The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1975: Never separate from mom and dad

Why is there so many weapons and weapons in the Han Dynasty treasures, and Li Yalin is quite puzzled. If these treasures are controlled by an emperor, they are not afraid of the instability of the throne.

Although the cause of this troubled world is in the coma of Kong Dan, but there is such a connotation, how can the Chinese room not be degraded to such a degree?

This doubt was later answered by Yun Dan and Rui Ji, and it was also a doubt for him.

It turned out that the Dahan was inherited for hundreds of years, and it has been concealing the strength of the princes under the rule. At the beginning, the princes were not allowed to have soldiers. This is also the origin of the soldiers in the Han Dynasty treasures. Of course, a lot of accumulation.

Only later, the royal family was weak and began to gradually relax the policy, so that the local princes had more power, and even possessed soldiers, eventually leading to servant weakness, and the great man gradually declined.

This Han dynasty treasure was originally created by the ancestors of the Great Han Dynasty. It was said that if it was not the danger of destroying the country, future generations should not tamper with the treasure.

In other words, if it is not the extent to which the Han Chinese will die, no one can use the treasure without authorization. This is also for the Dahan to leave the last line of life.

But the result is good. Both the empty emperor and her sister, the two emperors, are all asleep and wake up. When they wake up again, the Dahan directly lives in name and there is no chance to turn any more.

And this is also a coincidence that Li Yalin, a great treasure, is cheaper for him.

In this regard, Li Yalin can only express his early incomparable skill. In the past, there were quite a few people in the treasure room of the Han Dynasty, but in the end it could fall into his hand. Is it not that he is the real destiny?

Well, boasting for a while, I got so many good things in my hands, Li Yalin will definitely not let these babyes get rid of the dust, and quickly convene their sisters to Si Li, and distribute the soldiers for everyone, of course, there are more important things. I want to tell everyone.

Meng will... It’s time to sign with everyone!

As early as the beginning, Li Yalin had signed a contract with a number of sisters. Only some of them were not present at the time, such as Ziyuan sister, Wei Weimei, and Gongsun sister, who finally missed it.

This time, taking advantage of the great opportunity, he of course has to wipe out his own sisters. Of course, the rhetoric is still the previous rhetoric. He wants to start a decisive battle with Yuan Luzhi. I hope everyone can help him.

Can join Li Yalin's men, they must be good sisters do not explain, like the old friendship of the Aster sister, Wei Wei sisters, they nodded without hesitation, even the grandson of this sister has a look of determination to help Li Yalin kill demon.


Although Gongsun’s sister has a heroic spirit, it’s a pity that the ability is really too weak. At best, it’s similar to Li Yu’s. The degree of idiots is not equal. Well, how much can be slightly stronger than Li Yu.

Even so, signing a contract with her to make her a Meng, can she really become Li Yalin's help?

Although the report is skeptical, at least the sister is a good heart. If you think about it, there is no need to entangle it. It is a big deal to give her a place, and finally let her stay away from the battlefield.

Anyway, the contract that Meng Meng will have no previous restrictions, and how to contract, as long as he is willing.

To say that the sister who is familiar with Li Yalin, the most regrettable failure to sign the contract before this, is definitely a sister of Ziyuan. Now that she has arrived, the identity of this Meng will definitely be her.

It is only surprising that the Aster sister signed the contract without any problem, but did not think that the little guy in the glass was actually clamoring to become a Meng, this is to let everyone can not help but can not speak for a while.

"Noisy! Glass, you are still young, how can you become a cute!"

The glaze on weekdays is very well-behaved. Compared with her, the bell is a more naughty child.

But this time, the bell is uncharacteristically, and it must be signed with Li Yalin. It really makes people feel a headache. As a mother, the asters have to squat to reprimand the glass, at least she can't let her daughter trouble everyone.

"Well, I am a sister, or give it to me."

Reprimanded by her mother, Lili suddenly couldn't speak, but her beautiful big eyes were already full of grievances, but she was forced to squat and did not flow down.

Seeing this, how can Li Yalin be a father? Quickly stepped forward and picked up the glass, and then he gave a look to Aster, indicating that he had everything.

"Glass, why do you want to be a Meng?"

Li Yalin, who is holding her daughter in her arms, is of course a gentle face. He will not blame the glamour of the glazed glass. He just wants to know what the little guy is thinking about.

"Because... because it is the only way, the glass can never be separated from Mom and Dad!"

In the face of Li Yalin's inquiry, the expression of the glass was slightly hesitant, but she quickly said the answer, and this also made Li Yalin laugh.

Actually... is this for this?

This is really an answer that makes Dad feel gratified.

"It turned out that I understand, if this is the case, then Dad will sign a contract with the glass, so that the glass will become the father of the father!"

My daughter is never willing to leave Dad. For every father, I believe that I can’t wait to hear it every day. Li Yalin’s daughter control is no exception.

This little guy in the glazed glass doesn't look young, but the idea is not naive at all. She already understands the meaning of the contract, and naturally it is the answer that is made after thinking about it.

She does not want to be separated from her mother, and she is not willing to be separated from her father. This Meng contract is a bridge connecting the three. She certainly does not want to be left behind.

It’s a small ghost.

Gently patted the small head of the glass, how could Li Yalin not satisfy his daughter's wishes?

"Really? Great! Long live my dad!"

I got Li Yalin’s answer. The glass was first smashed, but then it was cheering, because she knew that Dad promised her. From now on, she will not be separated from her parents.

This is what she wants most!

"Meng will be... It sounds like a very good look..."

Even the glazed glass signed a contract with Li Yalin. The next sisters don’t have to say much. Zhu Li and the younger brothers are helping Li Yalin to settle the world. Now he hears that he will fight the king of the demon, and of course he is willing to help him. .

Yan Yan and Wei Yan also fully recognized Li Yalin, who signed the contract for the rescue of the Cangsheng. They did not hesitate. Even with Ma Chao and Zhang Liao, they were almost like this.

This is for the sake of life, let alone signing a contract, even if they let their lives die, they are absolutely bound!

Don't underestimate the beautiful faces of these girls, they are full of pride, but many men can't compare them!

It is said that among the military commanders, the most worried is actually the sisters of Ma Chao. They have not had much contact with Li Yalin. They don’t have much sense of identity with this master. It is normal to hesitate.

In contrast, even the twin sisters, Yan and Fangfang, are more happy than them. I heard that this is to fight the demon. In order to enhance everyone's strength, they signed the contract without hesitation.

After all, they have always worshiped Li Yalin.

Becoming a Meng, the benefits are naturally very many. After the formal completion of the contract, every sister has made great progress, and the effect is very obvious.

It is also because of this obvious change that several sisters of the Ma family began to shake.

"You three... If I don't want to be the master of the Lord, I won't force you, but after today, I regret that I can't regret your medicine, understand?"

As a big sister, Ma Chaomeizi can't see through her sister's mind, don't look at her big day, but at the crucial moment, her mind is very careful.

Shaking his head toward his sisters, Ma Chao did not persuade anything, can become the master of the lord, that is the luck of her sisters, if they give up, it is their choice.

At least she can't choose a future life for them.

"Isn't it a contract? Anyway, you are planning to follow up with the boss in this life. What am I afraid of?"

Ma Chao is just saying what he said. How to choose, but also to see these sisters themselves, but the problem is that the meaning of her passage is very suggestive.

At least the sisters of the Ma family are clearly heard.

Big sister has said this to the book, then use it again? Although I don’t know what the future will be, the warships of the Lord’s public, I’m sure I’m not coming down in my life!

In this way, the Ma family sisters officially became a member of the Meng team, which is really gratifying.

But at this point, it is not over yet.

The Zhangjiasan sisters who had previously founded the Yellow Turban Army in Jingzhou, although they are only singers, can also become Mengmen. If they can, let these three sisters join their own camp, Li Yalin feels that there is.

Just how to persuade this sister, but also need some skills to do, after all, they are not a military commander or military division, it is impossible to understand the so-called world justice.

To convince them, they must start with their hobbies, such as singing and dancing.

In this regard, Zhu Li has secretly offered advice to Li Yalin. It is very easy to break through the atrium of the three sisters, and finally let them be willing to become Meng.

However, Li Yalin also said to them, and he will not use the three sisters of Zhangjiao when he has no last resort. If it is really the turn of these three sisters to appear, then the world is probably not far from destruction.

When I said this, how could Zhang Jiasan’s sisters refuse Li Yalin’s kindness?

Plus there are so many benefits, even if one day really let them board the battlefield, I am afraid they will not be too resistant.

After all, Li Yalin’s conditions really make them extremely satisfied. (To be continued.)

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