The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1932: Two bottles are not enough

"Of course, we are friends."

Hey, there is no concern at all. Li Yalin has no attention at all. After all, it is only a pet of Cao Cao, and it is still a veteran change state. It is normal to not pay attention.

What he needs to respond now is Cao Cao, and in his opinion, this is also a good opportunity to get close to Cao Cao.

Even if you can't straighten a lily girl, you can improve your sense of goodness. Is it ok?

"Right, I heard that after entering the state, General Xiahou was seriously injured in the tomb of the pre-Qin Dynasty. It has not changed well so far. What is the situation?"

If you want to brush your feelings, you must have a direction. For example, there is a problem that Li Yalin attaches very much to.

Xiahou Yu is seriously injured. This is a very serious problem. You must know that as a military commander with an official position, Xia Houyi’s physical fitness is extremely strong. As long as the general minor injury depends on his own recovery, even the medicine does not have to go out.

Even if you take a step back, the injury is really serious, so you just need to take it well and you will recover sooner or later.

But now, I heard that Xiahou has been in bed for more than a month, and has not been able to go to the ground so far. This is very strange.

What injury did Xiahou Yu suffer? Why is it so serious?

"Chunlan she... she was in the corpse poison, although we tried our best to find a famous doctor, but still could not lift the toxins from her."

Listening to Li Yalin's mention of Xia Houzhen, Cao Cao's face suddenly showed a stunned color. Recently she was so busy, and there were also reasons for Xia Houzhen. In order to help her find a famous doctor, she spent a lot of energy.

Unfortunately, Cao Cao’s efforts have not yielded results. The famous doctor she has found has no effect on the corpse poison in the pre-Qin tomb.

That is to say, thanks to Xia Houyi's physical fitness, she can be dragged to the present. If she is replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that she will be alive.

"Just the corpse poison? Let's go, let's meet General Xiahou."

After listening to Cao Cao's words, Li Yalin first hesitated, but then he laughed. Originally, he saw Xia Houzhen not healed for a long time. He thought that something was wrong. The result was only a corpse.

This little thing is for him, isn't that easy?

"Go to Chunlan? You mean... can you cure the corpse?"

At first, I heard Li Yalin say that Cao Cao had not responded, but soon, she exclaimed, and a pair of eyes burst into joy.

How clever she can't hear, Li Yalin is definitely sure about the corpse, otherwise he can't say that!

"If it's just a corpse, I really have a way."

Looking at Cao Cao with a slight smile, for Li Yalin, what is the corpse poison is really not a problem, a bottle of detoxification can be done.

If you are not sure, come two bottles!

"Great! Chunlan is saved! Come with me!"

If it is replaced by another person in front of Cao Cao, he can say that he can solve the corpse poison. Cao Cao can't believe it. During this time, she visited a famous doctor, but she still couldn't cure Xia Houzhen. Is it possible to change someone?

But at this time, standing in front of him is Li Yalin, the man she is looking at, and the only man who can make her look at each other. He will not deceive himself!

Since he said that he can save Chunlan, it will definitely save Chunlan!

Cao Cao's account opened all the lilies, this is not to talk about it, Cao Cao's feelings for Xia Houzhen is also deep. In Li Yalin's view, she is absolutely in a hurry to empty her head, so she will grab her own hand. Regardless of the strange look around, I hurriedly pulled myself to Xiahou’s room.

Well, absolutely this is true.

Yes, Cao Cao is really anxious, but can she really take the initiative to take a man's hand because of her urgency? Li Yalin doesn't know what is going on. Can you still know what is going on?

I witnessed this scene with my own eyes. The pet is shaking the ropa in my hand. The big, watery eyes are full of sadness and anger. I really want to bite Li Yalin’s meat.

It is a pity that Li Yalin did not pay attention to it at all, and she chose to ignore her directly.

He was just so chased by Cao Cao all the way to Xiahou's room, and when he entered, it was direct dumbfounded.

Because he saw it, on the bed in the room, Xia Houyuan was holding a towel and kept rubbing back and forth on Xiahou’s body.

Obviously, this is Xia Houyuan's cleaning of his sister's body, but the problem is that if you clean your body, it means you can't wear clothes!

Li Yalin's eyesight is very good, very sensitive, but it is precisely because of this, Xia Houzhen was looked at him from top to bottom, and he has not let go.

This is a big one, will Cao Cao hack himself?

Li Yalin knows that the sisters Xiahou and Xia Houyuan are not only the brothers and sisters of Cao Cao, but also her lover. They will compare their hearts. If their sisters are looked at by a man, Li Yalin will cut the rhythm of the meat into minutes. !

Changed to Cao Cao... will she do this?

Reasonablely speaking, when Li Yalin discovered the problem in the room and sat down with a blessing, he immediately responded by breaking away from Cao Cao’s hand and turning around.

Even so, the watch has also been watched, and the occurrence has also occurred. Next, waiting for him, I am afraid it is also the anger of Cao Cao.

Although Li Yalin thought so in his mind, what he did not expect was that this time he actually guessed wrong.

"Hua Lin adults! This is..."

In the room, Xia Houyuan was also stunned. She did not think that her own Hualin adults actually took a man into his sister's room.

Fortunately, Xia Houyuan is a relatively calm sister, and her sister Xia Houzhen is completely opposite. If you change the sisters, I am afraid that Xiahou has already picked up the guys and hacked people.

"What are you shy about? Now you are a doctor, even if you see a little skin?"

Even though Xia Houyuan was puzzled, Cao Cao’s eyes had been concentrated on Li Yalin’s body. She did not seem to care about her lover’s ignorance. On the contrary, she felt that Li Yalin was very emotional now.

If you are sick, you need medical treatment. What if you are seen? Can you still lose the meat?

Enlightened like Cao Cao, completely out of Li Yalin's expectations, which even made him open his mouth, completely unaware of what should be said next.

Was Cao Cao so open?

Is this all right?

"Hua Lin adults... You just said... Li Daren can save his sister?"

At the beginning, Cao Cao took Li Yalin into Xia Houyu's mortuary. This really shocked Xia Houyuan, but soon, she heard the mystery and understood the practice of her own Hualin adults.

As a general and a lover under Cao Cao's account, Xia Houyuan has seen Li Yalin several times. Although he is not familiar, he is at least a nod.

The most important thing is that Xia Houyuan knows that Li Yalin’s identity is not inferior to his own master, and even in a sense, people are even stronger than their own masters.

Now that the master of the house took the Li Daren to help his sister, it means that they must have thought of a solution. Although it is really awkward to let the sister’s body be seen by a man, in contrast, it is still My sister's body is the most important!

"Qiu Lan, you are right! Chunlan is saved!"

Xiahou, Xia Houyuan, the sisters, the real name of a ** Lan is called Qiulan, this point Li Yalin has long known, but unfortunately, his relationship with the sisters is really not familiar, the number of times of speaking has not even the pet many.

But this time, Xia Houyuan, who learned that Li Yalin had the law to save his sister, immediately squatted in front of him, and the performance was called a sincere.

"Pray for Li Daren to save his sister!"

Such a big gift? Xia Houyuan sister, you have to be calm.

"General Xiahou will pick up soon, please give me your sister's illness."

Although Li Yalin was shocked by Xia Houyuan's gift, he quickly reacted and lifted Xia Houyuan from the ground.

Of course, there is no problem in the treatment of Xiahou Temple. In fact, when Li Yalin lifted Xia Houyuan, he immediately checked Xiahou’s body.

After some inspections, he found that the situation of Xiahou Yu was indeed a bit serious. She was poisoned by the corpse, and the wound rot was very serious. Thanks to Xia Houyuan, she had been helping her to cleanse her body. Otherwise, she might not necessarily Can persist for so long.

Of course, this little thing is not a problem at all, the detoxification agent aa dark surgery treatment, and finally into the two bottles of life pharmacy, as long as Xiahou 惇 did not die, let her return to the original in minutes.


I witnessed Xiahou’s rotten wound healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Xia Houyuan was so shocked that even the side of Cao Cao’s eyes flashed a light.

In fact, Li Yalin’s hand can indeed say that it’s a living bone, so a magical scene, it’s also amazement for everyone.

"I am this..."

Because of the corpse poison, Xiahou Yu has been in a state of deep coma, and has not opened his eyes this month.

Under the treatment of Li Yalin, after a few minutes, she did not say that she opened her eyes, and even said it!

Obviously, she hasn't reacted yet, and she doesn't know what happened to her. The eyes are full of confused looks.

"Chunlan, how do you feel now?"


Xiahou Yi wakes up, Cao Cao and Xia Houyuan rushed to the bed, they are very concerned about their lover / sister's situation, naturally want to see clearly.

At this moment, Li Yalin was rushing out of Xiahou’s room. I have to know that I had not let her wear any clothes in order to save Xiahou, that is to say, Li Yalin was still enjoying the summer while he was treating Xiahou. correct.

Now that Xiahou is awakened, he is certainly not suitable for continued appearance. Otherwise, if he is misunderstood, he will have to lay the gun!

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