The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1948: Green Zhou Yu

"I said the Lord, are you not going to explain it to us?"

After ending the banquet in a quirky atmosphere, Li Yalin and his entourage did not stop at all and returned directly to the camp outside Jianye City. Please search for the most complete! Novel

But when everyone is in the camp, no one is taking the initiative to open the atmosphere. The atmosphere is very embarrassing.

Until the end, the star can't stand it. After all, in the end, there must always be someone standing up to break the atmosphere.

"Big brother... What is going on here? Why... Did you and the Sun Ce adult suddenly become unmarried couples?"

With the opening of the star, the love yarn is finally endure. She knows that she is just the righteous sister of the big brother. She has no reason to object to the big brother’s marriage, and should not intervene.

In any case, her mood is very unpleasant, she just does not want to see the big brother and other women!

It’s just that she can’t express her thoughts and thoughts in her heart. She can only tolerate the acidity in her heart and calm her mind before finally asking questions.

"Everyone calm down first, listen to me."

Li Yalin knows that he does not give everyone a reasonable explanation. I am afraid that no one will give up, especially the love of yarn. He can see it. Because of this inexplicable engagement, she probably has a slashing mind.

It is still necessary to lift this misunderstanding as soon as possible, otherwise it is really not good.

"In fact, from the beginning, we fell into the set of Yan Lian, I did not expect that she actually planned so deep..."

With a wry smile and shaking his head, Li Yalin knows well that he must be good at this time and must put himself in the victim's identity. Otherwise, everyone will certainly not accept his explanation.

Next, he also said what he thought and thought. All of this should be the plan of Yan Lian. The purpose is to deepen the alliance between the party and the Soochow.

After all, what is a marriage is always the main theme that will not be outdated.

"How can this be! This is too much!"

Love yarn is not from a noble family. It is difficult to accept this so-called marriage. In her view, marriage is the combination of two people who want to love each other. For example, the love of her parents is the most good result.

And two strangers, but because of the interests combined with what they have, she is unacceptable in any case!

"Well, I love the yarn. If I can, I don't really want it, but we don't have any good choices now, and I have already promised Xuelian."

"Furthermore, I am only engaged with Xuelian now. I have reached an agreement with her and can release this marriage contract at any time. I believe that once the war in Dongwu is over, I will marry Xuelian, she Mothers should not stop."

Will Li Yalin really dismiss the marriage with Xuelian? Even if the marriage contract is dissolved, can Yan Lian promise? No, this is Li Yalin really can't be sure, who can say clearly in the future.

However, in the face of love yarn, he must make a guarantee, otherwise the sister of his own family will eat vinegar, but it is quite scary!

"That is... is this just a formal engagement?"

Finally, under Li Yalin’s explanation, the eyes of Ai’s yarn finally showed brilliance. She now understands that her own big brother has not been taken away, and the marriage contract with Sun’s family is only a formal combination.

"Of course, I have only met with Xuelian for a few days. How can I really become a relative?"

Seeing the attitude of love yarn has eased, Li Yalin nodded quickly, this time he can not let Guan Ermei doubt again, otherwise his previous words can be said.

"It turned out to be..."

Finally, the love of the yarn in the heart of a breath, the previous vinegar gradually disappeared, after all, she has understood the reason, it is impossible to blame her big brother.

But at this time I heard all the stars on the side, but I couldn’t help but lick my mouth. I loved the yarn because I was in the game, so I couldn’t see it, but she found the flaw in the first place.

Really just that simple?

Is the marriage contract between the owner and the Soochow Sun Jiada so easy to lift?

How is it possible?

Only in this way, she can't dare to say it now, or she will inevitably have to smash a blackened love yarn. Although she often kills, she may not die, or try not to be good.

At least for now, she doesn't feel that she should speak.

On the side of Li Yalin, because of his explanation, the marriage contract was temporarily suspended. On the other side of Xuelian, she had to explain with Zhou Yu. She knew that the relationship between her and Zhou Yu was relatively close, and it was still close. The degree of the degree, today she is engaged, Zhou Yu if there is no reaction, it is really strange.

"Snow Lotus, are you really planning to marry him?"

In the squatting room of Xuelian, Zhou Yu looked at her 'friends' with a dignified look. She never imagined that the person she had always liked, the person who was close to her, actually became the fiancée of others today. .

In all senses, she has a feeling of being green by Li Yalin.

"The relationship between me and Yalin is limited to the situation. I know that Yalin is not willing to marry me. This time, I am wronged."

Shaking his head, the expression on the face of Xuelian was somewhat helpless. She knew that it was so sudden that all of it came today. Not only her friend, Lin Lin, could not accept it. She herself seemed to be in a dream at this time, completely unable to adapt to her own. New identity.

Of course, in her opinion, Li Yalin is the most unfortunate thing, because Li Yalin is just a 'victim' from beginning to end. He first came to see it. He didn’t adapt to anything at all. He went to the mother’s full set and was forced to become his own. fiancé.

This is because I am sorry for him, so in the heart of Xuelian, she also wants to find opportunities to reward him.

At some point, Xuelian’s mind is very simple. Although she treats the enemy with ruthlessness, she is always so gentle and considerate to her own.

Li Yalin’s ‘goods’ has been recognized by her, so she is also treating Li Yalin wholeheartedly, and everything is for him.

But because of this, Zhou Yu is even more uncomfortable.

"You have become his fiancee, how can you still be wronged? The most wronged thing should be that you are right! He is just a thief who enjoys it! Stealing you!"

A strong Tauren felt surrounded by Zhou Yu's heart, which made her very uncomfortable, a heavy table, she stood up directly on the chair.

She admits that all of this is Sun Jian’s plan. Li Yalin is indeed a victim. But the question is, if he does not appear, how can he let things go today?

Wronged him?

Who can understand his own grievances?

"Ning Lin! You are too much to say so. If it is not for my sake, there is no need for Yalin to accept this so-called marriage contract!"

This attitude of friends made Xuelian frown a little. Yes, she is very close to Zhou Yu, but even so, she is not willing to hear her friends say this.

Especially after hearing that Zhou Yu described Li Yalin as a thief, she was very unhappy.

Because in any case, her current status is already his fiancee!

"I am too much? Where am I too much? Is this not true? You are mine! He stole you from me!"

Originally, Zhou Yu’s heart was uncomfortable. When she saw the attitude of Ming Lin, she was even more angry. It was like the most important thing in her heart was stolen. She can’t be willing now anyway.

"I belong to myself! You shouldn't make trouble without you! Yalin..."

"Yalin! Yalin! How long have you known? Now it’s so close! Are you really planning to marry him? You really want to marry a man?"

In the eyes of Xuelian, Li Yalin is really a good person, so she does not want to see her friends smashing him so much. However, when she wants to say a few words to Li Yalin, Zhou Yu is completely violent.

Originally because of this engagement, Zhou Yu’s heart was filled with cockroaches. Now, when she listens to the intimate name of Li Yalin, she is even more stunned by anger.

Although she has not completely lost her sense of reason, can she see her now, and where is her wise image in her usual days?

"What happened to Marrying Alin? Isn't a woman born to marry a man? Besides, a good man like Alin, what happened to me when I married him?"

When Zhou Yu talked about this, Xuelian was obviously irritated. Even if the relationship in the week was intimate, it was finally a crack.

From the bottom of my heart, Xuelian really has a good impression on Li Yalin. If the two of them can get married, she does not seem to have any special resistance. After all, Soochow Sun’s family still needs an heir. If she can’t, this task will surely fall. Her second sister or three sisters are on the head.

Originally, Xuelian felt that there was no good man who could enter her eyes anyway. It was really impossible to hand over the task of the succession to the second sister, Lianhua. She should be able to give birth to a good heir.

However, Li Yalin appeared, and she became an unmarried couple with her, so it is not unacceptable for Xuelian to make a birthday with him.

Only these words, Xuelian can not say to Zhou Yu, after all, the relationship between the two has indeed had a very close relationship.

As for now, she talked a bit and ignored it. After all, Zhou Yu’s attitude really made her unacceptable. I have to know that there is really nothing between her and Li Yalin. She really can’t stand this kind of friend’s love for Li Yalin. slander.

But it was because of the impulsiveness of Xuelian that Zhou Yu was directly sunk by the side, and she could not believe what she had heard.

Xuelian she... actually admitted? )


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