The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1938: Obviously you are a devil!

"General Zhang Fei? She is the legendary general Zhang Fei? What is the joke of you? Is she just a little devil? Besides, you said that the man is Li Yalin, who is the guardian of the state? How is it possible? It is white and tender. How can a guy with a small white face be Li Yalin?"

Well, now Li Yalin can confirm that Sun Shangxiang is still very young, there is no emotional intelligence at all, no... maybe even the IQ is very low. Please search for the most complete! Novel

Another thing is that he seems to be lying and lying in the middle of the gun. The feeling of one arrow in the knee is really incomprehensible.

White and tender little white face? Is this saying yourself?

It must be admitted that the sisters of Soochow Sun’s family are all bronzed skins that have been passed down from generation to generation. Huang Gai’s sister is like this. Sun Shangxiang’s loli is also like this. Compared with them, Li Yalin’s skin is indeed white and tender.

The problem is, shouldn't this be too dark for you? Why is it that I am too white?

"Miss Three! You are too much! You should apologize to the Taishou adults!"

"Tai Shou adults! I am really sorry, our three Miss is still young, and I have no time to hide, and I should not be surprised."

Because Li Shanglin, who was lying in the gun because of Sun Shangxiang, did not wait to say something. He saw Huang Gai’s sister reprimanded, and his expression became very harsh in an instant, but he was shocked by Sun Shangxiang.

Then, when Huang Gai Yujie turned back to face Li Yalin, she was apologetic and apologized. Her face was full of guilt, for fear that Li Yalin would leave.

Now is the Sun family... Even when this county needs the most assistance, if the words of the three young masters are ruined, Huang Gai’s sister feels that even if she is dead, she will never be reconciled.

The man standing in front of her at this time may be the hope of saving the grandson!

"No matter, General Huang Gai, don't be too nervous. Miss Sun Jiasan is innocent. In fact, I also like girls like her."

Although Li Yalin felt that he was lying down, but he was not said to be a little white face and gas with a child, you must know that there are so many big breasted sisters in the Soochow Sun family waiting for him, such a flat chest Loli’s words and phrases. If you want to take him away, it is impossible.

"The sacrifice..."

With Li Yalin’s answer, Huang Gai’s sister finally breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Li Yalin did not pursue it, otherwise she really didn’t know what to do.

However, Huang Gai Yujie is relieved, but Sun Shangxiang is a dumbfounded person. What is the situation? Why is the sacrifice so terrible?

Is it... what did you really say wrong?

"The bell is not a kid! It is obvious that you are a devil! Why do you want to say that the bell is a devil!"

Li Yalin certainly won't care about Sun Shangxiang's flat-chested loli. The problem is that he doesn't care, it doesn't mean the bell can bear.

You know, the bell is the most annoying to be treated as a devil, especially the guy who called her little devil, actually a little devil.

This is not the case, when Sun Shangxiang is dumbfounded, the bell is directly rushed forward, and the chest is like a chest, just like what is really on her chest.

"Ha? You said that I am a devil? You kid is also a good idea to say that I am a devil?"

Although Sun Shangxiang was slandered by Huang Gai's sister, it did not mean that she was really stupid. When she was excited by the bell, she immediately returned to God and began to fight back.

She can't take care of anything else now, she wants to let the little devil in front know who is the devil!

When I finished this sentence, Sun Shangxiang did not show off the chest, but the problem is that the two flat chest Loli, who have no chest at all, even if they are quite good, what can they come up with?

The result is nothing more than just losing both.

"Three Miss..."

"Haha, it seems that our family bells and Miss Sun San get along very well, very good, you talk about it, General Huang Gai, let's go to the city to see how the enemy situation?"

Seeing the three young masters disregarding their own words, they went to the general with Zhang Fei. The head of Huang Gai’s sister was already covered with black lines. But who thought, Li Yalin suddenly laughed at this moment.

Listen to him saying that Huang Jie Yu Jie is coming more silent, getting along well? Where do you see that they get along well? Can this also be said to get along well?

But in the next sentence, Li Yalin has invited her to the city wall to explore the enemy, which makes her unable to refuse anyway.

"Tai Shou adults please!"

"General Huang Gai please!"

In desperation, Huang Gai Yujie can only make a request for Li Yalin's hand. In her opinion, since the Taishou adults don't mind the temper of their own Miss San, then it would be better.

I only hope that Miss San can grasp a little bit of size, and never succumb to the general.

Looking at the face of Huang Gai Yu’s helpless face, Li Yalin couldn’t help but smile. This royal sister knows that the friendship between the loli is killed by love. Now the more fierce the noise, the relationship between them in the future. The better.

what? you do not believe? Then let's wait!

In fact, as Li Yalin said, the bells and Sun Shangxiang are really good friends who love each other. From the city down to the city wall, they have tried each other's curve of curvature of the chest, arms and hips. .

Even the last belly button has not been let go, no one knows what the two little guys are thinking.

The more so, the more intimate the relationship between the two, the more confusing.

Of course, Li Yalin is not concerned about this now.

At present, the demon troops outside the county are sure to be resolved first. It is very meaningful to first board the city wall to see the enemy army.

After all, Li Yalin had just swept his eyes at random, and had not fully understood the demon army. It was only after this time that he climbed the wall that he completely saw the opposite movement.

"Is there only one general of the demon generals? There are five or six appearances of the monsters at the level of the commander. In general, the quality of the enemy is only normal, and it should not be the main force of the demon army."

Soon, Li Yalin determined the situation of the demon army outside the city, not the main demon army, in which the combat power of the demon soldier is only a little stronger than the ordinary soldiers.

Of course, these demons attacked a county, and certainly more than enough. After all, the strength of ten to one, the use of the sea tactical heap also piled up the county.

"The lower official has already informed the main official that it is expected that there will be reinforcements arriving tomorrow, as long as we can hold the county for one day."

As the defender of the county, and also the veteran of the battlefield, Huang Gai's first choice is definitely to defend the county. After all, with the strength of the county, the rushing out is to find death.

Only when waiting for the reinforcements to arrive will it be possible to counterattack. The reason why Huang Gai Yujie said so much is mainly to remind Li Yalin that this will be a very difficult day, but as long as it survives today, it will be able to make a clearing of another village.

However, Li Yalin has come. Does he still need to defend the city?

No, that is definitely impossible.

"General Huang Gai, your idea is good, but it has always been passive defense, and it has never been our military practice."

"Too guards, you are..."

Suddenly heard that Li Yalin said this, Huang Gai Yu sister is a bit dumbfounded, defensive is not your army's practice? What about your army? A forward-looking charge?

Well, even if your army's approach is to charge, the question is, where is your army? You don't want to say that you guys can become a soldier?

This joke is not funny at all.

"Love the yarn, ring the bell, give it to you two should be no problem?"

Looking at the face of Huang Guyu’s face, Li Yalin did not explain much. He turned to look at the love yarn and the bell, and smiled at the two righteous sisters.

"Yes! Big Brother! Please feel free to hand over to the little girl!"

"Would you like to start a war? Big Brother, you are looking forward to the bells!"

The meaning of Li Yalin’s words is already obvious. However, the love yarn and the bell ring certainly know what they should do. Although the opposite is a 10,000-person demon force, the strength of the two of them is still insufficient, but don’t forget that they can Instead of fighting alone, each of them has a terracotta warrior.

Even if they don't appear in person, only the two soldiers will be enough to meet the tens of thousands of demons. In any case, the soldiers and soldiers of the terracotta warriors are not afraid of wear and tear. After the death, they can be re-sumed after a while, and all of them are sent to the battlefield.

"That's good! Love the yarn, the bell! This battle is handed over to you!"

Get the answer you want, Li Yalin will certainly not be vague, and don't waste time. The quick fix is ​​the king.


The order of the love yarn and the bells and bells should be, and then did not waste time, rushing down the wall at the fastest speed, love yarn riding her armored horse, the bell also turned over her panther.

"Then General Huang Gai, please open the gate and let my two sisters out of the city."

Then I turned my eyes back to the body of Huang Gai Yu, and heard the words of Li Yalin, Huang Jie Yu Jie already did not know what to say.

"Open ... the city gate? Can close the generals and General Zhang..."

"Give them to them, but only 10,000 demons, they are not a problem."

"this is!"

Huang Gai Yujie does not know what Li Yalin has in his cards. It can be seen that Li Yalin is so confident that he does not know how to open the city gate. Anyway, the demon army is far away. Even if the city gate is opened, it is impossible to come in from the opposite side.

It’s just that... Guan Yu and Zhang Fei’s reputation is loud, but can they really fight the tens of thousands of demons with the power of two?

That adult is really so confident?

This doubt in the heart of Huang Gai’s sister only lasted until the love yarn and the bell came out of the city gate, because when they were out of the city gate for the first time, they took out the soldiers and released the five hundred terracotta warriors and terracotta warriors. Come out.

"That is... soldier soldiers? How can this be?"

As Huang Gai Yu sister took a breath of cold air, and then looked at the love yarn and the bell, they had led the soldiers and terracotta warriors to carry out the charge and went straight to the opposite demon army.

The big battle, at the touch of a hair! )


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