The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1924: Single-handedly attacking the enemy

Launch a counterattack? What counterattack?

Among the military accounts, Ma Chao was completely stupid. She didn't understand what it was. Why did she suddenly say that she would fight back?

In the situation under the eyes of An Yicheng, it is the best choice to stick to it. It is only with this thin wall that it will last for a long time. It still needs to draw a question mark. Now the best way is to wait for the reinforcements to arrive. Really launch a decisive battle with the enemy.

But now it’s good, what did the Lord’s husband, who just recognized? Mobilize the soldiers to fight back? Is this possible?

Ma Chao has been stunned by this inexplicable order, but the love yarn on the side is after hearing the words of Li Yalin, immediately nodded, then turned and rushed out of the military account, in accordance with the orders of his own brother.

She is a general of the army, and understands that the current situation can only be fixed and can not fight back, but she understands better that when his big brother is present, all the battles are not used to common sense.

Since the big brother said so, it must have his reason!

On the city of An Yi, the soldiers in the army of Li Yalin quickly guarded all the spurs of the love of the yarn, and the arrow took the string knife out of the sheath, and prepared for a big battle.

Outside the city of An Yi, the 20,000 demon army did not immediately launch an offensive, as if waiting for something, they could not see the meaning of going to war.

Even so, the generals on the wall are also very clear, absolutely can not be confused for the scene in front of you, the demon army is a group of monsters, with normal thinking can never see their thoughts.

"Lord...public...we are really going to fight back?"

Looking at the dark monsters outside the city, Ma Chao swallowed a bit of saliva. After the demon came, she was not the first to deal with the demon. The battlefield like this did not participate, but in the end, it was so dangerous. Underneath, she still can't see any odds.

In particular, the counterattack is even more unreliable.

With the strength of Ma Chao, she certainly has the confidence to go out from the Wanjun army, at least she has absolute confidence in her martial arts.

But the problem is that she has the confidence to protect herself, but she can't save all the people in An Yicheng. Not to mention the meaning of Li Yalin. He is also prepared to abandon the advantage of this wall. Instead, he is prepared to rush out and fight with the demon.

This is simply not going to work!

In the city of An Yi, a total of 6,000 soldiers were added. Even if they rushed out, how many demon troops could they be replaced? One to one... No, even if it is one to two, it will still be a big loss in the end.

What's more, the three thousand new Ding did not experience any baptism on the battlefield, I am afraid it is not enough combat power.

"Of course, I know what General Ma Chao is worried about, but rest assured, I am not prepared to let the soldiers play."


What is Ma Chao's entanglement, Li Yalin's clear understanding, after all, people are not a girl with a heart, what is in mind, the face has been revealed clearly.

However, Ma Chao’s fears are superfluous in Li Yalin’s view, because he was not prepared to let the soldiers out.

But this sentence of hiss, but undoubtedly makes Ma Chao stupid, not let the soldiers play? Who is going to play?

No one is playing, how can you fight back?

"Love the yarn, you are holding the bell and General Ma Chao to stabilize the military here, and by the way, help the brothers and drums, and go for the brothers!"

Without answering Ma Chao’s doubts, Li Yalin turned his head and said a word to the love yarn. Then he jumped down the high wall and the speed was fast. No one could react.

"Big Brother! What are you going to do?"

Suddenly I saw Li Yalin playing with such a hand. The love yarn was directly in the same place, and the subconsciously reached out, but found that his brothers had stood in front of the gate outside the city of Anyi.

What is Big Brother doing?

My God... Big Brother will not plan to rush into the enemy line alone?

"Before you have my order, don't open the gate without authorization, otherwise the military order will act!"

When I reached out and couldn't touch my brother, I loved the yarn and couldn't help but be anxious. I subconsciously ordered to open the gate and find my own lost brother.

But did not think about it, not waiting for the love yarn to order, Li Yalin's voice is spread throughout everyone's ears.

The coach has orders, and he is not allowed to open the gates without authorization!

When this is the case, who dares to do extra actions?

At the time of the last arrival in the world, Li Yalin often kept a low profile, but many veterans who had been enlisted in the early years still knew the appearance of their own coaches, especially the one thousand elites under the love of the yarn, but they all started from Li Yalin’s home in Youzhou. I have been following the army.

The new Ding may still be inexplicable at this time, but how can those elite veterans not understand that their own coach has returned?

Even if they were only a long-term look, they could recognize the appearance of their own masters, and soon, the news spread throughout the army. After a few minutes, the soldiers standing on the wall knew the news. .

Did Mr. Yalin come back?

The main public appeared in An Yicheng?

How can this be?

After hearing this news at the beginning, there are still many soldiers who are unbelievable. After all, as Li Yalin, the possibility of appearing in such a remote city is almost infinitely close to zero.

But the legendary Yalin adults really appeared, and he is still alone under the city of An Yi. At first glance, he is going to make a big move.

"Love the yarn..."

Because of Li Yalin's official appearance, what reaction did the soldiers have? This is not to say for a moment. Just watching Ma Chao, she has been scared by Li Yalin's action.

He is the master of his own... Didn’t he consider the consequences of doing this?

Does he really want to do this?

"Forget it, Big Brother's temper is rather embarrassing. Since it is his decision, it is useless if we want to stop."

At this moment, the face of Love Yarn is also showing a helpless expression. She knows her brother better than anyone else. Because of this, she also knows that even if she is really resisting, Big Brother will never return.

What should I do next?

There is really no way, only according to what Big Brother said.


Accompanied by the command of love yarn, the drum sounds above the city wall, and Li Yalin, who was standing outside the city of An Yi, floated a faint smile.

This is right.

Having said that, I haven’t started my activities for a long time, and take advantage of today’s good opportunities, so enjoy it!

Come out! My flame horse!

Here is the unparalleled world of Love Ji. Li Yalin never thought about the high-standard modern weapons to fight. From now on, in this world, it is necessary to abide by the rules of the world.

Otherwise, he waved his hand and made several sea fog battleships. He shot a few super-gravity guns. Then he played an egg?

The most important thing is that these demons are all meritorious and meritorious. Since he left the world, the official position has not changed. Now it is hard to come back. How can you not blame and continue to accumulate experience for yourself?

It is also good to learn at least a few military commanders.

Therefore, Li Yalin directly took out the flame Malay that he had not called for a long time, and when the flame horse appeared, he was directly replaced with a one-button dress, wearing a black armor and a black pistol in his hand. The original image.

Of course, this is not over yet. When Li Yalin changed the key, he immediately took out the evolutionary keystone of the flame horse. With a brilliant light, the flame horse that burned the red flame in the original body suddenly became Hell nightmare, dark and burning with a blue flame.

After the mega-evolution of the flame horse y, it can be said that the strength is skyrocketing, as Li Yalin's mount is completely qualified, after all, it is not a hard fight, it is enough to install a force.

The next moment, a group of officers and men on the wall saw that the lord, who was wearing a black armor with a black gun under the wall, jumped on the fierce horse with a blue-blue flame and went straight to the demon outside. Go and go.

Did the Lord really go?

The main public launched the charge?

To deal with the battle of 20,000 troops by one's own efforts?

Can the Lord really win?

This is the problem that Li Yalin considered in his mind before the charge, but just after a quarter of an hour, no one doubts the strength of Li Yalin.

Not to mention the new recruits who hold their guns and hold their hands, even if they are well-informed Ma Chao, how can they not be shocked by this scene?

"That is... is that the Lord? Is that really the Lord?"

As a well-known military commander in Xiliang, Ma Chao is undoubtedly very confident in his martial arts. Although she has discovered that she has come out of Xiliang, the original world is full of heroes who can compete with her everywhere, let her suddenly The pride of pride has been extinguished, but that has only eliminated that pride.

But today, she feels like she is a frog at the bottom of the well, because she never thought that there are still people who can sneak into the 20,000 demon army alone, and slash and kill the demon, just like the easy and freehand of cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

On the other hand, those demons, they all seem to be the fish on the chopping board, they want to struggle, but they are completely useless.

At this moment, what the demon can do is only to be shot down by a breeze, or to be cut off by the long sword that Li Yalin has in his other hand.

To know!

The master of the house is not even used by the military martial arts, but the martial arts alone will kill the demon!

Not to mention the ordinary demon, even the Ma Chaochao has a somewhat difficult demon general, actually not only a round of Li Yalin's men.

Ma Chao can't believe his eyes. Is this really manpower can do?

The 20,000 demon army is just like killing chickens to be eliminated?

Although I can't believe it, this is the fact that is in front of me. I can't deny it if I want to deny it.

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