The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 2011: The so-called small to the old

Li Yalin really believes in Sekosar?

No, how is it possible, although the lich is indeed a shackle, the surface looks like the gorgeous appearance, it seems that there is no difference between ordinary 骷髅, but in fact, their wisdom is very scary.

Especially the kind of lich who has survived for a long time, it is even more difficult to ignore.

If Li Yalin really believes and looks down on the other side because of the performance of Tesco's dog legs, then he is awesome! Stupid home!

To put it bluntly, he is only using Sekosar now, and when it is useless, it is the time to really end it.

In many cases, unloading and killing is a good choice. After all, it is a lich. I don't know when it will turn back the master's lich. The scourge is too big.

"Let's go, there is nothing wrong with us here. If Sercosar is smart enough, I should still be able to cooperate with me right now. Our current goal is better for those artificial angels."

Shaking his head, the dark orc incident ended, and Li Yalin was not prepared to stay here to look at the scenery.

Sekosar did not look at it and let it go, but before it left, Li Yalin had placed enough ban on the other side. If the guy dared to make a little trick, the first one would kill it without explaining it!

I believe that Sekosar should also understand this. For his own life, he should not do anything stupid.

As for now, of course, the goal is to turn back to the artificial angel. In Li Yalin's view, the biggest enemy in the future is the Burning Legion. In contrast, even the Scourge is a small role.

Then those artificial angels will not be able to get on the table, or solve them as soon as possible. It is also a peace in the world.

Only in this way can he have more abundant time to meet the next war. It will be a very difficult war, and he must be prepared for it!

"You are back! I didn't expect you to come back so fast, what happened to the Orc? Is it solved?"

Going back to the fortress, Mulier was amazed at Li Yalin’s return. How long did it take? Soon to solve the problem of the Orc?

Molly did not think about the result of Li Yalin’s failure. When she wanted to come, her brave man had personally shot it, and what could he not solve?


Absolutely no!

Therefore, his brave must have successfully rescued the orc!

"Well, the dark orcs have been solved. Although the loss of the Orcs is very heavy, it is still a preserved race. This time the situation is indeed critical. If we go a few days later, the Orcs are afraid to really want to be from this world. Removed."

Looking at the blind-eyed saint in front of him, Li Yalin couldn't help but smile. He was not a direct returning fortress this time. Before the return, he had already placed all the problems of the orc.

Because the surviving population of the Orcs is not too much, it is not very difficult to contain the Mozu. When you reach the Kingdom of the Flames, it is equal to real security. How to deal with the Orcs and how to deal with the Orcs The labor force of the population, these have long been detailed planning, there is no need to worry about it.

Of course, in order to ensure the peaceful coexistence between the two communities, Li Yalin and the current Beastmaster, the father of Xiaoyan, still had a dialogue, although both sides are very official, and they are also suspected of going through the procedure, but After all, the results are still very happy.

After the Orcs began to migrate from the Flame Lion Kingdom to the Real Magic Country, Li Yalin took Kaohsiung and the Witches to embark on a journey to the fortress.

Returning to the fortress, Li Yalin is a relaxed person. Anyway, this is a good thing, isn't it?

"That's great, the Orcs can be saved, thanks to Alin's help."

After hearing Li Yalin's words, Mu Lier's face was also showing joy. Although she had no contact with the Orcs, she never went hostile to this race. Seeing that the Orcs could survive Li Yalin's protection, she is of course very happy.

More importantly, she is very proud of Li Yalin!

"It's not so exaggerated, it's just a little effort, but Molly, this time to rescue the Orcs, I happened to run into a bigger conspiracy, I don't know if you are interested in listening."

Feeling the joy of Molly, Li Yalin waved her hand again and again, very modestly saying that this is nothing, but soon, his expression is serious, because what he said next is the real focus.

"A bigger plot?"

Listening to Li Yalin's tone has changed, and Molly's face is also showing a dignified color. She can hear it and can be identified by Li Yalin as a huge conspiracy. It is absolutely impossible to do anything small.

Can you say... What else has changed in this world?

"Yes! It's all about talking from the dark orcs!"

Regarding the Scourge and the Undead Legion, Li Yalin did not intend to conceal Mu Lier. In fact, after returning to the Flame Lion Kingdom, he has already informed Camer and Princess Cora about this matter. Now even in the distance Celebrity of Blood League City is already known.

At the beginning, Li Yalin still thought about whether to conceal everyone. After all, after the end of the war in this world, there is no problem without involving everyone.

But think about it again, I am afraid that it is not so simple, because the world can be directly connected to the abyss, even if Li Yalin wants to not use this world as a battlefield, I am afraid it is very difficult.

After defeating the plots of the Lich, the Scourge will soon know the news. If one fails, the entire Scourge will come out, and the world will become the ocean of the undead.

After the completion of the Scourge Corps, the Burning Legion behind it will certainly not sit idly by. As the so-called small to the old, this does not have to be considered.

Unless Li Yalin sets the war in **** now, he immediately invades the abyss. Otherwise, the world cannot be threatened by war.

But now... is it really time to invade the abyss hell?

Don't think about it, it is definitely impossible!

Since you can't hide from it, then simply don't hide. As a member of this world, everyone should have a right to know.

So Cameron knows, and Cesya knows, Princess Cora knows, and now, it is the turn of Molly.

"Of course... there is still this thing..."

It is a matter of course that Molly, who knows the truth, is also stunned. Although she is a believer of the goddess of light, the only saint who can communicate with the goddess can face such terrible information, and Molly is still somewhat indigestible. .

As the abyss of the world's greatest enemy, the abyss has become a vassal of another group of demons and undead? Those demons and undead are staring at countless worlds?

The world in which you live is just a goal in the eyes of the demons.

Just for a goal, the world has to pay such a huge sacrifice?

At this moment, Murray suddenly felt that she was very small, really small and humble, this fact is not only a blow to her, but also a kind of irony.

It turns out that...the world in which you live is only a task of the subordinates of the Demon Army, and this task is still not given the attention of the army chief of the legion. Just a few small soldiers can complete the task...

Yes, it is entirely conceivable that if there is no Li Yalin’s shot, Sergear’s plan is really going to be successful. At that time, there are so many dark orcs in the world, plus the Dark Church and the Griffin Empire. Is it not easy to capture this world?

What's more, there are another group of angels of unknown origin who are slaughtering the life of this world. The goddess of light is on, what is wrong with the creatures of this world? Why are you suffering like this?

"Mully, don't worry too much. Although the enemy is indeed strong, we don't have the power of a war. To deal with demons and undead, your bright church should be the best. When I counterattack the Scourge, I still I look forward to seeing you become the main force."

Seeing that Mu Lier’s face is sluggish, how did Li Yalin know that he had overthrown this little saint, and he subconsciously scratched his head and quickly became active.

The topic just now is really heavy, but it is not really the end of the world. Although the next battle is difficult, it is not a chance to win!

Li Yalin told Mulier that it was not to scare her, but to tell her that guarding the world is not a matter of one or two people. It requires the joint efforts of all people!

Yes, the light church in Li Yalin’s view is definitely the main force against the Scourge. Perhaps the world’s power system is still low. Those paladins and priests who can use the Holy Light spells are weak, but even so, they cannot refute. Holy Light spells are the power to restrain the dark and the undead!

The strength is not enough, the number of people come together!

Li Yalin still doesn't believe it. The Guangming Church has been operating in this world for so long. Can't you find a group of soldiers who can fight with the undead?

"The main force... this is afraid..."

Well, look at Muller’s tangled look and know that this power, the bright church can’t really come out.

Yes, the Light of the Light of the Church is indeed the best weapon for dealing with demons and undead, but don't forget that the world is suffering from a disaster from artificial angels.

Those artificial angels are not afraid of the Holy Light spells. In the face of such enemies, the Paladins and priests of the Light Church cannot occupy any advantage. It is better to say that they are losing ground and losing a lot.

In the light of the current situation of the Church, even if they can win the war without losing one soldier in the future, it will take a lot of time to recuperate.

This disaster has really hurt the church.

What's more, ... now whether the church has a chance to recuperate, it is not necessarily true.

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