The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1955: If you want to kill, you can just do it.

"Big brother..."

The heart of love yarn is chaotic. She can say very seriously that if these yellow towel army is a regular army, she can rush to the front without hesitation, and there will be no mercy, because all this is for the great cause of the elder brother. It is also to end this troubled world and unify this world.

But now, she is really unable to wave the weapons in her hands, and even less willing to see the scenes of the old and weak women being killed by the soldiers.

She knew that as long as her older brother gave a command, there would be countless arrows and feathers to the ragged clothes, and the yellow towel army that could not be worn by the defensive equipment. Then the three thousand heavy cavalry rushed out and would not see wherever they went. To any live!

The blood of these innocent people will run through this land, it will be a complete one-sided killing, there is no fairness at all!

"Well, I love yarn, I know what to do."

Seeing the look of Ai Sai’s anxious look, Li Yalin smiled slightly, and he certainly understood that this was his second sister’s soft heart.

To be honest, if it is really a hero, what if the 30,000 yellow scarves are old and weak? As long as it is an army, there should be no mercy at all! Only the winner is the king! The loser can only become a loess.

It’s a pity that Li Yalin is not a sturdy man. He is a war-torn old and weak woman with no resistance. He can’t do it.

The main reason why the army was arrayed was that he saw a familiar figure in the Yellow Turban camp.

Although he hasn't really seen it, he can dress up, but let him determine the identity of the other person.

"I am Li Yalin, who is in the state of Youzhou. I am sending out Jingzhou to solve the chaos of the demon. Are you waiting to stop here, is it trying to hinder our army?"

The 80,000-strong army is in a very good position. It is really terrible. What is more crucial is that Li Yalin’s leaders are all regular troops. Each of them is a soldier who is armed to the teeth. The weapons in his hands are shining with cold. It can't help the coldness of the neck.

At least the opposite of the 30,000 yellow robes in the eyes of the military, each of them showed a look of panic, and was obviously quite frightened.

This unit from Dongwu seems to be more terrible than those who come from the demon...

Seeing the reaction of the Yellow Turban Army, Li Yalin nodded secretly. This is the effect he wanted. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he is also a slap in the horse. When he came to the army, he asked the opposite side and asked all the yellow towels. The army straightened its neck.

Youzhou Taishou Li Yalin?

On the opposite side of the young man, he is the legendary Li Yalin adult who is suffering from the northern monsters?

Look at the soldiers, if it is said that the soldiers of Li Yalin’s adults have said the past, if they change to the usual time, they can see the Li Yalin adults with their own eyes, and they will definitely feel excited.

But now... as an enemy to intercept the Li Yalin adult, myself...

Well, there are already a lot of yellow-bellied army legs spinning around, the body is constantly shaking, and even the weapons in their hands are somewhat unstable.

After all, the shadow of the famous tree of people, Li Yalin's prestige can spread all over the world, plus the momentum of the 80,000 army behind him. If this is not enough to scare a group of old and weak women, it would be too shameful. Yes.

Fortunately, he is not shameful, the Yellow Turban Army is indeed scared enough, the forced yellow towel army will be a crappy.

"This is the land of my Yellow Turban army! You are just passing!"

Regarding the fact that there was a large army entering Jingzhou in the Soochow, the Yellow Turban Army learned it early, but did not know who the commander of the United Army was.

Even so, the Yellow Turban Army is also aware that the people who are not good will not come. The Dongwu army will suddenly enter Jingzhou, and certainly will not bring any goodwill.

Therefore, this time, the Yellow Turban Army will send out 30,000 ‘People’, and the army with the highest military value will be forced to block the Soochow army for a while.

And the general manager of the Yellow Turban is also full of promises, because in her opinion, even if she is carrying 30,000 old and weak women and women, the army of Soochow is not necessarily better than her. After all, Soochow has just experienced the demon. The chaos, it is impossible to make so many people.

The so-called 80,000-strong army is only 50,000 at best, and there are definitely many sick and weak in it. If there is oneself, occupying the right place and the right place, how can it fail?

But she did not expect that this time I actually met the legendary Li Yalin, Soochow really did not get 80,000 soldiers to attack Jingzhou, but Li Yalin had his men, and each of them was the elite who fought against the demon.

In the face of such an army, how can she have any chance of winning?

This is not a fair fight at all!

This is simply not possible!

It is precisely because of this thought that the owner of the opposite yellow towel army will be smashing the ground, and it must be said that the Yellow Turban Army is really poor enough, and the leader of the 30,000 troops is not even a horse. People can't stand it.

"Joke! The land of your Yellow Turban army? When did you become the owner of Jingzhou? The great sage of your family, Zhang Jiao, she has become a Jingzhou prefect?"

The opposite of the yellow towel master will be unwilling to yell, Li Yalin is not too polite here, directly snorted, and suddenly let the other party can not speak.

Yes, yes, even if the Yellow Turban Army tried hard, even won a lot of city pools from the demon, but they still belong to the unofficial civil organizations, completely unrecognized by the law.

To put it bluntly, the Yellow Turban Army can only be regarded as the private arm of the Zhangjiasan sisters. The Zhangjiasan sisters do not have any power to interfere with Jingzhou. The site is not even what they say can be accounted for.

Nowadays, in the face of the official card of the state of Youzhou, the opposite party will not be able to speak even if he wants to defend, because she knows that no matter what she says, it is impossible to be correct.

"This time our army came to Jingzhou. One of them was to save the Jingzhou people, and the other was to protect the safety of Jingzhou Taishou Yuanshu, and reached a consensus with her to manage this Jingzhou boundary."

"You wait for the civil self-organized troops to cooperate in repelling the demon to have a reward, but if you want to Jingzhou as your own, then it is no different from rebellion!"

"Answer me! Do you want to rebel?"

In this troubled world, nothing more than who has the fist who is the boss, the name of the name, all have to stand by.

Take Yuan Shu, today she is still the prefect of Jingzhou, but as long as Li Yalin is a word, she can only become a captive lady, the reality is so cruel.

Unfortunately, this kind of game rules is totally unsuitable for ordinary people.

At least these ordinary civilians will only look for one truth, can eat and eat, and don't go hungry, that is, a happy life, to disobey the official, what is the big sin, the evil.

Otherwise, it is because of the faintness of Yuan Shu, she has been overthrown by the people, how can one tolerate her to the invasion of the demon?

The reason why the Yellow Turban Army can be composed is nothing more than the fact that the people can't live any longer. No one is in charge, and there is no way out. Only then will the blind leader follow the lead.

Nowadays, they have seen the real big official, and they have seen the real army. The adult is rebellious. Who dares to take this responsibility?

Subconsciously, some of the timid people in the Yellow Turban army are squatting, and the crime of rebellion is really unbearable.

It is precisely because of this embarrassment, just like the dominoes, the yellow towel army is smashing into pieces, this scene, but Li Yalin is stunned.

Is this OK?

Just because of this sentence, it has such a big effect?

Li Yalin was shocked. The soldiers behind him were also dumbfounded. Although they knew that the opposite yellow towel army could not withstand a blow, they would not have to pay any casualties, they would be able to smash the enemy, and they could be said in one sentence. What is down, this scene is still too shocking.

Is this the prestige of the master?

Just a few short sentences, the enemy army will bow down and vote?

This is too incredible!

After being surprised, it goes without saying that the soldiers of Li Yalin’s majesty were cheering, and the cheers of 80,000 people were connected together, and the opposite yellow towel army trembled.

That is the army of the great Li Yalin, who has killed countless demons. How can such an army be an adversary?

Just ask Li Yalin to let go of himself, and don't care about those poor people like us...

Kneeling on the ground, the head is deep, these old and weak women and women in the yellow towel army, now only want to be forgiven by the opposite Li Yalin adults, many people prayed in the heart, while the body can not help but tremble.

No way, these yellow towel army is really scared, for fear that the Li Yalin is unhappy, and waved the knife in their hands.

"'s really rude!"

The old and weak women of the Yellow Turban Army bowed to each other, and the only one who could still stand in the same place was the last general of the Yellow Turban Army. Looking at the general, she was a straight-forward person who hated iron and did not become a steel. The reaction of these soldiers was It is too disappointing for her!

Although in all senses, this no-name team should not be counted as a soldier.

"Are you a yellow towel lord? Who are you?"

At this moment, Li Yalin was also the horse in front of the yellow towel army leader, sitting at the height of the condescending, very a look of attitude.

"I am Zhang Liao Zhang Wenyuan! You have to kill it, just do it!"

In the face of Li Yalin, the opposite master will not be able to run, and this inexplicable defeat, so that she did not have that face to escape.

Angrily inserted the moon knife into the ground, she is now dead, although the loss of the loss, can be lost or lost, she has anything to say?

If you are defeated, you will be free.

"Oh? You said that you are Zhang Liao Zhang Wenyuan? Then you can know Guan Yu Guan Yunchang and Zhang Fei Zhang Yide?"

Just as the Yellow Turban lord, that is, Zhang Liao gave up resistance, what she did not expect was that Li Yalin, who was opposite, suddenly spoke, letting her subconsciously open her mouth.

"Do you mean love yarn and bells?" (To be continued.)

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