The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1964: General He Da, who overturned the impression

How did this world chaos form? This is no need to talk nonsense any more. Since it happened, it is meaningless to pursue the cause. So soon, Li Yalin let He Jin continue to turn the topic back to Han Lingdi Liu. Macro body.

Han Xiandi’s body was missing, but Han Ling’s sleepy body was still lying on the dragon couch. The reason why it became like this was because He Jin’s sister was also the wife of Han Ling’s wife. The Queen, who begged his sister to protect his emperor, hid the Hanling Emperor at the most critical moment, in the palace of the division, until now.

Having said that, Li Yalin had to come out and spit out a sentence. Han Lingdi and Han Xiandi became sisters. This is understandable. After all, this is the unparalleled love of Ji, not the three countries.

But Han Lingdi’s wife, Queen He... What is this ghost?

Han Lingdi was originally a woman, she married another queen, what is the meaning of this?

It’s hard to be done, is the Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong a lily? Like a girl?

"Please don't misunderstand adults, and the sisters and her Majesty are just nominal couples..."

Seeing Li Yalin’s weird look, He Jin knew that he wanted to marry, and immediately shook his head and explained the truth for him.

It turned out that this world once had a period of male superiority and female superiority. The founding father of the great man was a man. The man was an emperor. Of course, it was a common sense to marry a queen.

However, later, this man is getting worse than a woman. Gradually, a man can no longer be qualified for the emperor. The throne of the Liu family is also passed on to the woman. Only the woman is the emperor. What about the queen?

Do you still have to choose a man?

At that time, the first female emperor of Dahan was a firm Lily sister. She did not allow herself to marry a man anyway, let alone to marry a man as a queen. For this reason, she had also argued with Wenwu Baiguan.

In the end, the group of ministers could not compete with the emperor. They could only let the female emperor make a slap in the face, and married a woman as a queen. It became a ridiculous result that the emperor was a woman and the queen was a woman.

Then, although there is a woman who is not a lily, a man is a queen, but this woman is a queen, but it is more common.

For example, Han Hongdi Liu Hong, she did not want to be married with a man, so she would marry her close friend, that is, He Jin's sister, then He Queen.

It is also worth mentioning that after Han Lingdi fell asleep, Han Lingdi Liu Xie succeeded to the throne, and this Queen was inexplicably turned into He Taihou, although he did not know why it became such a nondescript, but at that time Officials in this way, even faintly become mainstream identity.

Although it sounds like people want to vomit, in the final analysis, it is still necessary to blame the chaos in the middle of the day, and the various parties will be able to make such a ridiculous oolong.

Of course, as a sister, He Jin still wants to call her sister a queen, after all, the difference is still quite big, isn’t it?

After returning to the topic, after the chaos in the world, He Jin occupied the sergeant and was also protecting the safety of his sister and Han Lingdi. In order to avoid trouble, she carefully guarded the secret, even Li Yalin did not inform.

When the division fell into the hands of Dong Zhuo, she also properly placed the two until the Han Ling Emperor awakened.

Yes, Han Lingdi woke up, just recently, that is, Han Xian Emperor Liu Che appeared in Xuzhou, and soon after falling into the hands of Hua Lin, Liu Hong woke up from the sleep.

If Han Lingdi has not been awake, He Jin estimates that this secret will be strictly for a lifetime, but she is now awake, He Jin knows that he can no longer hide.

Nowadays, this world is no longer the world of Liu, and the glory of recreating the great man has already become a dream bubble, which is impossible to achieve.

What's more, as an insider, she knows the cause of the demon in this world, knowing that in the future, there will be a more horrible catastrophe.

In this case, she exchanged a very decisive relationship with Han Lingdi, and got her approval, and quickly notified Li Yalin.

As for her purpose, it is actually very simple. She only hopes that Li Yalin can protect the safety of her sister and Han Lingdi. As for the others, she has no luxury, even saying that even if Han Lingdi is like her, she will become Li Yalin’s external use. Oh, or as a mascot, no problem.

From this point of view, Li Yalin really had to look at He Jin.

"What are you really going to do?"

Don't blame Li Yalin for doubting that in his cognition, He Jin should be the best synonym for the wine bag. If it is white, it should be dry and not eaten. It is awesome to play, and it will become on the battlefield. The kind of person who is the best candidate for a teammate.

But now it’s good, and He Jin’s impression in his eyes has suddenly subverted, and it’s hard to believe.

"Adults... How can I deceive you now?"

In the face of Li Yalin’s hesitant expression, He Jin could not help but smile. As a matter of fact, she was able to worship the generals at the beginning, and she must have no relationship with her sister He Huang. After all, no matter what age, she would pay attention to a crony.

But to say ability, she will still have some more or less, otherwise, how can she be qualified for this position, has continued to the world chaos, and can still hold the division in the chaos?

Therefore, looking at a woman, you must not only look at the surface. Sometimes, a woman is like a natural actor. When you think you know all about her, you don’t know. You only see her side. .

"Well, I am only joking. So now, let us go to see the Hanling Emperor, and your sister, Queen."

Seeing the bitterness of He Jin’s face, Li Yalin smiled and waved his hand. Of course he knew that this was really a move, but he was somewhat impressed by her changes.

As for other issues, he didn't think too much. Since he already knows the truth, there is no need to say it. Naturally, it is a good idea to see the true face of Han Lingdi.

Speaking of it, he once saw the love of Ji Ji, this has also appeared in the palace story, but in the anime, Han Lingdi or Han Xiandi never appeared.

Now that there is finally a chance, he is of course very interested.

"Yes, adults, please come with me."

Let Li Yalin meet with Han Lingdi. This is the heart of He Jin. After seeing the truth, Li Yalin did not make a lot of thunder and blamed her for concealing. This made her greatly relieved.

She also knows that hiding and protecting the Hanling Emperor is indeed a disrespect for Li Yalin, but she has to worry about the safety of her sister, and she has to be careful.

Now she risked to be clear to Li Yalin, and it was also uneasy in her heart. Now she is finally fine, she can be relaxed.

Carefully leading the way ahead, He Jin quickly invited Li Yalin and Xue Lian to the coldest palace in the most inaccessible place in the palace. It is because it is the most safe place, and even Dong Zhuo entered the palace. I have been here to protect the safety of He Huang and Han Lingdi.

When I first met Han Lingdi, Li Yalin thought that this was a loli of Tong Yan's milk. The result was a closer look and found that the face of this girl is very mature, just the height of the mind.

However, I have to admit that this Han Liangsi girl with bright silver hair is really good. It is worthy of royal bloodlines and it is really good.

The one standing next to Han Lingdi has a long green hair and a beautiful girl. It should be the queen, it’s not bad, it’s really good.

By the way, Li Yalin also noticed a detail. He entered the royal sister's left lip and had a beautiful woman, and this queen, she had a beautiful woman under her right lip.

This left and right two beautiful women, what is it that still indicates what?

Of course, this kind of thing Li Yalin can only think about it in his heart. On this occasion, you can't say it with rashness.

"Li Yalin, the first time I met, the little girl is here to give you peace."


So active?

Originally seeing Han Lingdi, Li Yalin was still thinking about how to communicate with the other party first, but did not think about it. Before he opened his mouth, he looked at the opposite Queen. She actually stepped forward and put her hands together. On the chest, slightly bent and gently bowed, it was a solemn gesture to him.

This is a big surprise for Li Yalin.

However, if he thinks about it carefully, he feels relieved. The reason why the Queen is so active is that there is something to do in the back. It’s so impressive that He Jin’s sister, the Queen, should not be an idiot. Correct.

At this time, they can only rely on themselves, and the necessary display, it must be.

At least for the moment, the Queen is very satisfied.

But looking behind her, the Han Ling Emperor, who once ruled the world in the true sense, did not take the same initiative as the Queen. On the contrary, she did not say a word, just the watery eyes staring at Li Yalin. If you don’t let it, it’s like watching something new.

This emperor is kneeling... very curious about himself?

"I am honored to meet two here, Han Lingdi, His Majesty the Queen."

In theory, the Emperor Han Ling was once the Lord of the World, and he was the most honorable person in the world. Unfortunately, this is not the same as the phoenix that is in trouble. The Han Ling Emperor has no previous scenery. Not to mention Li Yalin, even if it is Xuelian next to him, it is impossible to really respect the imperial power and do great gifts to Han Ling.

Because that big man has long existed in name only!

It is precisely because of this that Li Yalin has to hold his attitude better, neither rude nor let himself cost too much.

After all, after all, Han Lingdi and He Huang are more or less useful to him. Although it may be of little use, you can end up with two more mascots. How can you not lose?

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