The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1919: Scribbled to remove the roots!

“Is there an alien that is not different from human beings? That is to say, the environment you need to survive is exactly the same as human beings, then the planet you have should be similar to the Earth.”

"As you said, your planet is a magical planet? The same species as you should be able to use the same abilities as you? But how did you come to this planet? Is it your planet? The magical civilization has reached the point where it can travel through the universe?"

“How did you come here? A spacecraft made with magical civilization?”

Yes, after Li Yalin spoke up, the room was immediately turned into a research madman, and one question after another was thrown out, so that Li Yalin did not know where to start.

My God... I know it will become like this...

The attitude of the housekeeper is not too much of Li Yalin’s expectation. He is very clear that the curiosity of his own purple hair sister is very strong, and he has one of the most intelligent minds in the world. The truth will definitely lead to many problems for her.

In fact, he has already prepared a pair of answers, but he did not think that the curiosity of the house is far more intense than he imagined.

This is a general question raised, how can he solve it?

"I said... Can you calm down a bit? I am not holding a press conference. Do you always give me some time to explain?"

Very helpless, a bitter smile, Li Yalin pulled the room into his arms, and only then, can make this purple hair sister quiet.

"Speaking of my origins, it should be regarded as a more complicated one. I can't explain it in a few words, but as far as I am concerned, what you can understand is that I should be a traveller of time and space."

"My ability is special. I can travel to another world through time and space. This world is also one of the worlds I have experienced. In my words, this should be regarded as a technological world."

"The world with technology is naturally a world of magic. My strength is learned in a world full of magic or divine power. Of course, I have experienced some of the world of technology, and I have some Good technology."

Since the truth has been said, some should tell the room accountant's explanation, Li Yalin did not conceal, anyway, she will know sooner or later, now is a good time.

Of course, some of the most important secrets, Li Yalin will definitely not say, perhaps this secret will wait until he has actually completed the task and rescued his own mother, the mother, to be public.

After all, after all, he did not know when he was going to complete the task, and to what extent he would grow up in order to rescue the demon mother.

He had already understood that the identity of his former devil's mother-in-law was definitely not that simple. He even said that he did not know whether his mother-in-law was the demon king of her original world.

With the power of his own moment, let alone the whole true demon country, even if it is the whole world, I am afraid that no one can match it, but why? Why can't my strength still break the seal?

This simply does not explain, and this answer is also not what he can find in a short time.

The only thing he can do now is to develop and strengthen his own strength and power, and fight against the fantasy plane while continuing to wait for the day when the truth is revealed.

Some of them can be said to the room, Li Yalin almost said it, and these explanations also caused the interest of Zifa Yujie.

The magical aspect of the house is ignorant, and she is useless even if she is interested, but some of the technologies that Li Yalin controls are deeply fascinated by this purple hair.

No, after Li Yalin came up with some technology higher than this world, our Zifa Yujie immediately joined the research, and even Li Yalin could not attend.

In addition to helplessness, Li Yalin seems to have no other way, although he knows that even if the house is very smart, it is still difficult to get through the technology that transcends the world, and even if she really understands these Technology is not very useful for him. After all, he still has the strongest housekeeper god.

However, it is a good thing to let your own Zifa Yujie be so serious, isn’t it?

Of course, in addition to his own Zifa Yujie, there is another An-Land, who is tied to the hospital bed, waiting for Li Yalin to deal with it.

Although he often does some work to save the world, Li Yalin really does not regard himself as a good person. At least when he treats the enemy, he must always implement a thought and weed to eliminate the roots!

Like the guy like An-Land, there is no need to stay. For his technology that combines the cursed child with the machine, Li Yalin doesn't even want to look at it.

What use is that thing for him?

In addition, when Li Yalin confessed to the room, Ann Rand heard the words from beginning to end. Knowing so many secrets, he should be able to let him go without regrets.

As for the appearance of this guy who struggled before he died, he could directly ignore it. Anyway, his mouth had already been smothered, and he couldn’t say a word. How to struggle was just useless.

It is better to say that Li Yalin did not want to listen to his nonsense in the past.

Dealing with An-Land, this is only a small matter for Li Yalin. In fact, the person waiting for him to deal with is not only this person, for example, he has been squatting in the Tokyo area and is planning the whole world. Yes, it is also one of the goals that need to be cleaned up.

In particular, Professor Albrecht Grunewald, one of the other four sages, as the head of the Wuxiang Association, is naturally the most important goal to be cleaned up.

Like these jobs, Li Yalin does not need to go to the hands of the auto. After all, he has so many lovely Loli, it is better to let them personally take revenge?

What he needs to do now is only responsible for directing the actions of the loli, so that everyone can complete the task better, nothing more.

Oh, yes, there is a contract with a large number of loli. This should be regarded as the most work of this stage. After all, it is quite time to sign a contract with Loli.

But beyond that, he seems to have nothing to do.

That is to say, this world does not need him for the time being?

Think about it, it seems like this is true.

Then... okay, leave the world first?

Originally, Li Yalin’s intention to come to the dark world was to first gather the loli of the world. As for whether or not to truly unify the world, it is still second.

In the world of the disaster of the gut animals, there is nothing worthy of the resources that he deserves. The most important Loli has already arrived. What else does he need to seek?

No, there is nothing more needed.

The most important thing is that even if he leaves the world, he does not need to take away the loli in the book of Loli's call. As long ago, he found that he was no longer controlled by this aspect.

Now, as long as Xia Shi is left behind, she is led by the cursed children, and it is not a problem to solve the problem of the world. Moreover, Li Yalin also let the squatting side work for several air battleships, and handed over to Xia Shi. Security issues can definitely be guaranteed.

I believe that when he returns to the world next time, Xia Shi will certainly bring him a surprise.

Next, the world will become the stage of Xia Shi, and the future will change with Xia Shi and her companions.

Well, it’s such a pleasant decision. I’m a good-hearted person, and it’s not very good.

However, after leaving the world, what world should I continue to go to in the next step?

Recalling the world that I have experienced, Li Yalin feels that he should consider the next move. In this dark world, he has obtained a lot of Lori resources, and his combat power has been supplemented, but it is still insufficient.

If you can, continue to increase the source of the troops, perhaps a good choice.

And can increase the world of military sources...

Going to love the world?

This is a good idea!

Don't forget that when Li Yalin left the world of Love Ji, it was mainly because the body of the demon king Lu Zhi was strong, and even the system suggested that he temporarily leave.

At that time, it was indeed a good choice to temporarily avoid the edge. But now, Li Yalin’s strength has already reached an unprecedented skyrocketing. It is not necessary to kill a deity of Lu Zhizhi.

What's more, the love world has a very rich resource. The military commanders who have the official position and can use the powerful military skills will not say it. Those soldiers are just far from the ordinary combat power.

We must know that once the soldiers of the soldiers really grow up, their strength will not be inferior to some low-level military commanders, and even they will still win!

In this case, wouldn't it be too wasteful to integrate the fighting power of the Love Story world?

Just go to Love Ji World!

Deciding, Li Yalin immediately acted. Of course, he first needed to talk to Qian Xia, let her continue to complete the task in the dark world, and the sisters in the Tokyo area, he also had to say in advance.

However, what makes him laugh and cry is that when the house clerk knows that he wants to leave, he does not want to leave with him as he imagined. Instead, he directly pushes him down, and then he continues to devote himself to research. Among them.

what is this? Is the intuitive expression of workaholics?

Although some are speechless, but this is also good, after all, in the current situation, Li Yalin is really not good to leave with the room.

Then, everything is ready, the love world will walk! (To be continued.)

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