The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1986: It's time to clean up the portal!

Three months ago, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the sky of the human world. From that black hole, countless 'angels' who danced their wings descended from the sky, which shocked the entire continent.

Angel, this is the belief of mankind, and because of the angel, the demon is regarded as a demon, and even human beings have arrived at the bitter cold of the north.

Although there has never been a true angel coming to this world, human beings have driven the Mozu, but it is only a means of borrowing the name of the gods and angels.

But nowadays, angels have really appeared, and the number of angels that appear this time is far beyond everyone's imagination.

At the beginning of the angels, the human side treated them as gods, especially the bright church. They even regarded these angels as the messengers of the goddess of light, and believed that their coming was to bring the gospel to mankind.

It is a pity that the gospel did not bring, and the emergence of these ‘angels’ brought a terrible disaster to the human world.

In the face of human respect, those angels simply ignored the meaning of the roots, directly killing and killing, and in a short time they slaughtered several important cities.

It is precisely because of this that human beings suddenly realize that these winged bird people are not angels at all. Their arrival has no gospel, only killing and death!

Understand this, human beings finally began to resist, but the problem is that those birds are far more powerful than human beings. It is impossible to resist the attacks of the birds by human power alone. It is not just humans, even the orcs. The territory of the elves has also been affected.

But when the whole world is suffering disasters, as the northern part of the bitter cold, the last piece of land on which the Mozus live depends on the unexpected tranquility.

Perhaps those bird people can't look at this bitter cold. Anyway, they didn't attack the Mozu. Instead, they saved the Mozu.

In this case, humans, orcs, and elves have also discovered this. Some of the smarter human states have begun to move their minds, ready to move north, seeking the protection of the Mozu, but also some stupid countries. The bird man, aiming at the Mozu, prepares to occupy the true demon country and replace it with one.

It is precisely because of this that the true magic country is now all the guards, which is why Li Yalin was protected by the nervous female guards after the return.

As the demon king of the true devil, his safety is very important. If he has any accidents, then the real devil can really collapse!

"I didn't expect it. I left this time, and this kind of big thing happened. Fortunately, I came back in time..."

After all the conditions were known, Li Yalin took a long breath and said that he was really scared. If he didn't want to come back, he would not be able to return in a short time.

If you really ran a few other worlds and waited until he came back, I was afraid that the war had already started.

"Your Majesty... The eldest sister has established relationships with some human countries that wish to seek refuge in the real country, and also intends to contain some orcs and elves. I don’t know what His Majesty means..."

Regarding what happened in the near future, Cameron finished the Li Yalin at 151, but there are some conditions that should be reported in time.

In particular, some of Cheyya’s decisions, Li Yalin must know.

If he is not there, Cheria is of course the first decision maker, but now he is back, and some of Cecilia’s decisions are likely to change.

Cameron did not know what attitude Li Yalin had in treating humans, orcs and elves. At this time, he also wanted to ask his opinions.

"Is it a host of orcs and elves? This is no problem, but are there so many land in the real country? Ten nobles are afraid that there will be different opinions."

The sister of Cherya is cold, but Li Yalin will not object to her decision. Moreover, she is still his fiancee. The fiancee wants to accept the orc elf. Can this future husband be opposed?

However, he does not oppose it. It does not mean that there is no opinion in this real demon. After all, you must know that this real demon country can not be as united as imagined. Although the ten nobles have been drawn by him, there are still people in it. Against him.


Sure enough, Li Yalin mentioned the ten aristocrats, and Camer's expression immediately smashed up. When he talked about the ten nobles, it made people angry. In order to win them, this winter did not give them anything, but what could be the result? When you don’t give face, you still don’t give face, it’s just a wolf!

Of course, if you don't give face, you will have face to face. There are still a few hearts in the ten aristocracy to the devil. This must be acknowledged.

Even so, the inner worries of the true demon country have not been resolved, let alone the upcoming external problems, which is the most tangled place for Cameron.

The same as the Mozu, if it is not a special moment, Kamai is really not wanting to do with the same family, but now...

"Hey! I know! Kammie, don't entangle so much now, let Cesya go to the outside, what we have to do now is to completely solve the internal hidden dangers! I still don't believe, those **** guys There are so hard bones!"

As Camille's fiancé, how does Li Yalin not know the thoughts of his fiancée, and because of this, he will come even more unhappy!

Internally, whether they are Cameron or Cheyya, they all want to use the Huairou policy. They have never given up hope and they want to get the true recognition of the ten nobles with their own efforts.

What can be the result? Some people will never be satisfied, even if you give him more, it is just a splash.

To put it bluntly, those guys are licking their noses and face, they should not give them any good face, can leave them, except for the iron and the killing, there is nothing else to say!

If it is said before, Li Yalin may also agree with the ideas of Camer and Cherya. The Mozu has experienced too many twists and turns and can no longer be lost.

But now, he understands that he can't be indecisive. He has a lot of enemies. If he doesn't lift this problem, it will always be his heart disease.

It's time to clean up the portal!

The kill must be killed!

Li Yalin is determined that Cameran will not be able to dissuade even if he wants to dissuasion. She has not seen it for several months. She found her demon sire... her fiancé, he seems to have changed a lot.

Although in his usual time, he is still so gentle, but above the big things, he has become incomparable, not at all like himself.

Of course, Camer looked forward, just because she did not want to start with her own family, really on the battlefield, she is still the heroic female **** of war!

Since you decide to do it yourself, let's get started!

In fact, the current strength of the blood alliance city, the use of force to solve the problem of the ten aristocracy is not a problem, but has been thinking about a peaceful solution before it has been delayed.

Now with Li Yalin’s order, the soldiers in the Blood League City immediately mobilized, and others will not say it for a while, and the Devil’s Guards alone will be enough to destroy all the troops of the Ten Nobles!

However... this time Li Yalin did not intend to use his devil to defend the army!

To be honest, during the time he left, the Devil's Guards changed a lot. The soldiers trained hard every day, and with the weapons and heavy weapons provided by Li Yalin, they could completely sweep any enemy.

However, after experiencing so many worlds, Li Yalin’s vision has become higher. It’s only a few months of hard-working demon guards. At best, it’s just a team of qualified soldiers. In the conventional battlefield of the world, perhaps It can work, but it can be on the high-end battlefield, but it is not enough.

Don’t say anything else, the five axe cavalry that he has left in this world alone, oh no, after a period of training, these axe cavalry have evolved into higher-level heavy cavalry, only these five hundred cavalry, It is no longer comparable to the Devil's Guards.

At least these five hundred cavalry have room to continue to grow, and the weapons in the Devil's Guards will not evolve.

Of course, if Li Yalin has the heart, he can completely provide him with better weapons and equipment. For example, if the Devils have a skeleton armor, they will certainly improve their combat effectiveness.

The problem is that he doesn't have much time waiting for the formation of this unit. It takes too much time and requires too much training.

Instead of training the Devil to defend the army, it is better to use a better way directly, such as ... soldiers!

In the world of Love Ji, Li Yalin sent most of the soldiers to their sisters, but some of them were left in their hands because they were not suitable for the Terran.

Like the magic sword soldier, this is like a soldier's tailor-made weapon. It can't be used by humans, but it can be used by the devil, but it can play a very horrible combat power!

Nowadays, there are two sword soldiers in his hand, one for the magical guns, and one for the magic bow.

It is only these four soldiers that are enough to form a corps of two thousand soldiers. In contrast, he is more expecting the future growth of this unit.

"Camer, I need you to immediately call 1,500 young people who can ensure loyalty, and there are 500 other demon girls. The crisis is coming, we must raise the fighting power in the fastest time! ”

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Suddenly Li Yalin wanted to summon 1,500 young Mozu youths and five hundred Mozu girls. Camer’s expression was awkward, but soon she responded. She had already guessed that her devil must do it. what.

When Li Yalin took out the axe cavalry, Camer was shocked by the magical ability of this soldier. She had never seen this method of training, and she could instantly turn a civilian Mozu into a soldier.

However, after understanding the true power of the soldier, she could not help but be overjoyed. Now, the five hundred cavalry is her heart treasure, and even the exclusive Mozu iron squad that is exclusive to her has been unable to work with the five hundred cavalry. compared to!

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