The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1796: War live documentary

At this press conference, Li Yalin was immediately buried in an overwhelming question after being unveiled with Victoria. The scene was very chaotic.

Fortunately, Li Yalin, who had been prepared for this, quickly took control of the situation and, together with Victoria, made this press conference a perfect one.

During this period, as the protagonist of today, Li Yalin answered many reporters' questions, and there are very sharp political-government problems, as well as various gossips.

Like some that can be said on the bright side, he naturally does not hide, but there are some too specific problems, he directly chose no comment.

After the questioning session, the next step is his true intention!

That's right!

Just today, Li Yalin will be an important enemy of humanity in Berlin for the world! Appeared!

Although in essence, the sea fog warships are not the enemy of human beings at present, their goal is to clean up the anomalies in the world. From a certain point of view, they should be said to be on the side of human beings.

The problem is that the sea fog fleet is not really standing with humans. In order to accomplish the goal, even if the sea fog destroys human beings, they will certainly do so.

Therefore, it is better to set the sea fog as an enemy as early as possible. This will not only transfer the sight of the world, but also help Li Yalin share the firepower. Why not?

Anyway, the sea fog will not explain anything to humans. If you want to say it, it is not that Li Yalin has the final say.

It can be imagined that the appearance of the sea fog fleet attracted a burst of media in the field. No one could have imagined that after the renewal of Niloy and the deep sea-going ship, human beings would face new enemies.

And... still a more powerful enemy.

At the press conference, Li Yalin gave a very comprehensive series of information about the sea fog warships, such as the horrible gravity gun and the Klein force field that could not be broken.

With the deepening of the understanding of the sea fog warships, the scene was even covered with a haze.

No matter what attack can't penetrate the Klein force field? With this kind of thing, who can beat those terrible sea fog warships?

Concerned about this press conference, not only the major media, including Liberia and Olašika, but also the high-level officials, are actually waiting for the results of the reception.

The news of the appearance of the sea fog fleet has been passed on to them in the first place. It is a matter of course that the top officials of various countries are busy with this news.


New enemies have appeared?

Sea fog battleship?

How have you never heard of this?

Well, in fact, no news is also a normal situation. Whoever makes the present sea is no longer a human being?

With new enemies, we must study the corresponding coping strategies, but even so, the main direction of the current is to recapture the land occupied by Neroy, and the enemy on the ocean has become the second.

Although certainly can not ignore the existence of the sea fog warships, it is not to the extent that priority must be resolved.

After all, apart from the sea fog fleet, the old ‘friend’ deep-sea habits of human beings are not equally entrenched in the ocean? On the human side, it seems that no matter how you think, there is no such thing as a chance to win.

Since there is no chance of winning, what is it still tangled?

Or An An heart to do a good job at hand.

With regard to the news of the appearance of the sea fog fleet, except for a few countries, such as Liberia and Ola Sika, the other small countries are really not too concerned.

Anyway, I can't beat it. What is the use of too much?

Then transfer the picture to the press conference.

The reporters who had not waited for the scene calmed down due to the appearance of the sea fog fleet. Li Yalin once again put a big move and played his specially edited deep sea movie.

In the picture, the appearance of the deep-sea battleship immediately shocked everyone's attention!

Yes, in the eyes of the public, both the ship's mother and the deep-sea battleship are extremely mysterious. Don't talk about the reporters in front of us. Even the soldiers of the United Army can really see much.

Only the naval forces of the United Army are the main force to fight the deep sea-occupied ships. However, the troops that have had the privilege of fighting with the deep sea can survive, but they can really count.

What is the situation of the sea fog warships? The reporters present can only know through Li Yalin’s oral narration that the deep-sea battleships are different, and their existence has been very intuitively displayed in front of everyone.

For this reason, the reporters present were shocked.

Everyone knows that deep-sea warships occupy the sea. In addition to a few safe passages that have been opened up, human beings cannot even touch the area that accounts for 70% of the Earth.

However, how powerful the deep sea is, many people have no intuitive experience from beginning to end.

But now, everyone has already seen it, it seems that the dark fleet that can not see the side will undoubtedly bring a huge sense of oppression.

Is it true that human beings can overcome this kind of enemy?

Humans want to recapture the sea. Is this dream really possible?

Of course, there are also a small number of people who have thought of a deeper problem. Such a strong deep-sea ship is not the opponent of the sea fog fleet. So, how much will the sea fog warship in the large population of the admiral be strong?

"It's finished... we can't take back the ocean."

"In the face of such an enemy, what else can we say?"

"This is the deep sea turtle... our enemy!"

This time, the deep-sea movie, Li Yalin, after careful editing, first appeared, not in the beginning of the battle with the southern habitat, but in the later special edition.

To this end, Li Yalin also specially mobilized a large number of deep-sea battleships, and the momentum was quite large.

After all, it’s a movie. How can I have more plots in it? Anyway, he didn’t say that this is a documentary.

It’s just the beginning of the scene, it has already made everyone feel deeply desperate.

And this is exactly what he wants to see.

With the exhibition of the plot, Li Yalin's ship maidens began to appear on the screen, and this also attracted the audience's bursts of exclamation.

How many shipyards Li Yalin has in his hands, it has always been a mystery, and the ship’s mother is a kind of existence. No one can figure it out except the official.

But today, the real body of the ship's mothers are actually in the lens!

"Look! They are ship mothers!"

"My God... how many ship mothers are there?"

"Beautiful! They are so beautiful!"

Because of the existence of the witches, human beings can stop the pace of Neroy's progress. It can be said that the witch is a beautiful landscape on the battlefield and has been sought after by the major media.

Today, however, compared to the witch, the obvious ship Niang is the real protagonist!

Look at the burning eyes of the reporters, the kind of hate that rushes into the screen and interact with the ship's maidens. It's really funny.

But the burning has not lasted for too long, because next, it is the explosion of war!

The war between the ship Niang and the deep sea was at the touch of the moment. On the screen, everyone saw the scene of the overwhelming collision of the fighter planes and the roar of the guns.

That is the real war, belonging to the war between the ship mother and the deep sea!

This battle, stunned the audience present, now they can no longer speak any words, can only look at the scene in the screen, even the slightest details are not willing to let go.

What did the admiral just say?

Is this a movie?

Do not! This is not a movie at all!

This is clearly a live documentary of the war between the ship mother and the deep sea!

Prior to this, Li Yalin nominally said that he would like to invite everyone to watch the movie, but now everyone finally understands it. The original admiral is telling everyone that this is the war on the ocean!

He and his ship's mothers are experiencing a difficult war that is no less than the European battlefield. No... Maybe the war on the ocean is far more cruel than the war on the 6th.

Although at the end of the movie, the war between the ship mother and the deep sea ended with a step back, no one is the real winner.

But because of this, it is even more real.

Because the war on the ocean is not over!

In the face of such a war, what can humans do?

Just rely on the already-armed joint naval force?

Don't make a fuss. After the last World War, the naval forces of the Allied Forces are still in the process of reorganization, and they have not recovered their vitality, let alone renewed the maritime war.

You know, even the most common deep-sea warships can knock out a naval warship one-on-one. I heard that when the safety route was opened, if there was no help from the ship’s mothers, the joint army navy might have been wiped out. It is.

A force like this is simply not eligible to join the war. That is to say, nowadays, in addition to the admiral who stands in front of everyone, no second person can help humans recapture the ocean!

He... is the hope of all mankind!

"Admiral, will you help us recapture the ocean and destroy all deep-sea vessels?"

"Admiral, what is your next operational plan? The documentary you just played is to tell the plan to fight the deep sea?"

"Admiral, how do you prepare to fight back in the deep sea? In the documentary, the strength of the ship's mothers is very strong, but in a short time, I am afraid that it is still impossible to completely eliminate the deep sea?"

"Admiral! Admiral!"

After the end of the deep-sea movie, the reporters raised their hands and asked questions. They had too many things to figure out.

However, in the face of the reporters' problems, Li Yalin's face is a smile that is full of playfulness.

"Destroy the deep sea? No, I think everyone is wrong. I have never said that I want to destroy the deep sea. It is better to say that I am not the most reliable ally between the deep sea and the sea." To be continued.) 8

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