The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1967: Belong to the battle between women

After Li Yalin went to Soochow, Hualin was prepared to mobilize the whole army, and Li Yalin supported the war between the two sides.

Although this decision seems to be for the world, in order to avoid the threat of Soochow does not degenerate the demon, but in fact, who Hualin is for, she is well aware.

She did not care about the life and death of Soochow. What she really cares about is the man who left her side!

I just didn't expect that when Hualin mobilized his soldiers, the accident suddenly came. Her mother was attacked in Xuzhou, almost killed, and her daughter, of course, could not sit idly by.

Therefore, Hualin’s army mobilized to assist Dongwu was rushing to Xuzhou and saving her mother. Xuzhou was also included in her own hands.

It is also because of this trip to Xuzhou that Hualin unexpectedly got Han Xiandi, and the news quickly spread throughout the world.

It’s a pity that the world only knows that she got Han Xiandi, but she didn’t know why she won Xuzhou. It’s better to say that no one cares why she wants to win Xuzhou. Everyone only thinks that Cao Cao controls Han Xiandi. She is a scorpio. Let the princes of the princes!

No one can understand the real thoughts in Warlin's mind.

However, for Hualin, she did not care about Han Xiandi at all. Even after she got the emperor, her mind was placed on continuing to assist Dongwu.

It is a pity that at this time, Li Yalin of Youzhou Prefecture and Sun Ceding, the eldest daughter of Soochow Sun’s family, had already passed to Xuzhou and passed to her ears.

He is dating?

Is it with Sun Ceding of Soochow?

When I first heard the news, Hua Lin’s thoughts were very confusing. She never thought about it. The man would actually be intimate with him in this short period of time, and the woman’s identity was still no less than her own Soochow Sun’s family. Missy.

In the next few days, Hualin has been thinking about a question, what is her thoughts about that man... What is the attitude or attitude?

Is it good? Is it like? Still... love?

Originally, Hualin felt that she could not like a man in her life because she only likes women and never felt a man.

But her idea was gradually changed after meeting with Li Yalin. She gradually discovered that a good man was also so attractive, especially when he stood behind him and witnessed his excellence. Feeling, it is never felt when you get along with a woman.

She didn't know what this mood should be, but after a long thought, she came to a conclusion.

No matter what kind of mood she has for Li Yalin, there is no such thing as one. I only care about one, that is, he is not allowed to be taken away by other women!

At least this is what she fully confirmed!

With Sun Ceding of the Soochow Sun Family? so what? As long as I am willing to Cao! I can grab this man!

Don't just say that it is only a relative of the district, even if it is really a pro. The man I am looking for, can you let other women take it away?

Originally, Hualin decided that after the handling of things in Xuzhou, she personally went to find Li Yalin. She would use her own strength to take him away from Sun Ce.

However, she did not think about it. Before she took the initiative, Li Yalin actually took the initiative to deliver it to her. This made her never think of it, but also surprised her.

I just didn't expect that Li Yalin's trip came to the Han Xiandi in her hands, and he came with him, and his legendary fiancee.

With Hua Lin's temper, of course, there will be no good face at first, but in the face of Li Yalin, she can't bear too much blame, so Han Xiandi, she can be light and ethereal.

Can face Xuelian, this Li Yalin's fiancee, Hualin can not easily be treated.

At this moment, her pair of eyes are staring at Xuelian's body. The hostile attitude is to let Xuelian subconsciously tighten her body.

This woman... very dangerous!

"Jiangdong Sun Ce, I have seen Cao Cao adults, I did not expect that Cao Cao and my family Yalin are so familiar, it seems that they should be friends, Yalin, you have not talked to me."

Hualin’s attitude gave Xuelian a sense of crisis. Although she still didn’t know what the relationship between Hualin and Li Yalin was, she was very clear.

You must be strong in performance!

Xuelian understands that her unmarried husband and wife relationship with Li Yalin is only a fake, temporarily used to deal with her mother, but at this moment, she can not back down, at least she can not retreat in front of this Cao Cao, she ... must be strong to show their identity With status!

Otherwise, the woman's sixth sense tells her that she will lose something, and that loss is most likely Li Yalin!

"Cough... what... This is Xuelian, my fiancee..."

Li Yalin did not expect that Xuelian would actually raise his arm at this time. On weekdays, the two of them could rarely have such intimate contact, and at one time, he was very uncomfortable.

However, because of this, he also saw the fierce spark of the collision between Hualin and Xuelian. He clearly realized that a battle between women is being carried out fiercely.

He has not experienced this kind of situation, and he has long been slow of the year, and naturally realizes that the fuse between Hualin and Xuelian is himself.

The reason why Xuelian expresses this attitude is to lay her identity as her fiancée. As long as she has a little emotional intelligence, she can't puncture at this time. Otherwise, she will not come to Taiwan, and she will crack with her in the future.

But one thing he did not want to understand, although his relationship with Xuelian is becoming more and more intimate, he can still maintain the state of being unhappy among friends and friends. The relationship between unmarried couples between the two is just an external name. All along, he believes that Raiders Snow Lotus has a long way to go.

But why, in the face of Hualin, the situation of Xuelian has become so tough?

And Hua Lin, her relationship with her has not reached a further level? To put it bluntly, it is a good relationship friend. Why did she compete with Xuelian for herself?

This unscientific!

Even if the heart can't guess, Li Yalin also understands that he can't drop the chain at this critical moment. The two women love how to fight, how can they fight, the only thing he can do is to stay out of trouble and not help, otherwise, he There may be tragedies at any time.

Subconsciously scratching the back of his head, Li Yalin introduced the identity of Xuelian more euphemistically. As for other problems, he dared not say more.

Otherwise, this war will inevitably burn to him.

"Oh? Yalin, did you get engaged? I only know that you supported Soochow a while ago. I didn't expect Donghu Sun's home to play the marriage method in order to win over you?"

Hualin certainly knows that Xuelian is Li Yalin's fiancee, but at this time, she pretends to hear this, and the surprised expression on her face is not like a costume.

However, after she was surprised, her face was floating with a disdainful look, as if she had looked down on the marriage.

Although Hualin seems to be scornful of the marriage, in fact, she is still targeting the Sun family, and the snow lotus in front of her, that means to say that your grandson can only play this kind of abuse. Routine, will Yalin beside you, in addition to this way, will you have something else?

"Can you say that, when Yalin galloped thousands of miles under the city of Songzi, and when I was rescued from the army, I decided that he was my future Lang Jun, the one I chose, plus The mother is also very satisfied with Yalin. The marriage of the two of me is a matter of course, but there is no such thing as Cao Cao’s words!"

Lying in the trough!

Snow lotus, can you talk too slyly?

Hualin is aiming at Xuelian, Xuelian, of course, to fight back, just let Li Yalin did not think that Xuelian’s words are actually set in a set, and still ride thousands of miles to Songzi City? Will you rescue you from the army? Do you still fall in love with me at first sight?

If it is not personal experience, even I believe it!

Li Yalin has been in contact with Xuelian for some time. It is very clear what kind of person this girl is. She is always gentle and gentle on weekdays, but she has never said such a slap in the face.

This huge contrast almost made Li Yalin look out of his eyes.

"Oh? As you said, is it a love between you and Yalin? I didn't see it. It is rumored that Jiang Dongsun is a cold-blooded warrior on the battlefield, but he didn't think about it. You actually There is also such a small woman's side."

Li Yalin widened his eyes there, but Hualin’s heart sighed and felt that Xuelian was a strong enemy.

Actually so stinky, say what you love at first sight, don’t you feel ashamed?

Long after knowing the news of the two people's engagement, Hualin sent people to investigate the situation of Sun's family. Xuelian, the heir to the future of Soochow, is naturally the most important thing.

What did Xuelian have on the battlefield? Hualin knew it well, and even she had to praise it. It really is Jiangdong bully!

But when she really met, she was even more aware of the insufficiency of Xuelian. This kind of shameful discourse, even she could not necessarily say it, but the Sunce could not say that she was not eager to jump.

Such a strong enemy, it is really difficult to deal with!

"Cao Cao is really a joke. If you can't be ruthless on the battlefield, then the dead will be my own, but under the battlefield, I am still a woman. As a woman, I certainly have a woman. On the one hand, is it true that Cao Cao can be public and private? That is really admirable."

Hualin made a move, Xuelian took the move, you came to me, and the time was not good.

Can face this situation, Li Yalin stood aside but can only sigh, the war between women ... really scary!

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