yalin on the side, she knows what kind of illness her own admiral is committed, and naturally she does not care.

"The words of the Admiral, we don't care about him, and soon he will recover."

Yes, as Changmen said, Li Yalin really recovered his spirit very quickly. Although he first came out of Chicheng, it made him quite excited and emotional, but in fact, this is actually a sentimental issue. .

Now the blood league fleet does not lack air supremacy. On the contrary, if it is possible, Li Yalin would like to have more battleships to make up for the lack of firepower in the fleet.

Yes, he is typical of being cheap and selling!

"Hello Chicheng, welcome you to join my fleet, please advise me from now on."

Soon, the normal Li Yalin returned to the front of Chicheng, thinking of the mother of the aircraft carrier... Ah, my sister is in front of myself, we must try to maintain restraint.

Well, with a calm heart, this is enough.

"Please also advise and advise the adults."

Looking at the admiral of his own, the intimate mood of Chicheng was slightly relaxed. Although it felt a little weird, her first impression was that the admiral was a good man.

Joining the admiral of the Admiral is a good destination for himself.

Because the ship Niangniang was born with the good value of the admiral, and Li Yalin's performance is really good, his first meeting with Chicheng, can already celebrate the flower.

It is a pity that it is not the time to communicate with Chicheng. Because this is just the first big construction, then he will build more ships and add fresh blood to the blood league fleet!

"Chicheng, you first talk to the long door, she will tell you about the blood alliance fleet, I will continue to build here, I will not talk to you more."

After nodding to Chicheng, Li Yalin began to concentrate on building it again. Anyway, there is a long door. He believes that his secretary ship will definitely not be cold to Chicheng. Of course, he can rest assured.

"Yes, the admiral."

I heard that Li Yalin wants to continue construction. Chicheng knows what is going on. The original admiral still wants to continue to summon his companions. Of course, she can’t bother.

Quickly retreating to the side and standing with Changmen, Chicheng did not let Changmen introduce her to the Blood League fleet. Instead, she locked her eyes on Li Yalin and carefully observed her admiral.

On the side of Li Yalin, he certainly can feel the gaze of Chicheng, but he did not express anything, but concentrated on starting the second big construction.

Because he just got out of Chicheng at the first round, he is now satisfied. Then he has nothing to ask for. It is best to have a few powerful battleship big sisters. If not, the war patrols light patrol or primary school students. It is also ok.

come on!

My second big build!

Appear it!

My ship mother!

"I am the aircraft carrier Kaga, are you my admiral? I have some expectations for you."


When Li Yalin saw the single-tailed sister who was wearing the bow suit and holding the longbow from the portal, he was already stunned on the spot.

This bow suit is similar to the one just like Chicheng, but one is red and the other is blue.

Since ancient times, the red and blue cp do not know!

His first reaction was that he did not know how to hit the Universiade. He even got out of two aircraft carriers. In fact, as he thought, the second shipyard he built today is indeed an aircraft carrier. That's right!

The most important thing is that Kaga, who just appeared, even knows about Chicheng!


"Chicheng? How come you are here?"

"I was just summoned by the admiral."

"It turns out that it seems that we are destined to fight side by side."

"Yeah, this must be the fate of the fate!"

Seeing Kaga debut, Chicheng rushed over in the first place.

For the emergence of Chicheng, Kaga was surprised, but soon revealed a smile.

They not only know, but the relationship is quite good.

"Hello, congratulations, welcome you to join my fleet, and you... do you know Chicheng?"

Seeing the good atmosphere between Chicheng and Kaga, Li Yalin was not very well blended in one time, but the problem is that he is really curious now. What does it look like in the combination of red and blue cp?

This is not just a friend, is it?

"Yes, the admiral, I am a fellow of the same battle with Chicheng, so I am very grateful to the Admiral, so that we can work together in the future."

Chicheng and Kaga, from the feeling that Chicheng should be a very gentle sister, no accident, it should be a Yamato Fuzi type of sister-in-law is right.

In the case of Kaga, she feels a little more serious. Although the general girl’s hair style with a side ponytail will give a feeling of tenderness, but Kaga’s feelings will further set off her sense of seriousness. .

It feels like... facing the teacher.

Not only the feeling, but the attitude of Kaga is much more serious than that of Chicheng. Seeing her answer to Li Yalin now is a one-on-one look, which makes people feel very serious.

"This... I don't have to thank me. Actually, I didn't think that you and Chicheng could appear one after another."

In the face of Kaga's gratitude, Li Yalin subconsciously scratched his head, and his expression was awkward.

Building such a thing is completely a random look at luck. Whether it is an aircraft carrier or a primary school student, it should be seen that the Admiral itself is Europe or Africa.

Continuously built Chicheng and Kaga, this probability is simply low and terrible! Even Li Yalin, he felt that he should try to buy a lottery ticket and try his luck.

Can't it be today's own luck?

Otherwise, how can it be possible to hang out the aircraft carrier continuously!

"Congratulations to the admiral, it seems that our blood league fleet will no longer have to worry about air supremacy."

The continuous appearance of Chicheng and Kaga made the long door of the secretary ship a bit too stunned. Like Li Yalin, she knew how difficult it was to build an aircraft carrier continuously, not to mention the fact that Chicheng was so smart. And Kaga, it is even more incredible.

But in any case, out of two aircraft carriers, this is also a good thing for the blood alliance fleet. Although there were Fusang, Shancheng and the top, plus the help of the witches, everyone did not have a headache.

Don't forget, the enemies that the Blood League Fleet has to face are all very powerful in air production!

Whether it is a southern habitat or a berth, or an armored empty ghost, they all have a large number of deep-sea fighters. They have suffered a lot in this area.

Although Li Yalin is not afraid of this, if he can increase the air combat power of the fleet, it is also very good.

"Well, it is also said that Chicheng Kaga, in the next few battles, I am afraid I have to trouble you a lot."

Hearing the congratulations from the long door, Li Yalin also reacted here. For him now, the aircraft carrier is more and more good, and the two of Chicheng and Kaga appear, it is too time! (To be continued.)

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