The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1926: Someone in the box!

Ma Chao recommended his two younger sisters to join the Li Yalin camp. Li Yalin must have been too happy to come, but he did not expect that the surprise that Ma Chao brought to himself was far beyond his expectations.

Because this time, Matthew and Ma Tie are not only willing to come to join his account, but also bring the two thousand elite iron horses of the Ma family. You must know that the combat power of the Xiliang Iron Rider is quite scary, and you can take out two thousand at a time. Fine riding, surely blew all the details of the Ma family.

Not only that, but in addition to the two thousand elite Xiliang iron riders, Ma Home has a team of 500 soldiers who are soldiers!

This kind of cavalry with high maneuverability and high explosive power is definitely a rare soldier. Ma Chao is willing to dedicate himself to Li Yalin and let these soldiers belong to his own master.

With such a big gift, Li Yalin simply did not know what to say.

It is reasonable to say that Ma Chao’s gift is heavy, but for Li Yalin, this is not indispensable. After all, with his current strength, two thousand Xiliang iron rides plus five hundred soldiers and chariots are only part of it. Available combat power only.

But the problem is that, in the eyes of others, this gift is really valuable, and it also represents the heart of Ma Chao's fist. This kind of mind, Li Yalin must be presented.

"Ma Xiu / Ma Tie! Meet the Lord!"

When Matthew and Ma Tie came, it was estimated that Ma Chao had already explained the situation with them, so after this meeting, they immediately fell to the ground and swore loyalty to Li Yalin.

Looking at the looks of these two sisters, it can be said that it is no different from Ma Chao. Should it be true that it is the three sisters? It looks so much like it.

Of course, some subtle differences are still there, and Li Yalin can see it.

"It’s my pleasure to get the two girls to get up and get two girls to join."

No way, since I have reached the world of Love Ji, everything has to follow the rules of this world. Li Yalin can't say any big words at this time. At least the audience is still there.

Quickly stepped forward and helped Ma Xiu and Ma Tiezhen, but did not wait for Li Yalin to say something. The next moment, a large box behind Ma Xiu immediately attracted his attention.

With such a big box, what is the reason for Ma Xiu carrying it along the way? do you have such a strong sense of sight?

"That... Ma Shuu, the box behind you is..."

The more I saw it, the more I felt curious. Li Yalin subconsciously reached out to point to the box. However, before she waited for Matthew to answer, she saw the box suddenly vibrate and gave a strange sound.

"There are strange things in the box!"

Suddenly the shock of this box suddenly attracted everyone's attention, especially the love of yarn. She subconsciously seized her own weapon and stared at the box very nervously, as if she was afraid of what would jump out of the box. Devil and ghost like.


It is estimated that Ma Xiu did not expect such a situation to appear, the vibration of the box made her face suddenly white.

"This box is brought by Cuijie... How does it move?"

"I let you bring it? When will I bring you a suitcase?"

Ma Xi’s subconscious words made Ma Chao’s face inexplicable. Isn’t she lying down and shooting? It was only for Ma Xiu and Ma Tie to come with the soldiers, she never knew there was such a strange box.

"Yes... It can be clearly stated that before the departure, the box was sent by the soldiers, and there was a note on your sister, saying that it was for me to bring it all the way."

Ma Chao is inexplicable, and Matthew is even more wronged. She is carrying such a big box on this road. It is also very hard. If it is not because of Cuijie, she has already thrown this heavy box, how could it be? Back all the way to this place?

However, just as Matthew's voice just fell, the box behind her was shaking again. This is good. Even Matthew carrying the box was shocked and subconsciously broke the shoulder strap. The big box fell to the ground.

"it hurts!"

Just as the box landed, a cry came out, this is definitely a personal voice, everyone can be sure!

"Someone in the box!"

"Who! Speed ​​out and surrender! Otherwise, don't blame me, you are welcome!"

"Don't do it! Your own people!"

Because of the exclamation, everyone in this group reacted, and they took up their weapons and pointed at the weird big box on the ground. Because of this, the people in the box shouted loudly, as if they were afraid that they would not wait. The long knife and the big knife will smash the box first.

Waiting for the box to shake, the lid on the box slowly opens, and a girl who is also tied with a ponytail is drilled out of the box. Carefully, with a look of a look, it makes people feel very funny at first glance.

Unfortunately, some people find it funny, but some people can't laugh, such as Ma Chao, her face is very difficult to see.

"Dandelion! How come you?"

Yes, Ma Chao knows the girl who climbed out of this box. No, it should be said that they are very familiar with each other, because this girl is Ma Chao’s cousin Ma Rong, who is also a familiar character of Li Yalin.

Before Ma Chao recommended Ma Xiu and Ma Tie to join the army, but did not mention Ma Wei, which also made Li Yalin feel unexpected.

Well now, people are coming by themselves, and it’s still in such a fun way.

"Ha... Hahaha... What, I heard that Sister Jie and Sister Cui were summoned by Cuijie, but they only dropped me, so I used a trick to let my sister take me over..."

Hearing the stiff voice of his cousin, Ma Lan touched the back of his head very slyly, and haha ​​wanted to perfuse the past, but unfortunately, she failed, facing the cousin’s round tiger, Ma Wei The voice is getting smaller and smaller, and in the end it is almost inaudible.

However, what exactly is the situation, everyone understands it. The original note was the ghost of Ma Rong. The loss of Ma Xiu really believed, and worked hard to bring the horse back.

Is it in a sense that Matthew is actually a fool?

Of course, what makes Li Yalin more interested is that he just heard the real names of Matthew and Ma Tie from the mouth of Ma Rong, and he and Cang? It is similar to Ma Chao's Cui, and it is a word.

It’s just... Cang is no problem, but this is... What do you mean?

Is it mocking?

I always feel that this is a mockery in all kinds of sense!

"Use a trick? You are also counting this? If you are stupid, you will only count on this idiot!"

Ma Wei did not say okay, she said that Ma Chao is more angry, not only arrogant and arrogant, but also his own sister Ma Xiu actually counts!

Such an obvious strategy, even if I can see it broken, how is my sister so stupid, did not find the problem?

"Cui Jie..."

Ma Chao was unspeakable because of his anger. The horse rest on the side was even more depressed. She was the one who lay the gun, and she didn’t think much at the beginning. How could she guess that this is a horse?

And to say that people are stupid or something, this is too much!

Even my older sister...and...

Well, what is being told by Cuijie is actually a good feeling, isn’t it?

Especially the angry eyes of Cuijie are really fascinating...

"Well, General Ma Chao, this person has come, you have no way to be angry, what is this?"

Li Yalin does not know that Ma Chao’s second sister, Matthew, is still a role of a girl, watching her cheeks ruddy, and her eyes are also a little bit of water, he thought it was Ma Xiu’s wish to cry.

Seeing this, he immediately stood up because he knew that it was time to solve the problem.

"The Lord Gong... This is my cousin Ma Wei. This child has been naughty since childhood. I have not been able to discipline myself. I did not expect that today I will have a big disaster and use the meter to slip into the military camp..."

Ma Chao is very respectful to his own master. After all, Li Yalin’s martial arts has completely conquered her. He heard the Lord’s question, and of course he was busy with a fist.

"No problem, this Ma Ying girl is still young, and it doesn't matter if she is in the first instance."

Those who are good at military camps must be a big sin. If Li Yalin is a real person, he will not dare to say anything when he cuts a horse. The reason why Ma Chao reprimanded Ma Rong and Matthew is that he hates iron and does not become steel. He actually committed it. So big mistake.

However, Li Yalin is quite open to this aspect. Of course, the most important thing is that the party is a horse. If he is replaced by an unrelated man, he will never have such a good face.

Therefore, he was not acquainted with the military camp. He could not see it. Just next, he still had questions to ask Ma Chao.

"Who said that I am young! I am not too small! I can kill the enemy!"

Originally, Li Yalin still wanted to ask Ma Chao questions again, but he did not think about it. He had not waited for him to speak. Ma Ma was not happy.

This girl, born to be like a lack of a string, obviously heard Ma Chao shouting Li Yalin, but still did not seem to recognize who he is, even a word of disagreement.

It seems to be to confirm my own words. In the end, she is quite a small chest. Don’t look at this little guy who is not too old, and there is still some material on his chest, even if he can’t compare with Huang’s sister. At least it can be considered as a starting point.

The most important thing is that she is not old enough now, and the future growth is absolutely limitless.

Cough... Of course, this is not the point!

"Let's go! How did you talk to the Lord?"

Ma Wei is not willing to listen to other people calling her own girl, it is normal to retort, but the person she collided with this time is Li Yalin, the supreme commander in this army, the super lord of Ma Chao!

Seeing this happening, Ma Chao suddenly blinked his eyes, and his cousin was usually guilty of guilty, but in front of her main lord, she was absolutely not allowed to be disrespectful!

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