The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1991: The outcome that has been doomed before it has begun

After visiting the civilian residential area and the military camp, Princess Cora is of course very satisfied. It is better to say that she is very satisfied now.

There are about 30,000 refugees who follow her in the Flame Lion Kingdom. This is already a very bad number. Together with more than 10,000 soldiers, a total of more than 40,000 mouths to eat, it is not so easy to solve.

Now, living in these beautiful and comfortable houses, the lives of the refugees can be guaranteed. What makes Princess Kola happy is that Li Yalin is actually ready for the refugees.

Planting and animal husbandry have always been the work that human beings are good at. In contrast, the Mozu is definitely far from being inferior. With these refugees, this year’s land reclamation is not a problem, and the refugees are also very I am happy to join the farming industry of the Real Magic Country. After all, I have jobs, and they can exchange more food and daily necessities.

This is equivalent to Li Yalin hiring all the people of the Flame Lion Kingdom, and each is a happy event.

Of course, the first time in the real devil country, the ordinary civilians will have more or less scruples in their hearts. After all, the ‘notorious’ of the Mozu is spread all over the continent early. In the eyes of normal people, the devil is still a devil without evil.

Who made the propaganda of the Guangming Church do enough?

This kind of misunderstanding can only use time to prove everything. In order to avoid any contradictions, Li Yalin also deliberately married Uncle Morgan and asked him to select some savvy and capable men to form a security team to maintain the security of the refugees. .

There will be conflicts in places where people are there. Even if there are no demons, there will inevitably be friction between the refugees. If the security team is not well-fed, if something goes wrong, it will not be easy to solve.

For Li Yalin’s statement, Uncle Morgan deeply agrees that this little thing is quite simple for him.

Just did not expect that when Uncle Morgan selected the formation of the security team, his daughter Hannah volunteered and expressed her willingness to be the captain of the security team.

Originally, Li Yalin was prepared to let Uncle Morgan serve as the captain. After all, this uncle is qualified and reliable enough. The most important thing is to shock people.

Changed to Hannah, is she really okay?

But think about it, Hannah is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It seems to be the boss of the bloodthirsty rose thief group. Let her be the captain of this security team. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

It's better to say that maybe she can bring surprises to everyone.

The most important thing is that it is impossible to look at Hannah and refuse her. Plus, Uncle Morgan is a daughter, Hannah has a mouth, he still can't give up the position of the captain?

Forget it, let Hannae take the post of the security captain, and look at her ability.

Regarding the placement of the lions in the Flame Lions Kingdom, although Li Yalin is on the heart, he can’t always worry about it. There are some things to mention, so I don’t really need to intervene too much.

You know, there are more troubles waiting for him to deal with.

"There are three countries that besieged me in the flame lion kingdom. Two of them can only be regarded as affiliated countries. The overall strength is not as good as that of the flame lion kingdom. It can be directly ignored, but the dominant lion empire, we must Be more vigilant!"

"Since the angels came to this world, the human army has lost ground. The Griffin Empire is very clear that it is impossible to peacefully coexist with angels, but it is not willing to use military power to resist angels. Therefore, they planned to withdraw from human territory from the very beginning. ”

"The annexation of the Flame Lions Kingdom is only the first link in their plan. I believe that soon they will stare at the Real Magic State and plot this territory that has not yet been invaded by angels."

"We must take strict precautions and even prepare for the battle earlier. There is reason to believe that it will not be long before the army of the Griffin Empire will appear on the border of the Real Magic State..."

Princess Cora brought more information to everyone. Her fears are not without reason. In fact, as she said, the Griffin Empire, which now occupies the Kingdom of the Flames, has begun to extend to the Mozu. Tooth decay.

They did not dare to fight with the so-called angels, but they were deeply bullied and fearful. They believed that it was easy to take down the Mozu and escape the disaster in the territory of the Real Devil.

If the Mozu does not welcome a new demon, with the fighting power of the past, plus the internal troubles of the ten aristocrats, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the Griffin Empire. At least the so-called 200,000 army is enough to sound. people.

But it is a pity that they chose the wrong opponents, and now the enemy they choose will be more difficult than the so-called angels.

The outcome of this war has already been doomed before it has begun.

"I understand that there are enough Demon troops stationed near the border of the Real Magic State. As long as the people of the Griffin Empire dare to come, I will dare to let them come back!"

Li Yalin knows that this is a reminder of the kindness of Princess Cora. ​​The military aspect of the Griffin Empire is indeed good. He is also well aware of this.

Similarly, the so-called powerful of the Griffin Empire is only relative. Compared with some ordinary human kingdoms, the Griffin Empire is indeed worthy of the name of the empire, and it can send 200,000 troops by wave.

In reality, however, the Griffin Empire is only a small empire in the human empire. The so-called 200,000-strong army, at least 100,000 of which is sent to the battlefield cannon without training.

Among the other 100,000, the real ability to play the fighting power is only five out of five.

That is to say, the so-called 200,000-strong army can have a true combat power of 50,000 to 60,000. If it is not, Princess Cora will not be able to resist the other side's offensive.

Although it only lasted for a few days, it was enough to explain the problem.

As for the invasion of the Griffin Empire, Li Yalin had already prepared and arranged. Now there are 20,000 fully equipped Mozu soldiers stationed at the border, waiting for the arrival of the enemy, as long as the Griffin Empire dares to invade the real devil and greet them. It will be overwhelming artillery and bullets.

The scenes of the time will definitely be very interesting.

"The Devil is kneeling down... Are you ready for the battle?"

As an ally, Princess Cora needs to remind Li Yalin, but the same, when she found Li Yalin's confident expression, she had a complex emotion in her heart.

Because of the emergence of those angels, the human world has been hit hard, and if she can, she really does not want to see any sacrifices.

The real devil country and the Griffin Empire are fighting, and it is inevitable that death and injury will occur. She is not willing to see the ally’s forces damaged, nor will she see human soldiers die from the Mozu’s men.

What's more, Princess Cora knows deeply that today's Mozu is no longer the Mozu who was once chased by humans and can only live in the bitter cold.

If the Griffin Empire is brave enough to fight against the Mozu, the result will definitely end with the failure of the Empire. At that time, it will be inevitable that the blood will flow into the river, and human beings will inevitably suffer important losses.

I was willing to say a few words, but Princess Cora shook her head gently, and finally only asked Li Yalin such a question.

"What are the thoughts of His Royal Highness? If you have any suggestions, please speak up."

How could Princess Kola’s complicated look win over Li Yalin, but what she was thinking about in her mind was something he didn’t know.

He treats the princess as a friend, and there is nothing to say between friends. He will not care so much.

If Princess Cora is willing to say, he is of course willing to listen.

"No...nothing, I just think that human beings have been ravaged, maybe it really angered the gods."

Li Yalin is very generous, but Princess Cora knows what she can say. She can't say anything. She is not qualified to ask Li Yalin, nor does she want to protect the positions of the Griffin Empire soldiers.

She can only shake her head now, and she can’t say the true mind at all.

"His Royal Highness Princess thinks that this battle with the Griffin Empire will cause a lot of killings?"

Li Yalin’s feeling is so keen, seeing the feelings of Princess Cora, he immediately knows what is going on.

A little temptation, the face of Princess Cora suddenly changed.

"I don't want to blame the devil for what, just..."

Princess Cora’s heart is kind, she does not want to see more sacrifices, but in the same way, she is also the general of the leader, knowing that her mentality at this time is completely untenable.

Being kind to the enemy above the battlefield is cruel to oneself. When she leads the army, she is not likely to have such a sad and sorrowful attitude.

But after all, she is still a personal class. The harm between people is different from the war between the Mozu and the human being. She just doesn't want to see human beings killed under the knife of the Mozu, nothing more.

This is like a family person. It doesn't matter how to fight in the weekdays. You can meet outsiders to bully your family. Even if you have a bad relationship, you can't help yourself.

This is a truth.

Think about it, the entanglement of Princess Cora is not incomprehensible.

Fortunately, she finally resisted, even if she was uncomfortable, she did not really persuade Li Yalin what else, otherwise, even if Li Yalin didn't mind, it would eventually have a rift between the two.

"I understand the meaning of His Royal Highness, please rest assured. If I can, I will not kill the soldiers of the lion and empire. This world has been ravaged. We should try our best to avoid unnecessary sacrifices."

What is the mood of Princess Cora, Li Yalin can not fully understand, but she meant, he understood.

Let the soldiers of the Griffin Empire pass? That is simply impossible. It is impossible to think with your toes. There will be a war between you and the other. There is no failure in this battlefield. Failure is the same as death.

However, Princess Cora had this thought, and Li Yalin’s thoughts on this side were also a move. While laughing and guaranteeing to the Princess’s Highness, his heart was also pondering one thing.

The 200,000-strong army, plus the armies of the two dependent countries, is not a small number. So many people seem to be a great asset.

No? (To be continued.)

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